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Last active December 6, 2019 07:25
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ANOVA Test for Spark 2.0 (using RelationalGroupedDataset instead of Iterable[RDD[Double]]). The categorical and scale columns to be evaluated are to be selected from a DataFrame, converted to class type Dataset[CatTuple] (defined in this code) and passed to the ANOVA function. The returned object is of class ANOVAStats (also defined here) and co…
* Create a class, CatTuple, to pass to the ANOVA function so that columns can be referred to by specific names.
* Create a class, ANOVAStats, that will be returned from the ANOVA function so that its outputs can be selected and referred to by name.
final case class CatTuple(cat: String, value: Double)
final case class ANOVAStats(dfb: Long, dfw: Double, F_value: Double, etaSq: Double, omegaSq: Double)
// Column names to use when converting to CatTuple
val colnames = Seq("cat", "value")
* Implementation of ANOVA function: calculates the degrees of freedom, F-value, eta squared and omega squared values.
* Utilizes Spark 2.0's RelationalGroupedDataset instead of Iterable[RDD[Double]]
def getAnovaStats(categoryData: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[CatTuple]) : ANOVAStats = {
val newdf = spark.sql("select, A.value, cast((A.value * A.value) as double) as valueSq, ((A.value - B.avg) * (A.value - B.avg)) as diffSq from df A join (select cat, avg(value) as avg from df group by cat) B where =")
val grouped = newdf.groupBy("cat")
val sums = grouped.sum("value")
val counts = grouped.count
val numCats = counts.count
val sumsq = grouped.sum("valueSq")
val avgs = grouped.avg("value")
val totN = counts.agg(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum("count")).
first.get(0) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}
val totSum = sums.agg(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum("sum(value)")).
first.get(0) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}
val totSumSq = sumsq.agg(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum("sum(valueSq)")).
first.get(0) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}
val totMean = totSum / totN
val dft = totN - 1
val dfb = numCats - 1
val dfw = totN - numCats
val joined = ("a").join("b"), $"" === $"")).join("c"),$"" === $"").join("d"),$"" === $"").select($"",$"count",$"sum(value)",$"sum(valueSq)",$"avg(value)")
val finaldf = joined.withColumn("totMean", lit(totMean))
val ssb_tmp = => (x(0).asInstanceOf[String], (((x(4) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}) - (x(5) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble})) * ((x(4) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}) - (x(5) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble})))* (x(1) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble})))
val ssb = ssb_tmp.toDF.agg(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum("_2")).first.get(0) match {case d: Double => d case l: Long => l.toDouble}
val ssw_tmp = grouped.sum("diffSq")
val ssw = ssw_tmp.agg(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum("sum(diffSq)")).first.get(0) match {case d: Double => d
case l: Long => l.toDouble}
val sst = ssb + ssw
val msb = ssb / dfb
val msw = ssw / dfw
val F = msb / msw
val etaSq = ssb / sst
val omegaSq = (ssb - ((numCats - 1) * msw))/(sst + msw)
ANOVAStats(dfb, dfw, F, etaSq, omegaSq)
* Example of how to convert to CatTuple, call the ANOVA function and return the F-value
val catTuple = spark.sql("select color, price from cars").toDF(colnames: _*).as[CatTuple]
val anovaStats = getAnovaStats(catTuple)
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