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Created February 18, 2015 00:56
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  • Save srolel/4ed108e02624272a1627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save srolel/4ed108e02624272a1627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* A doubly linked list-based Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. Will keep most
* recently used items while discarding least recently used items when its limit
* is reached.
* Licensed under MIT. Copyright (c) 2010 Rasmus Andersson <>
* See for details.
* Illustration of the design:
* entry entry entry entry
* ______ ______ ______ ______
* | head |.newer => | |.newer => | |.newer => | tail |
* | A | | B | | C | | D |
* |______| <= older.|______| <= older.|______| <= older.|______|
* removed <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- added
function LRUCache (limit) {
// Current size of the cache. (Read-only).
this.size = 0;
// Maximum number of items this cache can hold.
this.limit = limit;
this._keymap = {};
* Put <value> into the cache associated with <key>. Returns the entry which was
* removed to make room for the new entry. Otherwise undefined is returned
* (i.e. if there was enough room already).
LRUCache.prototype.put = function(key, value) {
var entry = {key:key, value:value};
// Note: No protection agains replacing, and thus orphan entries. By design.
this._keymap[key] = entry;
if (this.tail) {
// link previous tail to the new tail (entry)
this.tail.newer = entry;
entry.older = this.tail;
} else {
// we're first in -- yay
this.head = entry;
// add new entry to the end of the linked list -- it's now the freshest entry.
this.tail = entry;
if (this.size === this.limit) {
// we hit the limit -- remove the head
return this.shift();
} else {
// increase the size counter
* Purge the least recently used (oldest) entry from the cache. Returns the
* removed entry or undefined if the cache was empty.
* If you need to perform any form of finalization of purged items, this is a
* good place to do it. Simply override/replace this function:
* var c = new LRUCache(123);
* c.shift = function() {
* var entry =;
* doSomethingWith(entry);
* return entry;
* }
LRUCache.prototype.shift = function() {
// todo: handle special case when limit == 1
var entry = this.head;
if (entry) {
if (this.head.newer) {
this.head = this.head.newer;
this.head.older = undefined;
} else {
this.head = undefined;
// Remove last strong reference to <entry> and remove links from the purged
// entry being returned:
entry.newer = entry.older = undefined;
// delete is slow, but we need to do this to avoid uncontrollable growth:
delete this._keymap[entry.key];
return entry;
* Get and register recent use of <key>. Returns the value associated with <key>
* or undefined if not in cache.
LRUCache.prototype.get = function(key, returnEntry) {
// First, find our cache entry
var entry = this._keymap[key];
if (entry === undefined) return; // Not cached. Sorry.
// As <key> was found in the cache, register it as being requested recently
if (entry === this.tail) {
// Already the most recenlty used entry, so no need to update the list
return returnEntry ? entry : entry.value;
// HEAD--------------TAIL
// <.older .newer>
// <--- add direction --
// A B C <D> E
if (entry.newer) {
if (entry === this.head)
this.head = entry.newer;
entry.newer.older = entry.older; // C <-- E.
if (entry.older)
entry.older.newer = entry.newer; // C. --> E
entry.newer = undefined; // D --x
entry.older = this.tail; // D. --> E
if (this.tail)
this.tail.newer = entry; // E. <-- D
this.tail = entry;
return returnEntry ? entry : entry.value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Following code is optional and can be removed without breaking the core
// functionality.
* Check if <key> is in the cache without registering recent use. Feasible if
* you do not want to chage the state of the cache, but only "peek" at it.
* Returns the entry associated with <key> if found, or undefined if not found.
LRUCache.prototype.find = function(key) {
return this._keymap[key];
* Update the value of entry with <key>. Returns the old value, or undefined if
* entry was not in the cache.
LRUCache.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
var oldvalue, entry = this.get(key, true);
if (entry) {
oldvalue = entry.value;
entry.value = value;
} else {
oldvalue = this.put(key, value);
if (oldvalue) oldvalue = oldvalue.value;
return oldvalue;
* Remove entry <key> from cache and return its value. Returns undefined if not
* found.
LRUCache.prototype.remove = function(key) {
var entry = this._keymap[key];
if (!entry) return;
delete this._keymap[entry.key]; // need to do delete unfortunately
if (entry.newer && entry.older) {
// relink the older entry with the newer entry
entry.older.newer = entry.newer;
entry.newer.older = entry.older;
} else if (entry.newer) {
// remove the link to us
entry.newer.older = undefined;
// link the newer entry to head
this.head = entry.newer;
} else if (entry.older) {
// remove the link to us
entry.older.newer = undefined;
// link the newer entry to head
this.tail = entry.older;
} else {// if(entry.older === undefined && entry.newer === undefined) {
this.head = this.tail = undefined;
return entry.value;
/** Removes all entries */
LRUCache.prototype.removeAll = function() {
// This should be safe, as we never expose strong refrences to the outside
this.head = this.tail = undefined;
this.size = 0;
this._keymap = {};
* Return an array containing all keys of entries stored in the cache object, in
* arbitrary order.
if (typeof Object.keys === 'function') {
LRUCache.prototype.keys = function() { return Object.keys(this._keymap); };
} else {
LRUCache.prototype.keys = function() {
var keys = [];
for (var k in this._keymap) keys.push(k);
return keys;
* Call `fun` for each entry. Starting with the newest entry if `desc` is a true
* value, otherwise starts with the oldest (head) enrty and moves towards the
* tail.
