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Last active February 9, 2017 04:43
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Better Knights Tour w/ visualizer
#!/usr/bin/env python
This code generates the path required for a knight's tour
around a chessboard with user-specified dimensions
Written by Sophie Li, 2017
import sys
import time
import pygame
from tour_visualizer import Model, View
GUI_ON = True
except ImportError:
GUI_ON = False
class PathFound(RuntimeError):
class KnightsTour:
def __init__(self, size, rules):
size = size of the chessboard
rules = rules the tour must follow. Type is a dictionary where the key is
the move number (int) and the value is the location of the square.
rules = {1: (0,0), 5: (4,5)} etc..
self.w = size[0]
self.h = size[1]
self.initial_pos = (0, 0)
self.rules = rules
self.reserved_positions = []
self.closed_tour = False
self.closed_positions = []
self.board = []
def generate_board(self):
Creates a nested list to represent the game board
for i in range(self.h):
for k in rules.keys():
def print_board(self):
print " "
print "------"
for elem in self.board:
print elem
# print [x for (x,y) in elem]
print "------"
print " "
def generate_legal_moves(self, cur_pos):
Generates a list of legal moves for the knight to take next
possible_pos = []
move_offsets = [(1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2),
(2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)]
for move in move_offsets:
new_x = cur_pos[0] + move[0]
new_y = cur_pos[1] + move[1]
if (new_x >= self.h):
elif (new_x < 0):
elif (new_y >= self.w):
elif (new_y < 0):
possible_pos.append((new_x, new_y))
return possible_pos
def sort_lonely_neighbors(self, to_visit):
It is more efficient to visit the lonely neighbors first,
since these are at the edges of the chessboard and cannot
be reached easily if done later in the traversal
neighbor_list = self.generate_legal_moves(to_visit)
empty_neighbours = []
for neighbor in neighbor_list:
np_value = self.board[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]
if (np_value == 0) and (neighbor not in self.reserved_positions):
scores = []
for empty in empty_neighbours:
score = [empty, 0]
moves = self.generate_legal_moves(empty)
for m in moves:
if self.board[m[0]][m[1]] == 0:
score[1] += 1
scores_sort = sorted(scores, key = lambda s: s[1])
sorted_neighbours = [s[0] for s in scores_sort]
return sorted_neighbours
def tour(self, n, path, to_visit):
Recursive definition of knights tour. Inputs are as follows:
n = current depth of search tree
path = current path taken
to_visit = node to visit
self.board[to_visit[0]][to_visit[1]] = n
path.append(to_visit) #append the newest vertex to the current point
print "Visiting: ", to_visit
if n == self.w * self.h: #if every grid is filled
if self.closed_tour:
if path[-1] in self.closed_positions:
self.path = path
raise PathFound
print "Not a tour"
self.board[to_visit[0]][to_visit[1]] = 0
except IndexError:
raise Exception("No successful path was found")
self.path = path
raise PathFound
rule_location = self.rules.get(n+1, None)
if rule_location is None:
sorted_neighbours = self.sort_lonely_neighbors(to_visit)
for neighbor in sorted_neighbours:
self.tour(n+1, path, neighbor)
if rule_location in self.generate_legal_moves(to_visit):
print "Obeying rule: ", rule_location
self.tour(n+1, path, rule_location)
#If we exit this loop, all neighbours failed so we reset
self.board[to_visit[0]][to_visit[1]] = 0
print "Going back to: ", path[-1]
except IndexError:
raise Exception("No successful path was found")
def find_path(self, n, path, start):
if self.closed_tour:
self.closed_positions = self.generate_legal_moves(self.initial_pos)
self.tour(n, path, start)
except PathFound:
if GUI_ON:
size = (60*self.w, 60*self.h)
model = Model(self.w, self.h, path)
view = View(model, size)
return self.path
if __name__ == '__main__':
# rules = {2:(2,1), 3:(3,3)} #example possible ruleset
# rules = {2:(2,1), 3:(4,4)} #example impossible ruleset
rules = {}
#Define the size of grid. We are currently solving for an 8x8 grid
kt = KnightsTour(size=(8, 8), rules=rules)
# kt.closed_tour = True #uncomment if you want a closed tour
kt.initial_pos = (0,0)
kt.find_path(1, [], kt.initial_pos)
import pygame
from pygame.locals import QUIT, KEYDOWN
import time
import random
class View(object):
""" Provides a view of the chessboard with specified model """
def __init__(self, model, size):
""" Initialize with the specified model """
self.model = model
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
self.lines = []
def draw(self):
""" Draw the game to the pygame window """
for j in self.model.chessboard:
for r in j:
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, pygame.Color('black'), r, 1)
def center_pixel(self, r):
c_pix = (r.x+(self.model.box_height/2), r.y+(self.model.box_height/2))
return c_pix
def color_square(self, prev_square, square):
i = square[1]
j = square[0]
r = self.model.chessboard[i][j]
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 204, 255), r)
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, pygame.Color('black'), r, 1)
if prev_square != None:
i_p = prev_square[1]
j_p = prev_square[0]
r_p = self.model.chessboard[i_p][j_p]
c_pix_p = self.center_pixel(r_p)
c_pix = self.center_pixel(r)
self.lines.append((c_pix_p, c_pix))
for l in self.lines:
pygame.draw.line(self.screen, pygame.Color('black'), l[0], l[1], 3)
def animate_path(self):
running = True
while running:
self.color_square(None, self.model.path[0])
i = 1
print "LENGTH PATH: ", len(self.model.path)
while i < (len(self.model.path)):
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and e.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
running = False
self.color_square(self.model.path[i-1], self.model.path[i])
if i == (len(self.model.path) - 2):
self.color_square(self.model.path[i], self.model.path[i+1])
i += 1
running = False
j = raw_input("Press enter to end")
class Model(object):
""" Represents the state of the chessboard"""
def __init__(self, w, h, path):
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.path = path
self.box_height = 60
self.chessboard = []
for i in range(self.w):
row = []
for j in range(self.h):
r = pygame.Rect(i*self.box_height, j*self.box_height, self.box_height, self.box_height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Define the size of grid.
m = int(raw_input("M dimension: "))
n = int(raw_input("N dimension: "))
kt = KnightsTour(m, n)
kt.initial_pos = (0,0)
#Flip the following variables depending use case
kt.closed_tour = True
kt.visualize = True
kt.closed_positions = kt.generate_legal_moves(kt.initial_pos)
kt.tour(1, [], kt.initial_pos)
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