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Created April 28, 2010 18:17
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IF object_id('tempdb..#records') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #records
new_id int IDENTITY(1,1),
old_id int,
[type] char(1),
[month] int,
[year] int,
userid uniqueidentifier,
statusid int,
reviewComment varchar(512),
salary float,
adjustment float,
adjustmentComment varchar(512)
IF object_id('tempdb..#entries') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #entries
new_id int IDENTITY(1,1), -- new entry id
old_id int, -- old entry id
[type] char(1),
new_record_id int, -- the new id of the sheet it should be associated with
fundtypeid int,
projectid int,
financeid int,
comment varchar(256),
[date] int, [hours] float, activitytypeid int, adjustmentdate datetime, -- timesheet entries
expensetype int, expenseamount int, [description] varchar(128) -- expense sheet entries
-- transfer the information from the time/expense sheets
begin transaction
begin try
insert into #records (old_id, [type], [month], [year], userid, statusid, reviewComment, salary, adjustment, adjustmentComment)
select ID, 't', [month], [year], userid, statusid, reviewcomment, salary, adjustment, adjustmentComment
from timesheets
insert into #records (old_id, [type], [month], [year], userid, statusid, reviewComment)
select ID, 'e', [month], [year], userid, statusid, reviewcomment
from ExpenseSheets
insert into #entries (old_id, [type], new_record_id, fundtypeid, projectid, financeid, comment, [date], [hours], activitytypeid,adjustmentdate)
select ID, 't', r.new_id, fundtypeid, projectid, financeaccountid, comment, [date], [hours], activitytypeid, adjustmentdate
from timesheetentries tse
inner join #records r on tse.TimeSheetID = r.old_id and r.type = 't'
insert into #entries (old_id, [type], new_record_id, fundtypeid, projectid, financeid, comment, expensetype, expenseamount, [description])
select ID, 'e', r.new_id, fundtypeid, projectid, financeaccountid, comment, expensetypeid, expenseamount, [description]
from ExpenseSheetEntries ese
inner join #records r on ese.ExpenseSheetID = r.old_id and r.type = 'e'
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.records on
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.Records (ID, [Month], [Year], UserId, StatusID, ReviewComment)
select new_id, [month], [year], userid, statusid, reviewComment
from #records
-- copy expense into the cost share records table
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.CostShareRecords (ID)
select new_id from #records where [type] = 'e'
-- copy expense into the time sheet records table
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.TimeRecords(ID, Salary)
select new_id, salary from #records where [type] = 't'
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.records off
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.entries on
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.Entries (ID, recordID, fundtypeid, projectid, financeaccountid, comment)
select new_id, new_record_id, fundtypeid, projectid, financeid, comment
from #entries
-- copy info to timerecordentries table
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.TimeRecordEntries (ID, [Date], [Hours], ActivityTypeID, AdjustmentDate)
select new_id, [date], [hours], activitytypeid, adjustmentdate
from #entries
where [type] = 't'
-- copy info to costshareentries table
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.CostShareRecordEntries(ID, ExpenseTypeID, ExpenseAmount, [description], Exclude)
select new_id, expensetype, expenseamount, [description], 0
from #entries
where [type] = 'e'
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.entries off
-- insert the tracking information
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.RecordTracking (RecordID, StatusID, ActionDate, UserName)
select new_id, st.statusid, st.ActionDate, st.UserId
from SheetTracking st
inner join #records r on st.TimesheetID = r.old_id and r.[type] = 't'
where TimesheetID is not null and ExpenseSheetID is null
insert into FSNEP2.dbo.RecordTracking (RecordID, StatusID, ActionDate, UserName)
select new_id, st.statusid, st.ActionDate, st.UserId
from SheetTracking st
inner join #records r on st.ExpenseSheetID = r.old_id and r.[type] = 'e'
where TimesheetID is null and ExpenseSheetID is not null
commit transaction
end try
begin catch
rollback transaction
--Clean up and make sure the identity inserting is off
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.records off
set identity_insert fsnep2.dbo.entries off
DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int
@ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)
end catch
DROP TABLE #records
DROP TABLE #entries
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