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Created November 11, 2014 06:22
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dev-python/pypy-bin ~amd64
virtual/mysql ~amd64
dev-db/mariadb ~amd64
app-misc/binwalk ~amd64
net-p2p/deluge ~amd64
app-crypt/fcrackzip ~amd64
dev-lang/php xml apache2 bcmath exif ftp gd gmp mhash mysqli mysql pdo soap sockets xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter zip xsl cgi curl
app-admin/eselect-php apache2
dev-vcs/git subversion
dev-vcs/subversion -dso perl
dev-libs/boost python
net-p2p/deluge webinterface
net-libs/rb_libtorrent python
media-video/libav aac mp3 theora threads vorbis xvid x264
virtual/ffmpeg aac mp3 theora threads vorbis xvid x264
media-libs/x264 10bit
media-sound/sox mad flac ogg twolame ffmpeg
net-misc/tor upnp
dev-lang/python sqlite
dev-python/pypy-bin jit sse2
sys-libs/talloc python
sys-apps/file python
net-fs/cifs-utils -acl -ads
sys-apps/util-linux tty-helpers
sys-devel/llvm clang
media-libs/gd png
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