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Last active April 19, 2018 00:41
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The storm-kafka configs were taken from SpoutConfig and KafkaConfig. storm-kafka-client spout configurations were taken from KafkaSpoutConfig.

Storm-0.9.6 SpoutConfig Storm-1.0.6 KafkaSpoutConfig name KafkaSpoutConfig usage help
Setting: startOffsetTime

Default: EarliestTime
Default: false

startOffsetTime & forceFromStart together determine where consumer offsets are being read from, ZooKeeper, beginning, or end of Kafka stream
Setting: FirstPollOffsetStrategy

Refer to this gist for choosing the right FirstPollOffsetStrategy based on your startOffsetTime & forceFromStart settings
Import package: org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpoutConfig.FirstPollOffsetStrategy.<strategy-name>

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setFirstPollOffsetStrategy(<strategy-name>)
Setting: scheme

The interface that specifies how a ByteBuffer from a Kafka topic is transformed into Storm tuple
Default: RawMultiScheme
Deserializers Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, <deserializer-class>)

<KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, <deserializer-class>)
Setting: fetchSizeBytes

Message fetch size -- the number of bytes to attempt to fetch in one request to a Kafka server
Default: 1MB
Kafka config: max.partition.fetch.bytes
Default: 1MB
Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG, <int-value>)
Setting: bufferSizeBytes

Buffer size (in bytes) for network requests. The buffer size which consumer has for pulling data from producer (may be similar to SocketBufferSize)
Default: 1MB
Kafka config: receive.buffer.bytes

The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used
Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.RECEIVE_BUFFER_CONFIG, <int-value>)
Setting: socketTimeoutMs

Default: 10000
Kafka config:
Default: 30000
Import package: import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.SocketTimeout, <int-value>)
Setting: useStartOffsetTimeIfOffsetOutOfRange

Default: true
Kafka config: auto.offset.reset

Possible values: "latest", "earliest", "none"
Default: latest. Exception: earliest if ProcessingGuarantee is set to AT_LEAST_ONCE
Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, <String>)
Setting: fetchMaxWait

Maximum time in ms to wait for the response
Default: 10000
Kafka config:
Default: 500
Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MAX_WAIT_MS_CONFIG, <value>)
Setting: minFetchByte Kafka config: fetch.min.bytes
Default: 1
Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MIN_BYTES_CONFIG, <value>)
Setting: maxOffsetBehind

Specifies how long a spout attempts to retry the processing of a failed tuple. One of the scenarios is when a failing tuple's offset is more than maxOffsetBehind behind the acked offset, the spout stops retrying the tuple.
No equivalent in storm-kafka-client as of now
Setting: clientId Kafka config: Import package: import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;

Usage: <KafkaSpoutConfig-Builder>.setProp(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, <String>)

Important document with config explanations:

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srishtyagrawal commented Apr 17, 2018

Seems like all the release related links in don't work. I looked at other docs as well, for example,,, (the first 4 documents I looked into for relative links) where these links gave a 404. Yet to figure out why the relative links don't work.

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