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Created February 5, 2017 21:46
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* @param string $txt Text to variate. All synonyms myst be placed in curly parenthesis, separated by pipe sign
* (ex. $txt = "I own {2|3} phones manufactured by {Apple|Samsung|HTC}.")
* @param boolean $shuffle Shuffle variations. If false,
* @return string[] All possible variations of $txt
function create_text_variations($txt, $shuffle = true) {
$pattern = "/\{([^\}]+)\}/u";
$matches = null;
preg_match_all($pattern, $txt, $matches);
$max_arr = array_map(function($curr){ return count(explode('|', $curr)); }, $matches[1]);
$variations = [];
// Find how many variations we expect
$max = array_product($max_arr);
$segments = count($max_arr);
$curr_arr = array_fill(0, $segments, 0);
$curr_segment = 0;
while (count($variations) < $max) {
$variations[] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($match) use($max_arr, $segments, &$curr_arr, &$curr_segment) {
$possible = explode('|', $match[1]);
$return = $possible[$curr_arr[$curr_segment]];
if ($curr_segment == $segments) {
$curr_segment = 0;
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$incremented = false;
while (!$incremented && $i < $segments) {
if ($curr_arr[$i]+1 < $max_arr[$i]) {
$incremented = true;
while ($j < $i) {
$curr_arr[$j++] = 0;
} else {
return $return;
}, $txt);
if ($shuffle) {
return $variations;
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