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Created October 20, 2016 23:16
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ANOVA Test for Spark 2.0 using PySpark. The function returns 5 values: degrees of freedom between (numerator), degrees of freedom within (denominator), F-value, eta squared and omega squared.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
# Implementation of ANOVA function: calculates the degrees of freedom, F-value, eta squared and omega squared values.
# Expects that 'categoryData' with two columns, the first being the categorical independent variable and the second being the scale dependent variable
def getAnovaStats(categoryData) :
cat_val = categoryData.toDF("cat","value")
newdf = spark.sql("select, A.value, cast((A.value * A.value) as double) as valueSq, ((A.value - B.avg) * (A.value - B.avg)) as diffSq from df A join (select cat, avg(value) as avg from df group by cat) B where =")
grouped = newdf.groupBy("cat")
sums = grouped.sum("value")
counts = grouped.count()
numCats = counts.count()
sumsq = grouped.sum("valueSq")
avgs = grouped.avg("value")
totN = counts.selectExpr("sum(count) as total") x:[0]
totSum = sums.selectExpr("sum(`sum(value)`) as totSum") x: x.totSum).collect()[0]
totSumSq = sumsq.selectExpr("sum(`sum(valueSq)`) as totSumSq") x: x.totSumSq).collect()[0]
totMean = totSum / totN
dft = totN - 1
dfb = numCats - 1
dfw = totN - numCats
joined = counts.selectExpr("cat as category", "count").join(sums, col("category") ==, 'inner')\
.join(sumsq, col("category") ==, 'inner')\
.join(avgs, col("category") ==, 'inner')\
finaldf = joined.withColumn("totMean", lit(totMean))
ssb_tmp = x: (x[0], ((x[4] - x[5])*(x[4] - x[5]))*x[1]))
ssb = ssb_tmp.toDF().selectExpr("sum(_2) as total") x:[0]
ssw_tmp = grouped.sum("diffSq")
ssw = ssw_tmp.selectExpr("sum(`sum(diffSq)`) as total") x:[0]
sst = ssb + ssw
msb = ssb / dfb
msw = ssw / dfw
F = msb / msw
etaSq = ssb / sst
omegaSq = (ssb - ((numCats - 1) * msw))/(sst + msw)
return (dfb, dfw, F, etaSq, omegaSq)
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Which one is the p value?

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