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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="elm.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/_reactor/debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var effects = Elm.fullscreen(Elm.Effects, {
asyncResponses: ""
effects.ports.responses.subscribe(function (request){
// replace timeout call with ajax
effects.ports.asyncResponses.send("Hi mom");
}, 1000);
module Effects where
import Html (..)
import Html.Attributes (..)
import Html.Events (..)
import Http
import Signal (..)
import Signal
import String (isEmpty)
-- Model
type alias Model = Int
initialModel = (1, Nothing)
-- Update the Model
type Action
= NoOp
| Fetch -- request an update
| Increment
type Request
= Ajax String
update : Action -> (Model, Maybe Request) -> (Model, Maybe Request)
update action (model, _) =
case action of
NoOp -> (model, Nothing)
Fetch -> (model, Just (Ajax (toString model)))
Increment -> (model + 1, Nothing)
-- These are the Http response strings, but coming from JavaScript through a port
port asyncResponses : Signal String
responseActions : Signal Action
responseActions = responseToAction <~ asyncResponses
responseToAction = always Increment
-- The order of these two parameters of merge may matter. Check which should take precedence.
input : Signal Action
input = Signal.merge responseActions (Signal.subscribe updates)
-- u : (Model, Maybe Request) -> Model
-- u (model, _) = model
updatesWithEffects : Signal (Model, Maybe Request)
updatesWithEffects = Signal.foldp update initialModel input
modelUpdates : Signal Model
modelUpdates =
let toModel (model,_) = model
in toModel updatesWithEffects
-- note the redefinition:
main : Signal Html
main = view modelUpdates
view : Model -> Html
view model = div
text (toString model)
[onClick (Signal.send updates Increment )]
[text "Add"]
[onClick (Signal.send updates Fetch )]
[text "Click me"]
isSuccess response = case response of
Http.Success _ -> True
_ -> False
updates : Signal.Channel Action
updates = NoOp
port responses : Signal String -- (Http.Request String)
port responses = requests
toRequest: Maybe Request -> String
toRequest request =
case request of
Just (Ajax str) -> str
_ -> ""
requests: Signal String -- (Http.Request String)
requests =
( snd >> toRequest ) <~ updatesWithEffects |>
Signal.dropIf isEmpty ""
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