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Created November 19, 2021 05:11
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Double Pendulum in Clerk
;; here were the deps I needed for this... I don't know enough vega-lite to go without the Hanami example I had
;; already built, so excuse me there!
{:paths ["dev"]
:deps {io.github.nextjournal/clerk {:local/root "../clerk"}
notespace-sicmutils {:mvn/version "0.16.2"}
aerial.hanami/aerial.hanami {:mvn/version "0.12.7"}
sicmutils/sicmutils {:git/url ""
:sha "8658c0c8883b8225a742b9422061f40b852f375d"}}}
;; # Exercise 1.44: The double pendulum
;; This namespace explores [Exercise
;; 1.44]( from Sussman
;; and Wisdom's [Structure and Interpretation of Classical
;; Mechanics](, using
;; the [SICMUtils]( Clojure library and
;; the Clerk rendering environment.
(ns double-pendulum
:exclude [+ - * / partial ref zero? numerator denominator compare = run!])
(:require [aerial.hanami.common :as hanami-common]
[aerial.hanami.templates :as hanami-templates]
[notespace-sicmutils.hanami-extras :as hanami-extras]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[sicmutils.env :as e :refer :all]))
;; ## Lagrangian
;; Start with a coordinate transformation from `theta1`, `theta2` to rectangular
;; coordinates. We'll generate our Lagrangian by composing this with an rectangular
;; Lagrangian with the familiar form of `T - V`.
(defn angles->rect [l1 l2]
(fn [[t [theta1 theta2]]]
(let [x1 (* l1 (sin theta1))
y1 (- (* l1 (cos theta1)))
x2 (+ x1 (* l2 (sin (+ theta1 theta2))))
y2 (- y1 (* l2 (cos (+ theta1 theta2))))]
(up x1 y1 x2 y2))))
;; `T` describes the sum of the kinetic energy of two particles in rectangular
;; coordinates.
(defn T [m1 m2]
(fn [[_ _ [xdot1 ydot1 xdot2 ydot2]]]
(+ (* (/ 1 2) m1 (+ (square xdot1)
(square ydot1)))
(* (/ 1 2) m2 (+ (square xdot2)
(square ydot2))))))
;; `V` describes a uniform gravitational potential with coefficient `g`, acting
;; on two particles with masses of, respectively, `m1` and `m2`. Again, this is
;; written in rectangular coordinates.
(defn V [m1 m2 g]
(fn [[_ [_ y1 _ y2]]]
(+ (* m1 g y1)
(* m2 g y2))))
;; Form the rectangular Lagrangian `L` by subtracting `(V m1 m2 g)` from `(T m1 m2)`:
(defn L-rect [m1 m2 g]
(- (T m1 m2)
(V m1 m2 g)))
;; Form the final Langrangian in generalized coordinates (the angles of each
;; segment) by composing `L-rect` with a properly transformed `angles->rect`
;; coordinate transform!
(defn L-double-pendulum [m1 m2 l1 l2 g]
(compose (L-rect m1 m2 g)
(angles->rect l1 l2))))
;; The Lagrangian is big and hairy:
(def symbolic-L
((L-double-pendulum 'm_1 'm_2 'l_1 'l_2 'g)
(up 't
(up 'theta_1 'theta_2)
(up 'theta_1dot 'theta_2dot))))
;; Let's simplify that:
(simplify symbolic-L)
;; Better yet, let's render it as LaTeX, and create a helper function,
;; `render-eq` to make it easier to render simplified equations:
(def render-eq
(comp clerk/tex ->TeX simplify))
(render-eq symbolic-L)
;; And here are the equations of motion for the system:
(let [L (L-double-pendulum 'm_1 'm_2 'l_1 'l_2 'g)]
(binding [sicmutils.expression.render/*TeX-vertical-down-tuples* true]
(((Lagrange-equations L)
(up (literal-function 'theta_1)
(literal-function 'theta_2)))
;; What do these mean?
;; - the system has two degrees of freedom: $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$.
;; - at any point `t` in time, the two equations above, full of first and second
;; - order derivatives of the position functions, will stay true
;; - the system can use these equations to simulate the system, one tick at a time.
;; ## Simulation
;; Next, let's run a simulation using those equations of motion and collect data
;; on each coordinate's evolution.
