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Created December 30, 2022 00:32
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resolved Maltese for testing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><keyboard conformsTo="techpreview" locale="mt">
<!-- English is also an official language in Malta.-->
<locale id="en"/>
<info author="Steven R. Loomis" indicator="MT" layout="QWERTY" normalization="NFC"/>
<name value="Maltese (48-key)"/>
<!-- <name value="MSA 100:2002" /> -->
<!-- TODO implied keys -->
<key id="0" to="0" />
<key id="1" to="1" />
<key id="2" to="2" />
<key id="3" to="3" />
<key id="4" to="4" />
<key id="5" to="5" />
<key id="6" to="6" />
<key id="7" to="7" />
<key id="8" to="8" />
<key id="9" to="9" />
<key id="A" to="A" />
<key id="B" to="B" />
<key id="C" to="C" />
<key id="D" to="D" />
<key id="E" to="E" />
<key id="F" to="F" />
<key id="G" to="G" />
<key id="H" to="H" />
<key id="I" to="I" />
<key id="J" to="J" />
<key id="K" to="K" />
<key id="L" to="L" />
<key id="M" to="M" />
<key id="N" to="N" />
<key id="O" to="O" />
<key id="P" to="P" />
<key id="Q" to="Q" />
<key id="R" to="R" />
<key id="S" to="S" />
<key id="T" to="T" />
<key id="U" to="U" />
<key id="V" to="V" />
<key id="W" to="W" />
<key id="X" to="X" />
<key id="Y" to="Y" />
<key id="Z" to="Z" />
<key id="a" to="a" />
<key id="b" to="b" />
<key id="c" to="c" />
<key id="d" to="d" />
<key id="e" to="e" />
<key id="f" to="f" />
<key id="g" to="g" />
<key id="h" to="h" />
<key id="i" to="i" />
<key id="j" to="j" />
<key id="k" to="k" />
<key id="l" to="l" />
<key id="m" to="m" />
<key id="n" to="n" />
<key id="o" to="o" />
<key id="p" to="p" />
<key id="q" to="q" />
<key id="r" to="r" />
<key id="s" to="s" />
<key id="t" to="t" />
<key id="u" to="u" />
<key id="v" to="v" />
<key id="w" to="w" />
<key id="x" to="x" />
<key id="y" to="y" />
<key id="z" to="z" />
<!-- imports -->
<!--Begin Imports from techpreview/keys-Zyyy-punctuation.xml-->
<!-- General Symbols -->
<key id="apos" to="'"/>
<key id="bang" to="!"/>
<key id="close-paren" to=")"/>
<key id="double-quote" to="\u{0022}"/>
<key id="equal" to="="/>
<key id="hash" to="#"/>
<key id="hyphen" to="-"/>
<key id="open-paren" to="("/>
<key id="umlaut" to="¨"/>
<key id="underscore" to="_"/>
<key id="at" to="@"/>
<key id="backslash" to="\u{005C}"/>
<key id="caret" to="^"/>
<key id="close-angle" to="&gt;"/>
<key id="close-curly" to="}"/>
<key id="close-square" to="]"/>
<key id="colon" to=":"/>
<key id="comma" to="," />
<key id="period" to="." />
<key id="slash" to="/" />
<key id="dollar" to="$" />
<key id="percent" to="%" />
<key id="grave" to="`"/>
<key id="not" to="¬"/>
<key id="open-angle" to="\u{003C}"/>
<key id="open-curly" to="{"/>
<key id="open-square" to="["/>
<key id="pipe" to="|"/>
<key id="plus" to="+"/>
<key id="question" to="?"/>
<key id="semi-colon" to=";"/>
<key id="tilde" to="~"/>
<key id="amp" to="\u{0026}"/>
<!-- Currency -->
<key id="euro" to="€"/>
<key id="pound" to="£"/>
<!--End Imports from techpreview/keys-Zyyy-punctuation.xml-->
<!-- accent grave -->
<key id="a-grave" to="à"/>
<key id="A-grave" to="À"/>
<key id="e-grave" to="è"/>
<key id="E-grave" to="È"/>
<key id="i-grave" to="ì"/>
<key id="I-grave" to="Ì"/>
<key id="o-grave" to="ò"/>
<key id="O-grave" to="Ò"/>
<key id="u-grave" to="ù"/>
<key id="U-grave" to="Ù"/>
<!-- tikka and maqtua -->
<key id="c-tikka" to="ċ"/>
<key id="C-tikka" to="Ċ"/>
<key id="g-tikka" to="ġ"/>
<key id="G-tikka" to="Ġ"/>
<key id="h-maqtua" to="ħ"/>
<key id="H-maqtua" to="Ħ"/>
<key id="z-tikka" to="ż"/>
<key id="Z-tikka" to="Ż"/>
<!-- Cedilla -->
<key id="c-cedilla" to="ç"/>
<!-- gaps -->
<key gap="true" id="gap" width="1"/>
<layers form="hardware" hardware="iso">
<layer modifier="none">
<row keys="c-tikka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hyphen equal"/>
<row keys="q w e r t y u i o p g-tikka h-maqtua"/>
<row keys="a s d f g h j k l semi-colon hash"/>
<row keys="z-tikka z x c v b n m comma period slash"/>
<!-- <row keys="space"/> -->
<layer modifier="shift">
<row keys="C-tikka bang double-quote euro dollar percent caret amp open-paren close-paren underscore plus"/>
<row keys="Q W E R T Y U I O P G-tikka H-maqtua"/>
<row keys="A S D F G H J K L colon at"/> <!-- todo: ISO +tilde -->
<row keys="Z-tikka Z X C V B N M open-angle close-angle question"/>
<!-- <row keys="space"/> -->
<layer modifier="altR">
<row keys="grave gap gap pound gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/>
<row keys="gap gap e-grave gap gap gap u-grave i-grave o-grave gap open-square close-square"/>
<row keys="a-grave gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/> <!-- TODO: ISO +gap -->
<row keys="backslash gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/>
<!-- <row keys="space"/> -->
<layer modifier="altR-shift">
<row keys="not gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/>
<row keys="gap gap E-grave gap gap gap U-grave I-grave O-grave gap open-curly close-curly"/>
<row keys="A-grave gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/> <!-- TODO: ISO +gap -->
<row keys="pipe gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap"/>
<!-- <row keys="space"/> -->
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