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Created March 27, 2022 17:11
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;; Copyright © 2022 Sam Ritchie.
;; This work is based on the Scmutils system of MIT/GNU Scheme:
;; Copyright © 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this code; if not, see <>.
(ns sicmutils.mechanics.sections-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / partial])
[clojure.test :refer [is deftest testing use-fixtures]]
;; [sicmutils.abstract.function :as f #?@(:cljs [:include-macros true])]
;; [sicmutils.calculus.derivative :refer [D]]
[sicmutils.generic :as g :refer [+ - * /]]
;; [sicmutils.matrix :as m]
;; [sicmutils.mechanics.hamilton :as H]
;; [sicmutils.mechanics.lagrange :as L]
;; [sicmutils.operator :as o]
[sicmutils.simplify :refer [hermetic-simplify-fixture]]
;; [sicmutils.structure :as s :refer [component up down]]
[sicmutils.value :as v]
(use-fixtures :each hermetic-simplify-fixture)
(def simplify
(comp v/freeze g/simplify))
;; (define ((T-pend m l g ys) local)
;; (let ((t (time local))
;; (theta (coordinate local))
;; (thetadot (velocity local)))
;; (let ((ysdot (D ys)))
;; (* 1/2 m
;; (+ (square (* l thetadot))
;; (square (ysdot t))
;; (* 2 (ysdot t) l (sin theta) thetadot))))))
;; (define ((V-pend m l g ys) local)
;; (let ((t (time local))
;; (theta (coordinate local)))
;; (* m g (- (ys t) (* l (cos theta))))))
;; (define L-pend (- T-pend V-pend))
;; (define ((periodic-drive amplitude frequency phase) t)
;; (* amplitude (cos (+ (* frequency t) phase))))
;; (define (L-periodically-driven-pendulum m l g a omega)
;; (let ((ys (periodic-drive a omega 0)))
;; (L-pend m l g ys)))
;; (define (H-pend-sysder m l g a omega)
;; (Hamiltonian->state-derivative
;; (Lagrangian->Hamiltonian
;; (L-periodically-driven-pendulum m l g a omega))))
;; ;;; The driven pendulum map is very interesting.
;; (set! *ode-integration-method* 'bulirsch-stoer)
;; (define (driven-pendulum-map mass l g a omega)
;; (let ((map-period (/ 2pi omega)))
;; (lambda (theta p-theta continue fail)
;; (let ((ns
;; ((state-advancer H-pend-sysder
;; mass l g a omega)
;; (up ;state to start from
;; 0.0 ;t0 = phase/drive-freq.
;; theta
;; p-theta)
;; map-period
;; 1.0e-10)))
;; (continue
;; ((principal-value pi) (vector-ref ns 1))
;; (vector-ref ns 2))))))
;; ;;; driven at twice the small-oscillation resonance.
;; ;;;
;; (define win (frame -pi pi -10.0 10.0))
;; (let* ((m 1.0) ;m=1kg
;; (l 1.0) ;l=1m
;; (g 9.8) ;g=9.8m/s^2
;; (small-amplitude-frequency (sqrt (/ g l)))
;; (drive-amplitude 0.1) ;a=1/10 m
;; (drive-frequency
;; (* 2.0 small-amplitude-frequency)))
;; (explore-map
;; win
;; (driven-pendulum-map m l g drive-amplitude drive-frequency)
;; 1000))
;; (graphics-close win)
;; ;;; driven off resonance, at 4.2 times the natural frequency.
;; ;;;
;; (define win (frame -pi pi -20 20))
;; (let* ((m 1.0) ;m=1kg
;; (l 1.0) ;l=1m
;; (g 9.8) ;g=9.8m/s^2
;; (small-amplitude-frequency (sqrt (/ g l)))
;; (drive-amplitude 0.05) ;a=1/20 m
;; (drive-frequency
;; (* 4.2 small-amplitude-frequency)))
;; (explore-map
;; win
;; (driven-pendulum-map m l g drive-amplitude drive-frequency)
;; 1000))
;; (graphics-close win)
;; ;;; Driven at high frequency, with larger amplitude.
;; ;;; This shows the stable inverted pendulum island.
;; ;;;
;; (define win (frame -pi pi -20 20))
;; (let* ((m 1.0) ;m=1kg
;; (l 1.0) ;l=1m
;; (g 9.8) ;g=9.8m/s^2
;; (small-amplitude-frequency (sqrt (/ g l)))
;; (drive-amplitude 0.2) ;a=1/20 m
;; (drive-frequency
;; (* 10.1 small-amplitude-frequency)))
;; (explore-map
;; win
;; (driven-pendulum-map m l g drive-amplitude drive-frequency)
;; 1000))
;; (graphics-close win)
;; |#
;; #|
;; ;;; An alternative, using construction and selection rather than
;; ;;; continuations Here a map returns a new vector of x,y or an object
;; ;;; describing the reason why it cannot.
;; (define (explore-map window poincare-map #!optional n)
;; (define (iterate-map i x y)
;; (if (fix:> i 0)
;; (let ((nxy (poincare-map x y)))
;; (if (vector? nxy)
;; (begin (plot-point window x y)
;; (iterate-map (fix:- i 1)
;; (vector-ref nxy 0)
;; (vector-ref nxy 1)))
;; (begin (newline)
;; (display "Illegal point: ")
;; (write (list x y))
;; (button-loop x y))))
;; (button-loop x y)))
;; (define (button-loop ox oy)
;; (pointer-coordinates
;; window
;; (lambda (x y button)
;; (case button
;; ((0)
;; (write-line (list x y))
;; (display " started.")
;; (iterate-map n x y))
;; ((1)
;; (write-line (list ox oy))
;; (display " continued.")
;; (iterate-map n ox oy))
;; ((2)
;; (write-line (list x y))
;; (display " hit.")
;; (button-loop ox oy))))))
;; (if (default-object? n) (set! n 1000))
;; (newline)
;; (display "Left button starts a trajectory.")
;; (newline)
;; (display "Middle button continues a trajectory.")
;; (newline)
;; (display "Right button interrogates coordinates.")
;; (button-loop 9. 9.))
;; ;;; In this form the map is slightly different, but everything
;; ;;; else is the same.
;; (define ((standard-map K) x y)
;; (let ((yp (flo:pv (flo:+ y (flo:* K (flo:sin x))))))
;; (vector (flo:pv (flo:+ x yp)) yp)))
;; (define (driven-pendulum-map mass l g a omega)
;; (let ((map-period (/ 2pi omega)))
;; (lambda (theta p-theta)
;; (let ((ns
;; ((state-advancer H-pend-sysder
;; mass l g a omega)
;; (up ;state to start from
;; 0.0 ;t0 = phase/drive-freq.
;; theta
;; p-theta)
;; map-period
;; 1.0e-10)))
;; (vector
;; ((principal-value pi) (vector-ref ns 1))
;; (vector-ref ns 2))))))
;; |#
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