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Last active November 30, 2020 12:21
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Lisp constraints: 100 % s-expressions => recursion +"code is data" => expressivity


Fast Backward!

Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot. –

So let's code like it's 1963, and explore the modernity and expressive power that the symbolic expression (s-expression) constraint offers!

To do that, let's try to extend the language expressivity by defining a pipe macro that, by rearranging the s-expressions given in input, allows us to write:

(pipe x
      (+ 6)

instead of:

(number-to-string (sqrt (+ 6 x)))

Time to code

Note to self: open Emacs, and code & explain the kata. See file below to read an implementation example.

Note to self: C-x C-+ to enlarge font (or C-M-= and C-M-- with default-text-scale).


Today, we can get pretty close to this expressivity in languages like JS with syntaxic sugar for lambdas & Python with operator metaprogramming, or even better in curry-by-default ML-type languages (Haskell &all).


_.flow(x => 6 + x,
       x => Math.sqrt(x),
       x => console.log(x))(5);


Data.Function> 3 & succ & recip & negate

But starting in 1959, Lisp was already closer to today's standards in expressivity than to the other languages of its time that I know of (think FORTRAN, COBOL).

Conclusion / takeaway

Strong & well chosen constraints can sometimes yield strong leverage.

Some old languages still have gems & lessons that we can still benefit & learn from even today.

Other inspiring languages with strong constraints that I know of:

  • Forth (1968)
    • Stack based
    • => Portable, small & efficient, easy to extend & maintain
  • Smalltalk (1972)
    • 100 % objects & messages only
    • => Easy syntax, very low code complexity, modern realtime debugging tools
  • SQL (1974)
    • Strong structure based on the relational model
    • => Easy to make cross products & data projections
  • Erlang (1986)
    • 100 % message passing, share-nothing between processes
    • => Easier to write fault tolerant distributed systems
  • Haskell (1990)
    • Pure mathematical functions, no mutations, curry by default
    • => Super easy to compose functions, really expressive type system
;; Code
(defmacro pipe (x &optional form &rest more)
((null form) x)
((null more) `(,@form ,x))
(:else `(pipe (pipe ,x ,form) ,@more))))
;; Tests
(require 'ert)
(ert-deftest pipe-function ()
(should (equal (macroexpand '(pipe x))
(should (equal (macroexpand '(pipe x
(- 6)))
'(- 6 x)))
(should (equal (macroexpand '(pipe x
(- 5)))
'(- 5 x)))
(should (equal (pipe 5
(- 6))
(should (equal (macroexpand-all '(pipe x
(- 6)
(* 9)))
'(* 9 (- 6 x))))
(should (equal (pipe 5
(- 6)
(* 9)
(ert t) ;; M-x eval-buffer
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