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Created June 23, 2023 04:40
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;; # Evolving Foucault's Pendulum
^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide}}
(ns examples.simulation.foucault
:exclude [+ - * / = zero? compare numerator denominator
ref partial infinite? abs run!])
(:require [emmy.env :as e :refer :all :exclude [phi]]
[emmy.clerk :as ec]
[emmy.viewer :as ev]
[emmy.mafs :as mafs]
[emmy.mathbox.plot :as p]
[emmy.mathbox.physics :as ph]
[emmy.leva :as leva]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]))
^{::clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
^{::clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(defn render
"Render an s-expression to TeX."
(-> expr
;; ## Constraints
(defn pendulum->rectangular
"Pendulum constraints."
[R l]
(fn [[_ [theta lambda] _]]
(up (* l (sin theta) (cos lambda))
(* l (sin theta) (sin lambda))
(- (+ R l) (* l (cos theta))))))
(defn rectangular->rotated
"Earth rotation & colatitude."
[Omega phi]
(fn [[t q _]]
(let [rotate (compose (Rz (* Omega t))
(Ry phi))]
(rotate q))))
;; ## Unconstrained Lagrangian
(def R 6.37e6);; m (Earth radius)
(def G 6.67e-11);; m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 (Gravitational constant
(def M 5.97e24);; kg (Earth mass)
(def Omega 7.29e-5);; rad/s (Earth rotation rate)
(defn U-gravity
"Gravitational potential energy."
[G M m]
(fn [q]
#_(* m 9.81 z)
(/ (* -1 G M m)
(abs q))))
(defn L
[m U]
(fn [[_ q v]]
(- (* 1/2 m (square v))
(U q))))
;; ## Constrained Lagrangian
(defn L-foucault-pendulum [m U R l Omega phi]
(compose (L m U)
(F->C (rectangular->rotated Omega phi))
(F->C (pendulum->rectangular R l))))
^{::clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(def q (up (literal-function 'theta)
(literal-function 'lambda)))
^{::clerk/visibility {:code :hide}}
(L-foucault-pendulum 'm (U-gravity 'G 'M 'm) 'R 'l 'Omega 'phi)
(Gamma q)) 't)))
;; ## Lagrange equations
^{::clerk/visibility {:code :hide}}
(L-foucault-pendulum 'm (U-gravity 'G 'M 'm) 'R 'l 'Omega 'phi))
;; Quite long!
;; ## Evolving the system
^{::clerk/visibility {:result :hide}}
(defn foucault-state-derivative
[m G M R l Omega phi]
(L-foucault-pendulum m (U-gravity G M m) R l Omega phi)))
(defn ->xyz [l]
(pendulum->rectangular 0 l))
(defn run! [step horizon]
(let [collector (atom (transient []))
initial-state [0 [(/ pi 4) 0] [0 0]]]
(fn [m l phi]
(foucault-state-derivative m G M R l Omega phi))
{:compile? true
:epsilon 1.0e-5
:observe (fn [_ state]
(swap! collector conj! state))})
(persistent! @collector)))
(def step 0.01)
(def horizon 100)
(def raw-data
(run! step horizon)))
(defn transform-data [xs]
(let [pv (principal-value Math/PI)]
(map (fn [[t [theta lambda]]]
{:t t
:theta (pv theta)
:lambda (pv lambda)})
(def data
(transform-data raw-data))))
(defn deep-merge [v & vs]
(letfn [(rec-merge [v1 v2]
(if (and (map? v1) (map? v2))
(merge-with deep-merge v1 v2)
(when (some identity vs)
(reduce #(rec-merge %1 %2) v vs))))
(defn angles-plot [data]
(let [quarter-spec
{:x {:field :t :type "quantitative"}
:y {:field :unassigned :type "quantitative"}
:size {:value 5}
:tooltip [{:field :t :type "quantitative"}
{:field :unassigned :type "quantitative"}]}
:mark {:type "circle"}
:width 400
:height 300
:data {:name :points}}]
{:config {:bar {:binSpacing 1 :discreteBandSize 5 :continuousBandSize 5}}
:datasets {:points data}
:width 800
:height 600
(mapv (partial deep-merge quarter-spec)
[{:encoding {:x {:field :t :type "quantitative"}
:y {:field :theta
:scale {:domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]}}
:tooltip [{:field :t :type "quantitative"}
{:field :theta}]}}
{:encoding {:x {:field :t :type "quantitative"}
:y {:field :lambda
:scale {:domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]}}
:size {:value 5}
:tooltip [{:field :t :type "quantitative"}
{:field :lambda}]}}])}))
(angles-plot data))
(ev/with-let [!params {:m 28.0 ;; kg
:l 67.0 ;; m
:phi 0.1 ;; rad
:steps 10}]
{:atom !params
:folder {:name "Foucault's Pendulum"}
{:m {:min 10 :max 30 :step 0.1}
:l {:min 10 :max 100 :step 0.1}
:phi {:min 0 :max pi :step 0.01}
:steps {:min 0 :max 5000 :step 10}}})
{:initial-state [0 [(/ pi 4) 0] [0 0]]
:f' (ev/with-params {:atom !params :params [:m :l :phi]}
(fn [m l phi]
(foucault-state-derivative m G M R l Omega phi)))
:state->xyz (->xyz 4)
:steps (ev/get !params :steps)
:dt 100
:end? true
:simplify? false})))
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