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Created November 13, 2015 20:17
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Employment model with observers
import DS from "ember-data";
import Ember from "ember";
import TimeableMixin from "../mixins/timeable";
export default DS.Model.extend(TimeableMixin, {
type: DS.attr("string", {defaultValue: "full-time"}),
employer: DS.belongsTo("company", {async: true}),
updateDescription: function() {
let description = "";
const hasOccupation = !Ember.isBlank(this.get("occupation")),
hasEmployer = !Ember.isBlank(this.get(""));
if (hasOccupation) {
description += this.get("occupation");
else {
if (this.get("type")) {
description += `${Ember.String.capitalize(this.get("type"))} Job`;
else {
description = "Full-time Job"; // we have to hard-code the default, because of async behaviour
if (hasEmployer) {
description += ` at ${this.get("")}`;
this.get("income").then((resolvedIncome) => {
resolvedIncome.set("description", description);
}.observes("", "occupation", "type"),
occupation: DS.attr("string"),
income: DS.belongsTo("income", {async: true}), /* Annual income ($) */
incomeChanged: function() {
if (this.get("isHourly")) {
let hourlyRate = parseInt(this.get("hourlyRate")), weeklyHours = parseInt(this.get("weeklyHours"));
if (hourlyRate && weeklyHours) {
let yearlySalary = (hourlyRate * weeklyHours) * 52.1775; // there are 52.1775 weeks in a year
this.get("income").then((resolvedIncome) => {
resolvedIncome.set("value", yearlySalary);
}.observes("hourlyRate", "weeklyHours"),
paymentFrequency: DS.attr("string", {defaultValue: "hourly"}),
isSelfEmployed: Ember.computed.equal("type", "self-employed"),
isCurrent: DS.attr("boolean", {defaultValue: false}),
isHourly: Ember.computed.equal("paymentFrequency", "hourly"),
isSalaried: Ember.computed.equal("paymentFrequency", "salary"),
isCommission: Ember.computed("paymentFrequency", function() {
return this.get("paymentFrequency") === "commission" || this.get("paymentFrequency") === "commission-salary" || this.get("paymentFrequency") === "commission-hourly";
tenureMonths: DS.attr("number", {defaultValue: 0}),
hourlyRate: DS.attr("number", {defaultValue: 0}),
weeklyHours: DS.attr("number", {defaultValue: 0}),
commission: DS.attr("number", {defaultValue: 0}),
occupationType: DS.attr("string"),
applicant: DS.belongsTo("applicant", {async: true})
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