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Created April 23, 2020 15:37
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R code to simulate Bunch & Murphy (2003) test of forensic identification of cartridge cases
# Bunch and Murphy simulation
# Packet 1 contains 10 fires from the same weapon
# Packet 2 contains 1 from each of the other 9 glocks, plus one non-glock
# Packets 3-8 contain
# - 0, 1, or 2 non-glocks
# - 10, 9, or 8 randomly sampled from each of the other glocks
# After packet 2 is assembled, then, the following cartridges remain:
bunch_test_kits <- function() {
# Accounting for packet 2
unknown_2 <- sample(c("S", "B"), size = 1)
unknown_left <- c(rep(unknown_2, 9), rep(setdiff(c("S", "B"), unknown_2), 10))
# Number of unknowns
n_unk <- purrr::map_int(3:8, ~sample(0:2, 1))
n_k <- 10 - n_unk
unk_order <- sample(size = 19, unknown_left, replace = F)
known_order <- sample(size = 81, rep(2:10, each = 9)) %>% as.character()
kits <- purrr::map(1:8,
function(x) {
if (x < 7) {
start_unk <- ifelse(x == 1, 1, sum(n_unk[1:(x-1)]) + 1)
idxs <- if(n_unk[x] > 0) start_unk:(start_unk + n_unk[x] - 1) else NULL
# print(idxs)
unk <- unk_order[idxs]
start_k <- ifelse(x == 1, 1, sum(n_k[1:(x-1)]) + 1)
idxk <- start_k:(start_k + n_k[x] - 1)
res <- c(unk, known_order[idxk])
} else if (x == 7) {
res <- as.character(rep(1, times = 10))
} else {
res <- c(2:10, unknown_2)
sample(res, size = 10) # randomly permute sample order
prev_exists <- function(idx, x) {
# This function determines whether the ordered comparison has
# been performed previously in the examination
if (idx < 10) return(FALSE)
x[idx] %in% unique(x[1:(idx - 1)])
fbi_elim_calc <- function(x, y) {
# FBI only allows elimination based on class characteristics
# This function returns 0 if there is a class characteristic match,
# and 1 if there is a class characteristic mismatch
x1 <- ifelse(x %in% c("S", "B"), x, "A")
y1 <- ifelse(y %in% c("S", "B"), y, "A")
x1 != y1
bunch_eval <- function(set) {
# This function calculates out the number of comparisons necessary
# on each set, with and without deductive reasoning.
idx <- 1:length(set)
setf <- factor(set, levels = unique(set), ordered = T)
comparisons <- crossing(i1 = idx, i2 = idx) %>%
# This is the max number of comparisons
filter(i1 < i2) %>%
mutate(set1 = setf[i1], set2 = setf[i2],
f1 = as.numeric(set1), f2 = as.numeric(set2),
idx = row_number(),
match = set1 == set2,
fbi_elim = map2_lgl(set1, set2, fbi_elim_calc),
# Set of ordered pairwise comparisons (by source)
orderedf = map2_chr(as.numeric(set1), as.numeric(set2),
function(x, y) sort(unique(c(x, y))) %>% paste(collapse = ",")),
# Calculate the highest source-source match found
max_match = ifelse(match, f1, 0) %>% cummax %>% pmin(., i1 - 1),
# has the orderedf comparison been performed before?
compared_before = map_lgl(idx, partial(prev_exists, x = orderedf))
) %>%
# Once a new source-source match is found, you still have to finish out the row
# with new comparisons, so group by row and take the min value
group_by(i1) %>%
mutate(min_match = min(max_match)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(full_row = pmin(f1, f2) <= min_match,
# If you've completed the full row of comparisons for that match
# and you have made the comparison before, you can infer the result
# from previous work
inferred = full_row * compared_before)
comparisons %>%
summarize(matches_all = sum(match), matches_min = sum(match[!inferred]),
nonmatches_all = sum(!match), nonmatches_min = sum(!match[!inferred]),
fbi_elim_all = sum(fbi_elim), fbi_elim_min = sum(fbi_elim[!inferred]),
optional = sum(inferred))
res <- purrr::map_df(1:500000, function(i) { # With 500k iterations, this takes days to run on a relatively fast machine
tibble(kit = bunch_test_kits()) %>%
mutate(eval = parallel::mclapply(kit, bunch_eval))
res <- unnest(res, eval)
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