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Forked from casualjim/gist:913295
Created August 19, 2011 15:57
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'Simple' example of Atmosphere Scala and Scalatra
package com.proinnovate.webfunction
import org.scalatra.ScalatraServlet
import{Scheduler, Actor}
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest}
import org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcastFilter.BroadcastAction
import org.atmosphere.cpr._
import org.atmosphere.util.XSSHtmlFilter
import collection.JavaConversions._
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, TimeUnit}
import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Queue, LinkedList}
import com.weiglewilczek.slf4s.Logging
import org.joda.time.DateTime
case class AtmosphereCallback(callback: String => Unit)
class EventsLogger extends AtmosphereResourceEventListener with Logging {
def onThrowable(event: AtmosphereResourceEvent[HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]) {"onThrowable(): %s".format(event))
def onBroadcast(event: AtmosphereResourceEvent[HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]) {"onBroadcast(): %s".format(event))
def onDisconnect(event: AtmosphereResourceEvent[HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]) {"onDisconnect(): %s".format(event))
def onResume(event: AtmosphereResourceEvent[HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]) {"onResume(): %s".format(event))
def onSuspend(event: AtmosphereResourceEvent[HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]) {"onSuspend(): %s".format(event))
class AtmosphereActor() extends Actor {
protected def receive = {
case s: String => {
val b = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault.lookup(classOf[DefaultBroadcaster], "myBroadcaster")
case 'init => {
val RFC2822_DATE = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"
Scheduler.schedule(self, "the time: " +, 500, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
class AtmosphereServlet extends ScalatraServlet with Logging {
val act = Actor.actorOf(new AtmosphereActor).start()
get("/the_stream") {"Got here!")
// Create a Meteor object associated with the HTTP request that can be used to send an immediate or delayed
// response...
val m: Meteor =
// Add a new AtmosphereResourceEventListener to the Meteor. This object will be invoked whenever a connection is
// closed or a message broadcast...
m.addListener(new EventsLogger())
// Create a Broadcaster - something that appears to do the actual sending of messages by some asynchronous method
// or another, and give it the name "myBroadcaster"...
val b = new DefaultBroadcaster("myBroadcaster")
// Specify that this broadcaster can only be used to respond to the specific request that invoked it...
// Associate a broadcaster with the Meteor so the meteor can now broadcast!
// Set off the example actor to send some delayed messages (... this is not Atmosphere specific at all ...)...
act ! 'init
// Suspend the request response indefinitely ( `-1` means indefinitely, a positive value would be for a time
// probably in milliseconds)...
m.suspend(-1, false)
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