* `fun` is called with 3 arguments in the context `context`:
* `, Object key, Object value, LRUCache self)`
LRUCache.prototype.forEach = function(fun, context, desc) {
var entry;
if (context === true) { desc = true; context = undefined; }
else if (typeof context !== 'object') context = this;
if (desc) {
entry = this.tail;
while (entry) {, entry.key, entry.value, this);
entry = entry.older;
} else {
entry = this.head;
while (entry) {, entry.key, entry.value, this);
entry = entry.newer;
/** Returns a JSON (array) representation */
LRUCache.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var s = [], entry = this.head;
while (entry) {
s.push({key:entry.key.toJSON(), value:entry.value.toJSON()});
entry = entry.newer;
return s;
/** Returns a String representation */
LRUCache.prototype.toString = function() {
var s = '', entry = this.head;
while (entry) {
s += String(entry.key)+':'+entry.value;
entry = entry.newer;
if (entry)
s += ' < ';
return s;
// Export ourselves
if (typeof this === 'object') this.LRUCache = LRUCache;
// Lazy instance pool uncle.
var _instancePool = {
length: 0,
maxLength: 100,
// Keep all the nodes in memory.
elements: {
reset: function(){
this.elements = {};
this.length = 0;
// Push with 0 frequency
set: function (hash, data) {
if( this.length >= 100){
this.elements[hash] = {
hash: hash, // Helps identifying
freq: 0,
data: data
get: function (path) {
var element = this.elements[path];
if( element ){
return null;
// used to explicitely remove the path
removeElement: function (path) {
// Now almighty GC can claim this soul
var element = this.elements[path];
delete this.elements[path];
return element;
_reduceLeastUsed: function (least, currentHash) {
var current = _instancePool.elements[currentHash];
if( least.freq > current.freq ){
return current;
return least;
popLeastUsed: function () {
var reducer = _instancePool._reduceLeastUsed;
var minUsed = Object.keys(this.elements).reduce(reducer, { freq: Infinity });
if( minUsed.hash ){
return this.removeElement(minUsed.hash);
return null;
// Book-keeping through array.
function LRUCacheArray(maxLength){
// Smart and simple LRU cache with ... yes memory penaalty
this.maxLength = maxLength || 300;
LRUCacheArray.prototype.reset = function() {
// The cachee
this._cache = {};
// Array of hashes;
this._usageList = [];
this.length = 0;
LRUCacheArray.prototype.get = function(key){
var el = this._cache[key];
var keyIndex = -1;
if( el !== undefined ){
keyIndex = this._usageList.indexOf(key);
this._usageList.splice(keyIndex, 1);
return el;
LRUCacheArray.prototype.set = function(key, value){
if( this.length === this.maxLength ){
var top = this._usageList[0];
this._usageList = this._usageList.slice(1);
this._cache[key] = value;
this.length ++;
LRUCacheArray.prototype.removeElement = function(key){
var el = this._cache[key];
delete this._cache[key];
this.length --;
return el;
// My favorite so far.
function LRULinkListTrue(length){
this.maxLength = length;
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.reset = function(){
this.length = 0;
this._top = null;
this._bottom = null;
this._keyVals = {};
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.removeElement = function(entry){
var prev = entry._prev;
var next = entry._next;
if( prev !== null ){
prev._next = next;
if( next !== null ){
next._prev = prev;
if( entry === this._top ){
this._top = next;
if( entry === this._bottom ){
this._bottom = prev;
this.length --;
delete this._keyVals[entry._hash];
return entry._datum;
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.insertAtTop = function(value){
if( this._top !== null ){
this._top._prev = value;
value._next = this._top;
if( this._bottom === null ){
this._bottom = value;
this._top = value;
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.insertAtBottom = function(value){
if( this._bottom !== null ){
this._bottom._next = value;
value._prev = this._bottom;
if( this._top === null ){
this._top = value;
this._bottom = value;
this.length ++;
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.set = function(key, value){
var existinEl = this._keyVals[key];
// Handling for dups
if( existinEl ){
if( existinEl._datum === value ){
// Don't change anything
// hardest part of code.
value = new LRULinkListEntry(key,value);
this._keyVals[key] = value;
// Most likely it will only be equal
// to purge the least used
if( this.length >= this.maxLength ){
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.removeLeastUsed = function(){
// Buhahah this is easy.
return this.removeElement(this._bottom);
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.get = function(key){
var value = this._keyVals[key];
if( value !== undefined ){
// Promote this as it got used
return value._datum;
return null;
// Why not plain js objects ?
// because v8 will sniff this
// and predict this.
function LRULinkListEntry(hash, obj){
this._hash = hash;
this._datum = obj;
this._prev = null;
this._next = null;
// Remove the element
// and push it from the front
// so least recently used objects will end up at the end.
