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Last active September 4, 2015 13:21
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Obj-C - Convert milliseconds to a formatted output string of hours:minutes:seconds with applied padding
// TimeFormatter.h
// ElectroDeluxe
// Convert milliseconds to a formatted output string containing hours:minutes:seconds
// with padding zero.
// Copyright © 2015 srmds. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface TimeFormatter : NSObject
-(NSString *) getFormattedDuration:(NSNumber*)trackDuration;
// TimeFormatter.m
// ElectroDeluxe
// Convert milliseconds to a formatted output string containing hours:minutes:seconds
// with padding zero.
// Copyright © 2015 srmds. All rights reserved.
#import "TimeFormatter.h"
@implementation TimeFormatter
-(NSString *) getFormattedDuration:(NSNumber*)trackDuration{
if([trackDuration intValue] < 1000)
return @"00:00:00";
unsigned long milliseconds = [trackDuration floatValue];
unsigned long seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
unsigned long minutes = seconds / 60;
seconds %= 60;
unsigned long hours = minutes / 60;
minutes %= 60;
NSMutableDictionary *timeComponents = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]initWithCapacity:3];
[timeComponents setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[@(hours) integerValue]] forKey:@"hours"];
[timeComponents setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[@(minutes) integerValue]] forKey:@"minutes"];
[timeComponents setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[@(seconds) integerValue]] forKey:@"seconds"];
return [self durationStringBuilder: timeComponents];
-(NSString *)durationStringBuilder:(NSDictionary *)timeComponents {
int hours = [[timeComponents valueForKey:@"hours"] intValue];
int minutes = [[timeComponents valueForKey:@"minutes"] intValue];
int seconds = [[timeComponents valueForKey:@"seconds"] intValue];
NSMutableString * result = [NSMutableString new];
[result appendString:[self setZeroPadding:hours delimiter:false]];
[result appendString:[self setZeroPadding:minutes delimiter:false]];
[result appendString:[self setZeroPadding:seconds delimiter:true]];
return result;
-(NSString*)setZeroPadding:(int)timeComponent delimiter:(BOOL)delimiter {
NSMutableString * result = [NSMutableString new];
if (timeComponent) {
if(timeComponent < 10){
[result appendFormat: @"0%d:", timeComponent];
[result appendFormat: @"0%d", timeComponent];
[result appendFormat: @"%d:", timeComponent];
[result appendFormat: @"%d", timeComponent];
} else {
if (!delimiter)
[result appendString:@"00:"];
[result appendString:@"00"];
return result;
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