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Last active October 16, 2020 04:28
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(defn adaptive
"Accepts two 'integrator' functions of:
- `f`: some integrand
- `a` and `b`: the lower and upper endpoints of integration
- `opts`, a dictionary of configuration options
And returns a new function of the same signature that adaptively subdivides
the region $a, b$ into intervals if integration fails to converge."
([integrator] (adaptive integrator integrator))
([open-integrator closed-integrator]
(fn rec
([f a b] (rec f a b {}))
([f a b {:keys [fuzz-factor]
:or {fuzz-factor 0}
:as opts}]
;; The user can wrap either `a` or `b` in markers that tag the endpoints
;; as explicitly open or closed; `(closed a) b`, for example, or `(open
;; a) (open b)`. An interval is `closed?` if both endpoints or closed and
;; treated as open otherwise.
(letfn [(integrate [l r]
(if (ui/closed? l r)
(closed-integrator f l r opts)
(open-integrator f l r opts)))]
;; This `(ua/kahan-sum)` is an aggregator that is a bit more accurate
;; for summing up floating point values; the simpler version would just
;; have `0.0` here and `sum` as the final return value.
(loop [sum (ua/kahan-sum)
stack [[a b]]]
;; I COULD do this recursion explicitly, but wanted to keep an
;; explicit stack around in case the recursion dropped many steps.
;; This might be silly, since I'll descend by log_2 and unless I make
;; up some crazy-misbehaved function I won't blow the stack...
(if (empty? stack)
(first sum)
(let [[l r] (peek stack)
rest (pop stack)
{:keys [converged? result]} (integrate l r)]
(if converged?
(recur (ua/kahan-sum sum result) rest)
;; The midpoint is explicitly closed.
(let [mid (ui/closed
(split-point l r fuzz-factor))]
(recur sum (conj rest [l mid] [mid r]))))))))))))
;; This version's a little tighter. No more explicit stack, and also no more
;; `kahan-sum` trick to hold off floating point addition errors.
(defn adaptive
([integrator] (adaptive integrator integrator))
([open-integrator closed-integrator]
(letfn [(integrate [f l r opts]
(if (ui/closed? l r)
(closed-integrator f l r opts)
(open-integrator f l r opts)))]
(fn rec
([f a b] (rec f a b {}))
([f a b opts]
(let [{:keys [converged? result]} (integrate f a b opts)]
(if converged?
(let [mid (ui/closed
(split-point a b (:fuzz-factor opts 0)))]
(+ (rec f a mid opts)
(rec f mid b opts))))))))))
(defn split-point
"If `fuzz-factor` is non-zero, pick a point within $fuzz-factor \\over 2$ of the
midpoint to split some interval.
Else, returns the midpoint (ie `fuzz-factor` defaults to 0)."
([a b] (split-point a b 0))
([a b fuzz-factor]
{:pre [(>= fuzz-factor 0)
(< fuzz-factor 1)]}
(let [width (- b a)
offset (if (zero? fuzz-factor)
(+ 0.5 (* fuzz-factor (dec (rand 2.0)))))]
(+ a (* offset width)))))
;; Intervals... these no longer wrap the values themselves, but live alongside.
(def open [::open ::open])
(def closed [::closed ::closed])
(def open-closed [::open ::closed])
(def closed-open [::closed ::open])
(defn closed? [x] (= x closed))
(def open? (complement closed?))
(defn close-l [[_ r]] [::closed r])
(defn close-r [[l _]] [l ::closed])
(defn open-l [[_ r]] [::open r])
(defn open-r [[l _]] [l ::open])
(defn- fill-defaults [opts]
(merge {:maxterms *integrate-n*
:fuzz-factor *quadrature-neighborhood-width*
:interval open}
(defn adaptive
"Accepts two 'integrator' functions of:
- `f`: some integrand
- `a` and `b`: the lower and upper endpoints of integration
- `opts`, a dictionary of configuration options
And returns a new function of the same signature that adaptively subdivides
the region $a, b$ into intervals if integration fails to converge."
([integrator] (adaptive integrator integrator))
([open-integrator closed-integrator]
(fn rec
([f a b] (rec f a b {}))
([f a b opts]
(let [opts (fill-defaults opts)
integrate (fn [l r interval]
(if (closed? interval)
(closed-integrator f l r opts)
(open-integrator f l r opts)))]
(loop [sum (ua/kahan-sum)
stack [[a b (:interval opts)]]]
(if (empty? stack)
(first sum)
(let [[l r interval] (peek stack)
remaining (pop stack)
{:keys [converged? result]} (integrate l r interval)]
(if converged?
(recur (ua/kahan-sum sum result) remaining)
(let [midpoint (split-point l r (:fuzz-factor opts))]
(recur sum (conj remaining
[l midpoint (close-r interval)]
[midpoint r (close-l interval)]))))))))))))
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