;; Here are the constants specified in exercise 1.44:
;; masses in kg:
(def m1 1.0)
(def m2 3.0)
;; lengths in meters:
(def l1 1.0)
(def l2 0.9)
;; `g` in units of m/s^2:
(def g 9.8)
;; And two sets of initial pairs of `theta1`, `theta2` angles corresponding to
;; chaotic and regular initial conditions:
(def chaotic-initial-q (up (/ Math/PI 2) Math/PI))
(def regular-initial-q (up (/ Math/PI 2) 0.0))
;; Composing `Lagrangian->state-derivative` with `L-double-pendulum` produces
;; a state derivative that we can use with our ODE solver:
(def state-derivative
;; Finally, two default parameters for our simulation. We'll record data in
;; steps of 0.01 seconds, and simulate to a horizon of 50 seconds.
(def step 0.01)
(def horizon 50)
;; `run!` will return a sequence of 5001 states, one for each measured point in
;; the simulation. The smaller-arity version simply passes in default masses and
;; lengths, but you can override those with the larger arity version if you like.
;; (The interface here could use some work: `integrate-state-derivative` tidies
;; this up a bit, but I want it out in the open for now.)
(defn run!
([step horizon initial-coords]
(run! step horizon l1 l2 m1 m2 g initial-coords))
([step horizon l1 l2 m1 m2 g initial-coords]
(let [collector (atom (transient []))
initial-state (up 0.0
(up 0.0 0.0))]
((evolve state-derivative m1 m2 l1 l2 g)
{:compile? true
:epsilon 1.0e-13
:observe (fn [t state]
collector conj! state))})
(persistent! @collector))))
;; Run the simulation for each set of initial conditions and show the final
;; state. Chaotic first:
(def raw-chaotic-data
(run! step horizon chaotic-initial-q))
;; Looks good:
(peek raw-chaotic-data)
;; Next, the regular initial condition:
(def raw-regular-data
(run! step horizon regular-initial-q))
;; Peek at the final state:
(peek raw-regular-data)
;; ## Measurements, Data Transformation
;; Next we'll chart the measurements trapped in those sequences of state tuples.
;; The exercise asks us to graph the energy of the system as a function of time.
;; Composing `Lagrangian->energy` with `L-double-pendulum` gives us a new
;; function (of a state tuple!) that will return the current energy in the
;; system.:
(def L-energy
;; `energy-monitor` returns a function of `state` that stores an initial energy
;; value in its closure, and returns the delta of each new state's energy as
;; compared to the original.
(defn energy-monitor [energy-fn initial-state]
(let [initial-energy (energy-fn initial-state)]
(fn [state]
(- (energy-fn state) initial-energy))))
;; Finally, the large `transform-data` function. The charting library we'll use
;; likes Clojure dictionaries; `transform-data` turns our raw data into a
;; sequence of dictionary with all values we might care to explore. This
;; includes:
;; - the generalized coordinate angles
;; - the generalized velocities of those angles
;; - the rectangular coordinates of each pendulum bob
;; - `:d-energy`, the error in energy at each point in the simulation
;; Here is `transform-data`:
(defn transform-data [xs]
(let [energy-fn (L-energy m1 m2 l1 l2 g)
monitor (energy-monitor energy-fn (first xs))
xform (angles->rect l1 l2)
pv (principal-value Math/PI)]
(map (fn [[t [theta1 theta2] [thetadot1 thetadot2] :as state]]
(let [[x1 y1 x2 y2] (xform state)]
{:t t
:theta1 (pv theta1)
:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:theta2 (pv theta2)
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:thetadot1 thetadot1
:thetadot2 thetadot2
:d-energy (monitor state)}))
;; The following forms transform the raw data for each initial condition and
;; bind the results to `chaotic-data` and `regular-data` for exploration.
(def chaotic-data
(transform-data raw-chaotic-data)))
(def regular-data
(transform-data raw-regular-data)))
;; Here's the final, transformed chaotic state:
(last chaotic-data)
;; And the similar regular state:
(last regular-data)
;; ## Data Visualization Utilities
;; [Hanami]('s templates allow us to create
;; a [Vega-Lite]( spec for visualizing the
;; system.
;; I am not a pro here, but this does the trick for now.
;; First, a function to transform the dictionaries we generated above into a
;; sequence of `x, y` coordinates tagged with distinct IDs for each pendulum
;; bob's points:
(defn points-data [data]
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [t x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
[{:t t
:x x1
:y y1
:id :p1}
{:t t
:x x2
:y y2
:id :p2}])
;; `segments-data` generates endpoints of the pendulum segments, bob-to-bob:
(defn segments-data [data]
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [t x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
[{:t t
:x 0
:y 0
:x2 x1
:y2 y1
:id :p1}
{:t t
:x x1
:y y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:id :p2}])
;; `animation-spec` returns a chart with an attached `t` animation slider that
;; graphs the position of each pendulum bob through time, with the actual
;; pendulum itself overlaid. Scroll down a bit to see it in action.