LRULinkListTrue.prototype.promote = function(el){
// My favorite so far.
// Slightly more optimized for our case
// in ourcase the first come objects
// will most likely be bottom layers
// and these usual cases don't need to be re-drawn
// (Assumption)
// plus we also have an api for explicit removal
// so this should be the best way for us
function LRULinkList(length){
this.maxLength = length;
LRULinkList.prototype.reset = function(){
this.length = 0;
this._top = null;
this._bottom = null;
this._keyVals = {};
LRULinkList.prototype.removeElement = function(entry){
var prev = entry._prev;
var next = entry._next;
if( prev !== null ){
prev._next = next;
if( next !== null ){
next._prev = prev;
if( entry === this._top ){
this._top = next;
if( entry === this._bottom ){
this._bottom = prev;
this.length --;
delete this._keyVals[entry._hash];
return entry._datum;
LRULinkList.prototype.set = function(key, value){
var existinEl = this._keyVals[key];
// Handling for dups
if( existinEl ){
if( existinEl._datum === value ){
// Don't change anything
// hardest part of code.
value = new LRULinkListEntry(key,value);
this._keyVals[key] = value;
// Most likely it will only be equal
// to purge the least used
if( this.length >= this.maxLength ){
if( this._bottom !== null ){
this._bottom._next = value;
value._prev = this._bottom;
if( this._top === null ){
this._top = value;
this._bottom = value;
this.length ++;
LRULinkList.prototype.removeLeastUsed = function(){
// Buhahah this is easy.
return this.removeElement(this._bottom);
LRULinkList.prototype.get = function(key){
var value = this._keyVals[key];
if( value !== undefined ){
// Promote this as it got used
return value._datum;
return null;
// Why not plain js objects ?
// because v8 will sniff this
// and predict this.
function LRULinkListEntry(hash, obj){
this._hash = hash;
this._datum = obj;
this._prev = null;
this._next = null;
LRULinkList.prototype.promote = function(el){
var temp = el._prev;
// If no _.prev we are either on top
// or we aren't a member itself
if( temp === null ){
// -> ->
// Swap references for [A] -> [B]
// <- <-
// such that there may be a pre-a and a pre-b;
// if temp has a ._prev
// Move el one forward
if( temp._prev !== null ){
temp._prev._next = el;
// if el has a ._next
// move temp as ._prev for ._next
if( el._next !== null ){
el._next._prev = temp;
temp._next = el._next;
el._prev = temp._prev;
el._next = temp;
temp._prev = el;
// if el was the last element
// set temp as the new last
if(el === this._bottom){
this._bottom = temp;
// If temp is the top of the
// linkedlist set el as top
if( temp === this._top ){
this._top = el;
console.log("lets run benchmarks");
console.log("Each will be spawned with 100 element cache");
console.log("And exhaustive benchmarking will occur for both");
var lrull = new LRULinkList(100);
var lrulltrue = new LRULinkListTrue(100);
var lruarr = new LRUCacheArray(100);
var lruc = new LRUCache(100);
function Bench(impl, testFetches, testPushes){
var randomInsertions = 0,
randomFetches = 0;
var totalInsertions = 0;
var totalFetches = 0;
var randomNumber = 0;
var j, k;
// Fill the data so that no
// null is returned
// Preparing time will not be counted.
// to keep the benchmark sane.
randomInsertions = 100;
for( j = 0; j < randomInsertions; j++ ){
randomNumber = j;
impl.set("hello"+randomNumber, "world"+randomNumber);
// reset the iterator name we-abuse-reused
randomInsertions = 0;
var start =;
for( var i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ){
if( testPushes ){
randomInsertions = ~~(Math.random() * 100);
for( j = 0; j < randomInsertions; j++ ){
randomNumber = ~~(Math.random() * 100);
impl.set("hello"+randomNumber, "world" + Math.random() *;
if( testFetches ){
randomFetches = ~~(Math.random() * 100);
for( k = 0; k < randomFetches; k++ ){
randomNumber = ~~(Math.random() * 100);
impl.get("hello"+ randomNumber);
totalInsertions += randomInsertions;
totalFetches += randomFetches;
var ender =;
console.log("Benchmark complete it did insertions ", totalInsertions, " and fetched ", totalFetches, "in" , ender - start, "ms");
function FullTest(){
[_instancePool, lruarr, lrulltrue, lrull, lruc].map(function(impl){
// Though a simple array with indexes would do here
// but you know we javascript laz grammers don't like that stuff
if( !== 'Object' ){
console.log("Beginning for",;
console.log("Beginning for lazy implementation");
console.log("testing for just pushes");
Bench(impl, false, true);
console.log("The length after this test is ", impl.length || impl.size);
(impl.reset || impl.removeAll)();
console.log("testing for just fetches");
Bench(impl, true, false);
console.log("The length after this test is ", impl.length || impl.size);
(impl.reset || impl.removeAll)();
console.log("testing for everything");
Bench(impl, true, true);
console.log("The length after this test is ", impl.length || impl.size);
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