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Last active April 7, 2016 15:36
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CLIR Attempt

CLIR Executable Rewriter

This compiles CAVI-ART project's CLIR to an executable program.


Needs a Common Lisp compiler with ASDF System Definition support.

Tested with SBCL.

How to use

$ cd path/to/here
$ sbcl --load init.lisp
> (load "your-file.clir")
> (|package-name|::my-function) ;; Just call the function you want to execute in its package
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(load (merge-pathnames (directory-namestring *load-pathname*) "core.lisp"))
(defpackage :ir.builtins
(:use :ir.core :common-lisp)
(:shadow + - * / < <= > >= 1+ 1-)
(:export + - * / < <= > >= 1+ 1-)
(:shadowing-import-from :common-lisp :let :let* :case :load)
;; Export generalized boolean constants
(:export :t :nil)
;; Export our minimal core-lisp for execution
(:export :format)
;; Export types
(:export :fixnum :number :real :float)
;; Export simulated heap and array
(:export :assertion :defun-with-assertion)
(:export :heap :heap-p :loc :new-heap :sel-heap :mod-heap :newptr-in-heap)
(:export :sel-array :mod-array :sel-array-heap
:mod-array-heap :len-array-heap))
(in-package :ir.builtins)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(declaim (optimize safety)))
(defparameter *assertions-executable-p* nil
"This parameter influences whether assertions are to be executable or not.")
;; Redeclare some CL builtins so that they operate only on fixnums
;; Do not pollute the package with define-op definitions.
(macrolet ((define-op (opname)
`(defun ,opname (&rest vals)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
(the fixnum (apply (function ,(find-symbol (symbol-name opname) "COMMON-LISP")) vals))))
(boolean-op (opname)
(let ((result (gensym)))
`(defun ,opname (&rest vals)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
(let ((,result (apply (function ,(find-symbol (symbol-name opname) "COMMON-LISP")) vals)))
(if ,result
(define-op1 (opname)
`(defun ,opname (val)
(declare (type fixnum val)
(optimize speed (safety 0)))
(the fixnum (funcall (function ,(find-symbol (symbol-name opname) "COMMON-LISP")) val)))))
(define-op +)
(define-op -)
(define-op *)
(define-op /)
(boolean-op <)
(boolean-op <=)
(boolean-op >)
(boolean-op >=)
(define-op1 1+)
(define-op1 1-))
;; Now the assertion basics get here
(defun assert-get (type form)
(assoc type form))
(defun assert-precd (form) (assert-get 'precd form))
(defun assert-postcd (form) (assert-get 'postcd form))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
;; We need these accessible on compiling so that
;; `defun-with-assertion' can be computed in compile-time
(defun get-decls (body)
"Gets the `declare'-d and docstring forms (if there are any) of a
defun-ish body"
(let ((form (car body)))
(if (or (and (listp form)
(eq (car form)
(stringp form))
(cons form (get-decls (cdr body)))
(defun remove-decls (body)
"Returns the `declare'-stripped forms of a `defun'-ish body so
that only executable things get there."
(let ((form (car body)))
(if (or (and (listp form)
(eq (car form)
(stringp form))
(remove-decls (cdr body))
(defun assert-as-code (assertion &key fname)
"TODO: Make it work. Now it is just returning t and printing that it should be checked"
`(prog1 t (format t "[At ~a] Should now be checking ~a~%" ',fname ',assertion)))
(defmacro defun-with-assertion (name args assertion-form &body full-body)
"This macro is like a defun but it also introduces assertions as
declarations in the function metadata as well as allows executing the
assertions, provided a working implementation of `assert-as-code' for
assertion formulae and a non-nil `*assertions-executable-p*' parameter
(let ((body (remove-decls full-body))
(decls (get-decls full-body)))
(flet ((structured-body-with-postconditions-maybe (body &key postcd)
(if (and *assertions-executable-p*
(let ((first-forms (butlast body))
(last-form (last body)))
(list first-forms
`(assert ,(assert-as-code postcd))
`(defun ,name ,args
(declare (assertion ,@assertion-form))
,@(when (and *assertions-executable-p*
(assert-precd assertion-form))
`((assert ,(assert-as-code (assert-precd assertion-form)))))
,@(structured-body-with-postconditions-maybe body :postcd (assert-postcd assertion-form))))))
