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Created August 26, 2018 11:48
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Usage: ``python 'city1' 'city2'
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
time = {
'Oslo': [
{'London': 45},
{'Dubai': 420},
{'Melbourne': 700},
'London': [
{'Dubai': 480},
{'Melbourne': 740},
'Dubai': [
{'Melbourne': 460},
cost = {
'Oslo': [
{'London': 70},
{'Dubai': 300},
{'Melbourne': 1000},
'London': [
{'Dubai': 180},
{'Melbourne': 950},
'Dubai': [
{'Melbourne': 230},
# Global parameters
best_cost = sys.maxint
best_time = sys.maxint
best_path = []
def convert_list_to_dict(list_of_obj, default_value = False):
"""This method converts list of objects to dict.
:param list_of_obj: A list of obj currently supporting 'dict' and 'str' types.
:param default_value: Assigns a default value to each key entry.
new_dict = {}
for item in list_of_obj:
if isinstance(item, (dict,)):
elif isinstance(item, (str,)):
new_dict.update({item: default_value})
return new_dict
class Edge:
""" Stores the properties of an edge in a weighted graph.
Typical usage:
new_edge = Edge(source, destination, time, code)
def __init__(self, source, destination, time, cost):
self.source = source
self.destination = destination
self.time = time
self.cost = cost
class Graph:
""" Stores the properties of a graph.
Typical usage:
g = Graph()
g.load(time_dict, cost_dict)
print g.graph
print g.vertices
def __init__(self):
self.graph = defaultdict(list)
self.vertices = []
def addEdge(self, source, destination, time, cost):
""" Adds an edge between vertices and stores their ``time`` and ``cost`` weights.
:param source: The starting point.
:param destination: The ending point.
:param time: Time weight.
:param cost: Cost weight.
It is assumed that it is a directed weighted graph.
self.graph[source].append(Edge(source, destination, time, cost))
def load(self, time_dict, cost_dict):
""" Loads ``time_dict`` and ``cost_dict`` to form a graph.
:param time_dict: A dict of list connecting vertices as a dict with time weight as value.
:param cost_dict: A dict of list connecting vertices as a dict with cost weight as value.
for source in time_dict.keys():
new_time_dict = convert_list_to_dict(time_dict[source])
new_cost_dict = convert_list_to_dict(cost_dict[source])
for destination in new_time_dict.keys():
self.addEdge(source, destination, new_time_dict[destination], new_cost_dict[destination])
if destination not in self.vertices:
if source not in self.vertices:
def find_cheapest_shortest_path(graph, source, destination, visited, path = [], time = 0, cost = 0, parent_node = True):
""" Recursively finds the cheapest and shortest path under the condition given in the problem statement.
:param graph: A defaultdict() containing a list of edges.
:param source: The city from which the journey is staring.
:param destination: The city where the journey ends.
:param visited: A dict of vertices with default_value as 'False' to check if the vertice is visited or not.
:param path: A list of cities covered in the journey.
:param time: Time taken to cover the path.
:param cost: Cost of covering the path.
:parent_node: To check if it is the starting point of the journey or not.
Typical usage:
find_cheapest_shortest_path(graph, source, destination, visited)
This updates the global parameters, ``best_path``, ``best_time`` and ``best_cost``.
visited[source] = True
flag = True
global best_time
global best_cost
global best_path
if source==destination:
if best_cost >= cost or ((best_time - time) >= 120 and (best_cost - cost) <=100): # Condition in the problem statement
best_cost = cost
best_time = time
best_path = path + [destination]
if source in graph.keys():
for edge in graph[source]:
if visited[edge.destination] == False:
if parent_node == True:
time = 0
cost = 0
if cost >= best_cost + 100 and time >= best_time - 120: # Condition in the problem statement
flag = False
if flag == True:
find_cheapest_shortest_path(graph, edge.destination, destination, visited, path, time, cost, False)
visited[source] = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
city1 = sys.argv[1]
city2 = sys.argv[2]
g = Graph()
g.load(time, cost)
visited = convert_list_to_dict(g.vertices)
find_cheapest_shortest_path(g.graph, city1, city2, visited)
if best_path == []:
print "No path found!!!"
for i in range(len(best_path)-1):
source = best_path[i]
destination = best_path[i+1]
for edge in g.graph[source]:
if destination == edge.destination:
print "%s --> %s, %d h %02d mins, %d$" % (source, destination, edge.time/60, edge.time%60, edge.cost)
print "%d h %02d mins, %d$" % (best_time/60, best_time%60, best_cost)
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I have assumed that it is a sparse directed weighted graph. So I have used an adjacency list instead of an adjacency matrix.
Example usage: python 'London' 'Melbourne'
London --> Dubai, 8 h 00 mins, 180$
Dubai --> Melbourne, 7 h 40 mins, 230$

15 h 40 mins, 410$

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