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Last active January 3, 2016 14:28
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OAuth token workflow for Clojure. Much of the basic utility functions are stolen from ddellacosta's excellent Friend workflow:
(ns paddleguru.config
(:require [schema.core :as s]))
(def OAuthConfig
{:token-location (s/enum :params :body)
:auth-url s/String
:token-url s/String
:client-id s/String
:client-secret s/String
(s/optional-key :auth-query) {s/Keyword s/String}})
(s/defn strava-config :- OAuthConfig
"Strava returns its token in the body, via JSON. Any special
permissions we need later need to be added in the :auth_query (these
get sent along with the basic initial parameters for the oauth
{:token-location :body
:client-id "!!!!!!!!!!!!"
:auth-query {:response_type "code"}
:auth-url ""
:token-url ""
:client-secret "!!!!!!!!"})
(s/defn facebook-config :- OAuthConfig
"Token location specifies that the token is going to come back in
the params, not the body. We also make sure to ask for email
privileges, to beef up a particular user's profile."
(merge {:token-location :params
:auth-url ""
:token-url ""
:auth-query {:scope "email"
:response_type "code"}}
(if (= :dev mode)
{:client-id "!!!"
:client-secret "!!!"}
{:client-id "!!!"
:client-secret "!!!"})))
(defn get-config
"Returns config items as requested."
{:oauth {:facebook (facebook-config (mode))
:strava (strava-config)}})
(get-config key nil))
([key fallback]
((get-config) key fallback)))
;; Required Dependencies
[crypto-random "1.1.0"]
[prismatic/schema "0.1.9"]
[clj-http "0.6.3"]
[cheshire "5.2.0"]
[liberator "0.10.0"]
(ns paddleguru.util.oauth
"Helpers for Facebook and Strava registration on PaddleGuru."
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]
[cheshire.core :refer [parse-string]]
[crypto.random :as random]
[paddleguru.config :as conf]
[paddleguru.util.liberator :as l :refer [defresource]]
[ring.util.codec :as ring-codec]))
(defn replace-authz-code
"Formats the token uri with the authorization code"
[{:keys [query]} code]
(assoc-in query [:code] code))
(defn extract-access-token
"Returns the access token from a JSON response body"
[{body :body}]
(-> body (parse-string true) :access_token))
(defn get-access-token-from-params
"Alternate function to allow retrieve
access_token when passed in as form params."
[{body :body}]
(-> body ring-codec/form-decode (get "access_token")))
(defn format-config-uri
"Formats URI from domain and path pairs in a map"
[{{:keys [domain path]} :callback}]
(str domain path))
(defn format-authn-uri
"Formats the client authentication uri"
[{{:keys [query url]} :authentication-uri} anti-forgery-token]
(->> (assoc query :state anti-forgery-token)
(str url "?")))
(defn uri-config
"Builds an OAuth config suitable for use with the friend oauth
[{:keys [client-id client-secret auth-url token-url auth-query token-location] :as conf}]
(let [formatted (format-config-uri conf)]
{:token-location token-location
:authentication-uri {:url auth-url
:query (merge auth-query
{:client_id client-id
:redirect_uri formatted})}
:access-token-uri {:url token-url
:query {:client_id client-id
:client_secret client-secret
:redirect_uri formatted}}}))
(defn callback [provider]
{:path (format "/oauth/%s/callback" (name provider))
:domain (conf/get-config :current-server)})
(defn get-config [provider]
(if-let [m (-> (conf/get-config :oauth)
(get provider))]
(-> m
(assoc :callback (callback provider))
;; ## Anti-Forgery Token
(defn generate-anti-forgery-token
"Generates random string for anti-forgery-token."
(random/url-part 60))
(defn add-anti-forgery [m token]
(assoc m ::state token))
(defn get-anti-forgery [m]
(-> m ::state))
(defn remove-anti-forgery [m]
(dissoc m ::state))
;; ## Handshake Resource
(defn redirect-to-provider!
"Redirects user to OAuth2 provider. Code should be in response."
[uri-config request]
(let [anti-forgery-token (generate-anti-forgery-token)
session-with-af-token (add-anti-forgery (:session request)
(-> uri-config
(format-authn-uri anti-forgery-token)
(assoc :session session-with-af-token))))
;; Resource that accepts the initial oauth endpoint request. This code
;; sends information
(defn oauth-base [provider]
{:base l/authenticated-base
(fn [_]
(if-let [config (get-config (keyword provider))]
{::config config}))})
(defresource handshake [provider]
:base (oauth-base provider)
:allowed-methods [:get]
:available-media-types ["text/html"]
:handle-ok (fn [context]
;; Switch in here. If they already have a token for the
;; provider, check if it's still valid. If so, then
;; just say you're already authenticated. Otherwise
;; kill it and redirect.
(redirect-to-provider! (::config context)
(:request context)))))
;; ## Token Requests
(defn request-token
"POSTs request to OAauth2 provider for authorization token."
[config code]
(let [token-location (:token-location config)
access-token-uri (:access-token-uri config)
query-map (merge {:grant_type "authorization_code"}
(replace-authz-code access-token-uri code))
token-url (assoc access-token-uri :query query-map)
token-response (client/post (:url token-url)
{:form-params (:query token-url)
:throw-entire-message? true})]
(if (= :params token-location)
(get-access-token-from-params token-response)
(extract-access-token token-response))))
;; Resource that manages OAuth token fetching from providers.
(defresource token [provider]
:base (oauth-base provider)
:allowed-methods [:get]
:available-media-types ["text/html"]
:handle-ok (let [config (get-config (keyword provider))]
(fn [context]
(let [req (:request context)
{:keys [state code]} (:params req)
session-state (-> req :session get-anti-forgery)]
(if (and code (= state session-state))
(let [access-token (request-token config code)]
(str "Token: " access-token))
;; Redirect back home and note that an exception
;; occurred with login. We need to properly
;; handle the failed auth case.
"Something wentsdfsdf wrong!")))))
(ns paddleguru.routes
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET defroutes context]]
(paddleguru.util.oauth :as oauth)))
(defroutes oauth-routes
"Routes for OAuth."
(context "/oauth/:provider" [provider]
(ANY "/" [] (oauth/handshake provider))
(ANY "/callback" [] (oauth/token provider))))
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