(defn animation-spec [data]
:LAYER [(hanami-common/xform
:DATA (points-data data)
:COLOR {:field :id :type :nominal}
{:condition {:test "abs(selected_t - datum['t']) < 0.00001"
:value 200}
:value 5}
{:condition {:test "abs(selected_t - datum['t']) < 0.00001"
:value 1}
:value 0.3}
:SELECTION {:selected {:fields [:t]
:type :single
:bind {:t {:min step
:max (- horizon step)
:input :range
:step step}}}})
:DATA (segments-data data)
:COLOR {:field :id :type :nominal}
:OPACITY {:condition {:test "abs(selected_t - datum['t']) < 0.00001"
:value 1}
:value 0})]))
;; `k-vs-time` generates a chart spec that monitors some particular key in the
;; transformed state values as, you guessed it, a function of time:
(defn k-vs-time
"Returns a chart of the specified `k` vs `:t` in the supplied sequence of
([data k]
(k-vs-time data k false))
([data k animated?]
(let [size (if animated?
{:test "abs(selected_t - datum['t']) < 0.00001"
:value 200}
:value 5}
{:value 5})]
(apply hanami-common/xform
[:DATA data
:X :t
:Y k
:SIZE size]))))
;; ## Visualizations
;; With those tools in hand, let's make some charts. I'll call this first chart
;; the `system-inspector`; this function will return a chart that will let us
;; evolve the system with a time slider and monitor both angles, the energy
;; error, and the pendulum bob itself as it evolves through time.
(defn with-domain [chart domain]
(update-in chart
[:encoding :y]
:scale {:domain domain}))
(defn system-inspector [data]
:VCONCAT [(hanami-common/xform
:HCONCAT [(animation-spec data)
(k-vs-time data :d-energy true)])
:HCONCAT [(-> (k-vs-time data :theta1 true)
(with-domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]))
(-> (k-vs-time data :theta2 true)
(with-domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]))])]))
;; Here's a system monitor for the chaotic initial condition:
(system-inspector chaotic-data))
;; And again for the regular initial condition:
(system-inspector regular-data))
;; ## Generalized coordinates, velocities
;; `angles-plot` generates a plot, with no animation, showing both theta angles
;; and their associated velocities:
(defn angles-plot [data]
:HCONCAT [(hanami-common/xform
[(-> (k-vs-time data :theta1)
(with-domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]))
(-> (k-vs-time data :theta2)
(with-domain [(- Math/PI) Math/PI]))])
[(k-vs-time data :thetadot1)
(k-vs-time data :thetadot2)])]))
;; Here are the angles for the chaotic initial condition:
(angles-plot chaotic-data))
;; And the regular initial condition:
(angles-plot regular-data))
;; ## Double Double Pendulum!
;; No visualizations here yet, but the code works well.
(defn L-double-double-pendulum [m1 m2 l1 l2 g]
(fn [[t [thetas1 thetas2] [qdots1 qdots2]]]
(let [s1 (up t thetas1 qdots1)
s2 (up t thetas2 qdots2)]
(+ ((L-double-pendulum m1 m2 l1 l2 g) s1)
((L-double-pendulum m1 m2 l1 l2 g) s2)))))
(def dd-state-derivative
(defn safe-log [x]
(if (< x 1e-60)
(Math/log x)))
(defn divergence-monitor []
(let [pv (principal-value Math/PI)]
(fn [[t [thetas1 thetas2]]]
(- (nth thetas1 1)
(nth thetas2 1))))))))
(defn run-double-double!
"Two different initializations, slightly kicked"
[step horizon initial-q1]
(let [initial-q2 (+ initial-q1 (up 0.0 1e-10))
initial-qdot (up 0.0 0.0)
initial-state (up 0.0
(up initial-q1 initial-q2)
(up initial-qdot initial-qdot))
collector (atom (transient []))]
((evolve dd-state-derivative m1 m2 l1 l2 g)
{:compile? true
:epsilon 1.0e-13 ; = (max-norm 1.e-13)
:observe (fn [t state]
(swap! collector conj! state))})
(persistent! @collector)))
(def raw-dd-chaotic-data
(run-double-double! step horizon chaotic-initial-q))
;; Looks good:
(peek raw-dd-chaotic-data)
;; Next, the regular initial condition:
(def raw-dd-regular-data
(run-double-double! step horizon regular-initial-q))
;; Peek at the final state:
(peek raw-dd-regular-data)
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