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Created May 5, 2010 18:21
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declare @el table
new_id int identity(1,1),
old_id int
-- transfer the information from the time/expense sheets
begin transaction
begin try
-- enable identity insert
set identity_insert EL.dbo.ActionTypes on
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Committee on
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Step on
set identity_insert EL.dbo.EligibilityList on
-- migrate the lookup tables
insert into EL.dbo.ActionTypes (ID, Name, Inactive)
select ActionTypeID, Name, IsActive
from EligibilityList.dbo.ActionTypes
insert into EL.dbo.Committee(ID, Name, Inactive)
select ID, Committee, IsActive
from EligibilityList.dbo.Committee
insert into EL.dbo.Step (ID, Name, Inactive)
select StepID, Step, IsActive
from EligibilityList.dbo.Step
-- migrate the primary eligibility table
INSERT INTO [EL].[dbo].[EligibilityList]
(AppointmentID, [EmployeeID] ,[DIST_DEPT_CODE] ,[FISCode] ,[DADAssociateDeanID] ,[DADKerb]
,[AnalystID] ,[AnalystKerb]
,[ActionID] ,[YearsAtRank] ,[YearsAtStep] ,[AppointmentPercent]
,[CommitteeID] ,[TITLE_CODE] ,[CurrentStep] ,[CurrentBlankTitle]
,[ProposedTitleCode] ,[ProposedStep] ,[ProposedBlankTitle]
,[YearsAccelerated] ,[YearsDecelerated]
,[Defer] ,[DateDue] ,[DateToCommittee] ,[DateCommitteeReceived]
,[DateEffective] ,[Comment] ,[FinalAction] ,[TPC_PAY_REP_CODE]
,[APPT_NUM] ,[LastUpdated] ,[ProposedAppointmentPercent])
select AppointmentID, EmployeeID, el.DIST_DEPT_CODE, dc.FISCode, el.DADAssociateDeanID, dad.DADKerb
, el.AnalystID, an.AnalystKerb
, el.ActionID, el.YearsAtRank, el.YearsAtStep, el.AppointmentPercent
, el.CommitteeID, el.TITLE_CODE, el.CurrentStep, el.CurrentBlankTitle
, el.ProposedTitleCode, el.ProposedStep, el.ProposedBlankTitle
, el.YearsAccelerated, el.YearsDecelerated
, el.Defer, el.DateDue, el.DateToCommittee, el.DateCommitteeReceived
, el.DateEffective, el.Comment, el.FinalAction, el.TPC_PAY_REP_CODE
, el.APPT_NUM, el.LastUpdated, el.ProposedAppointmentPercent
from EligibilityList.dbo.EligibilityList el
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.DepartmentCode dc on el.DIST_DEPT_CODE = dc.HOME_DEPT_NO
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.DADAssociateDeans dad on el.DADAssociateDeanID = dad.DADAssociateDeanID
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.Analysts an on el.AnalystID = an.AnalystID
set identity_insert EL.dbo.EligibilityList off
-- insert the temporary eligibility lists
INSERT INTO [EL].[dbo].[EligibilityList]
([EmployeeID] ,[DIST_DEPT_CODE] ,[FISCode] ,[DADAssociateDeanID] ,[DADKerb]
,[AnalystID] ,[AnalystKerb]
,[ActionID] ,[YearsAtRank] ,[YearsAtStep] ,[AppointmentPercent]
,[CommitteeID] ,[TITLE_CODE] ,[CurrentStep] ,[CurrentBlankTitle]
,[ProposedTitleCode] ,[ProposedStep] ,[ProposedBlankTitle]
,[YearsAccelerated] ,[YearsDecelerated]
,[Defer] ,[DateDue] ,[DateToCommittee] ,[DateCommitteeReceived]
,[DateEffective] ,[Comment] ,[FinalAction] ,[TPC_PAY_REP_CODE]
,[APPT_NUM] ,[ProposedAppointmentPercent], [OriginalApptID])
select EmployeeID, el.DIST_DEPT_CODE, dc.FISCode, el.DADAssociateDeanID, dad.DADKerb
, el.AnalystID, an.AnalystKerb
, el.ActionID, el.YearsAtRank, el.YearsAtStep, el.AppointmentPercent
, el.CommitteeID, el.TITLE_CODE, el.CurrentStep, el.CurrentBlankTitle
, el.ProposedTitleCode, el.ProposedStep, el.ProposedBlankTitle
, el.YearsAccelerated, el.YearsDecelerated
, el.Defer, el.DateDue, el.DateToCommittee, el.DateCommitteeReceived
, el.DateEffective, el.Comment, el.FinalAction, el.TPC_PAY_REP_CODE
, el.APPT_NUM, el.ProposedAppointmentPercent, AppointmentID
from EligibilityList.dbo.tempEligibilityList el
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.DepartmentCode dc on el.DIST_DEPT_CODE = dc.HOME_DEPT_NO
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.DADAssociateDeans dad on el.DADAssociateDeanID = dad.DADAssociateDeanID
left outer join EligibilityList.dbo.Analysts an on el.AnalystID = an.AnalystID
-- disable the identity insert
set identity_insert EL.dbo.ActionTypes off
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Committee off
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Step off
commit transaction
end try
begin catch
rollback transaction
set identity_insert EL.dbo.ActionTypes off
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Committee off
set identity_insert EL.dbo.Step off
DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int
@ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)
end catch
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