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Created April 2, 2013 07:21
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13:36 < Kenshy> Chromium won't load for me
13:37 < Kenshy> and I think it's just Chromium doing something stupid
13:53 < Kenshy> I can't connect to :l
13:53 < ss23> Kenshy: Shinu
13:53 < ss23> baaaaka
13:53 < Kenshy> Shinu?
13:53 < ss23> Die
13:54 < Kenshy> I just tried to ping the site with curl
13:54 < ss23> pinging with curl, aye?
13:54 < ss23> I didn't realise cURL supporeted ICMP.
13:55 < Kenshy> I tried pulling the headers with curl, and because Chromium is the standard for virtually any Linux distribution you twat :l
13:56 < ss23> Kenshy: In any case, if you can't access it with curl, try lower level? tracert, ping, etc
13:58 * Kenshy shrugs
14:00 < Kenshy> I can access it from my VPN fine
14:01 < Kenshy> I don't see why I'd be firewalled for anything >_>
14:15 < ss23> Kenshy: Looks like you've been firewalled off from BBT on that IP?
14:16 < ss23> Kenshy: The last hop, line 12 (hop 21) is meant to be
14:16 < Kenshy> That was my first rash assumption
14:16 < ss23> Kenshy: Well, it doesn't seem so rash anymore!
14:16 < Kenshy> Some false flag by the servers firewall?
14:16 < ss23> Kenshy: Who says it's false? Maybe it's intentional :3
14:17 < Kenshy> I'm not banned though >_>
14:17 < ss23> Kenshy: But, I would just wait if I was you. If it's not fixed in 24 hours, I would contact Duki404 or Jarudin or someone (or #bakabt-support, but given most of the mods/devs are noobs, I'm not sure how much help you would get)
14:17 < ss23> Also, obligatory disclaimer about me not being sure, it just seems damn likely if the hop you can't get to is the bakabt server
14:18 -!- ss23 was kicked from #bakabt by Jarudin [cool story brah]
14:24 -!- ss23 [] has joined #bakabt
14:24 -!- Irssi: #bakabt: Total of 266 nicks [9 ops, 1 halfops, 8 voices, 248 normal]
14:24 < ss23> oi
14:24 -!- Irssi: Join to #bakabt was synced in 1 secs
14:24 < ss23> I was going out of my way to help a user who needed help, Jarudin
14:24 < ss23> No need to be a dick about it
14:46 < Kenshy> Neh.
15:09 < Kenshy> Well now I'm actually seing the MySQL database error :l
15:10 < Kenshy> I'll probably be banned again once that goes away
15:10 < ss23> Kenshy: Were you banned then?
15:10 < Kenshy> Must be
15:10 < Kenshy> Still don't know why
15:11 < ss23> Did you confirm with Jarudin, since he was obviously here? (although evidently in a shitty mood)
15:11 < Kenshy> I asked in -support and haven't had a response.
15:11 <&Jarudin> I tend to be in a shitty mood when you bad mouth me
15:12 < ss23> Jarudin: I'm not sure I badmouthed you. Or was I wrong? Do most of the devs/mods know about the firewall on the webserver? Is that such a horrible assumption to make?
15:13 < ss23> And if you took personally "most of the support/devs" are noobs, then I don't particularly care if you're in a shitty mood because of it -- it's not far from the truth.
15:14 < ss23> In any case, don't you think you should put your personal emotions away if I'm just trying to help a user, Jarudin? Not like anyone else here was willing to help a user who had an issue.
15:15 <&Jarudin> if you're banned it'll explicitly say you're banned
15:15 <&Jarudin> if you just get a timeout or w/e it's something else
15:15 < Kenshy> The connection eventually times out after a lengthy time period. Only from this IP.
15:16 <&Jarudin> do you have an anti virus programs?
15:16 < Kenshy> No.
15:16 < ss23> Jarudin: He posted his traceroute before, it gets to the last hop then drops out
15:16 < ss23> Jarudin: (last hop as in last hop before, then is dropped)
15:16 < Kenshy> I can see the MySQL error page right now, though.
15:16 <&Jarudin> we probably just disabled pings
15:17 < ss23> Jarudin: It resolved fine for me
15:17 <&Jarudin> whats your username?
15:17 < Kenshy> BlueTiger
15:17 < ss23> resolved / tracert completed
15:17 < Kenshy> I also wanted to ask, is there any way I can have my username changed?
15:17 <&Jarudin> oh, server is busy atm, can't check :/
15:17 <&Jarudin> no
15:17 < Kenshy> I used a stupid old generic username when I registered on here.
15:18 <&Jarudin> cant' do much right now, idle in support and someone will help you
15:18 < Kenshy> You can say for sure it's a no on the username change request though?
15:19 <&Jarudin> yep
15:20 <&Jarudin> also ss23, I'd appreciate it if you could be "not a douchebag" every now and then
15:20 <&Jarudin> we dont owe you anything
15:20 < Kenshy> Oh. Now the page resolves.
15:20 < Kenshy> Fehh
15:20 < ss23> Jarudin: I'd apperciate if you weren't a pussy who kicked people for helping someone and mentioning that most people don't know about firewall issues
15:21 < ss23> Jarudin: But we can't always get what we want.
15:21 <&Jarudin> I can
15:21 -!- mode/#bakabt [+b *!*ss23@*] by Jarudin
15:21 -!- ss23 was kicked from #bakabt by Jarudin [see?]
--- Log closed Sat Mar 30 15:21:16 2013
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