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Last active October 12, 2020 20:04
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Process figures from tex file for Stat journal submission
# This processes figures for STAT guidelines...
# --- Pull out all figure captions and reference names ---
chunks <- readLines("index.tex")
figures_start <- which(str_detect(chunks, "\\\\begin.figure."))
figures_end <- which(str_detect(chunks, "\\\\end.figure."))
# doesn't work with subcaptions yet
get_info <- function(lines, start, end) {
x <- lines[start:end] %>% paste(collapse = " ")
res <- tibble(file = str_extract_all(x, "\\\\includegraphics(?:\\[(.*?)\\])?\\{(.*?)\\}") %>% str_remove_all("\\\\includegraphics\\[(.*)\\]\\{|\\}$"),
caption = str_extract(x, "\\\\caption(?:\\[(.*?)\\])?\\{.*\\}") %>%
str_remove_all("\\\\caption(?:\\[(.*?)\\])?") %>%
str_remove_all("\\\\label\\{.*?\\}") %>%
str_remove_all("\\\\end\\{figure\\}") %>%
str_remove_all("(^\\{)|(\\}\\s{1,})$") %>%
label = str_extract(x, "\\\\label\\{.*?\\}") %>% str_remove_all("\\\\label\\{|\\}$"),
output = paste0("file: ", file, "\\n", "caption:", "\\n", caption, "\\nlabel: ", label, "\\n\\n")
res <- purrr::map2_dfr(figures_start, figures_end, get_info, lines = chunks, .id = "figure") %>%
mutate(output = paste0("figure: ", figure, "\\n", output)) %>%
mutate(figure = sprintf("%03d", as.numeric(figure))) %>%
group_by(figure) %>%
mutate(subfig = ifelse(n() > 1, paste0("-", as.character(row_number())), ""))
res$output %>% str_split("\\\\n") %>% unlist() %>%
writeLines(con = "figure_summary")
# --- Rename figures as author-figure-1 ---
res <- res %>%
mutate(files = map(file, ~list.files(dirname(.), pattern = basename(.), full.names = T))) %>%
unnest(files) %>%
mutate(new_filename = paste0("figure/vanderplas-figure-", figure, subfig, str_replace(basename(files), "^(.*?)\\.(.*?)$", ".\\2")))
file.copy(res$files, res$new_filename, overwrite = T)
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