;; Define the builtin functions
(defun heap-p (h)
"Test whether a given parameter is a heap"
(assoc :is-heap h))
(deftype heap () '(and list
(satisfies heap-p)))
;; For the while the information attached to loc is not really useful,
;; but we should eventually annotate a loc with its associated heap
;; and type check the value at the end.
(deftype loc (a) 'symbol)
(defun get-heap (H L)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) L))
"Dereferences a pointer from a heap"
(cdr (assoc L H)))
(defun mod-heap (H L V)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) L)
(type cons V))
"Modifies a heap `H' so that the position pointed by `L' should
point to `V' in the resulting heap. TODO: should not be fixed to fixnum"
(cons (cons L V) (remove L H :key #'car)))
(defun newptr-in-heap (H V)
(declare (type heap H)
(type cons V))
"Creates a new pointer in the heap and returns `values' for both the
newly allocated loc and the modified heap with such a pointer pointing
to value `V'"
(let ((p (gensym)))
(values (the (loc (array fixnum)) p)
(the heap (cons (cons p V) H)))))
(defmacro with-pointer-in-heap (H H2 V &body body)
(assert (and (typep H2 'atom)
(typep V 'atom)))
`(multiple-value-bind (,V ,H2) (newptr-in-heap ,H nil)
(defun new-heap ()
"Creates an empty heap"
'((:is-heap . t)))
(defun sel-array (E I)
(declare (type cons E)
(type fixnum I))
"Returns a value by index in a modelled array"
(the fixnum (cdr (assoc I E))))
(defun mod-array (E I V)
"Modifies an array `E' so that position `I' now points to `V'"
(the cons (cons (cons I V) (remove I E :key #'car))))
(defun sel-array-heap (H V I)
"Convenience method for selecting an array without dereferencing the
pointer to the heap before."
(sel-array (get-heap H V) I))
(defun mod-array-heap (H L I V)
"Convenience method for modifying an array without dereferencing the
pointer to the heap before."
(the heap (mod-heap H L (mod-array (get-heap H L) I V))))
(defun len-array-heap (H V)
"Convenience method for getting the length of an array without
dereferencing the pointer to the heap before."
(the fixnum (length (the list (get-heap H V)))))
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: common-lisp
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
This file is a part of cl-reexport project.
Taken from:
Copyright (c) 2014 Masayuki Takagi (
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage cl-reexport
(:use :cl)
(:export :reexport-from))
(in-package :cl-reexport)
;;; Helpers
(defun external-symbols (package)
(let (ret)
(do-external-symbols (var package ret)
(push var ret))))
(defun exclude-symbols (exclude symbols)
(flet ((aux (symbol)
(member symbol exclude :key #'symbol-name
:test #'string=)))
(remove-if #'aux symbols)))
(defun include-symbols (include symbols)
(flet ((aux (symbol)
(member symbol include :key #'symbol-name
:test #'string=)))
(if include
(remove-if-not #'aux symbols)
;;; Syntax:
;;; REEXPORT-FROM package-from &key include exclude
;;; Arguments and values:
;;; package-from --- a package designator from which symbols are reexported
(defun reexport-from (package-from &key include exclude)
(unless (not (and include exclude))
(error "INCLUDE option and EXCLUDE option are exclusive."))
(let ((symbols (include-symbols include
(exclude-symbols exclude
(external-symbols package-from)))))
(import symbols)
(export symbols)))
(defsystem "clir"
:description "Common Lisp-like Intermediate Representation for CAVI-ART"
:version "0.0.1"
:author "Santiago Saavedra <>"
:licence "GPL3"
:components ((:file "cl-reexport")
(:file "core")
(:file "builtins" :depends-on ("core"))
(:file "rt" :depends-on ("cl-reexport" "core" "builtins"))
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :ir.rt
(:documentation "Runtime package. Defines no symbols a priori."))
(defpackage :ir.core.impl
(:use :cl)
(:export :assertion :get-package-symbol :assertion-decl-to-code :signature-to-typedecl
:lambda-list-type-decls :maybe-macroexpand))
(defpackage :ir.core
(:use :ir.core.impl)
(:import-from :cl :nil :t)
(:import-from :cl &allow-other-keys &body &key &rest)
(:import-from :cl :let*)
(:import-from :cl :declare :optimize :speed :debug :safety)
(:import-from :cl :require :the :type)
(:import-from :cl :defmacro :let* :cons :car :cdr :length :if :eq "=" :symbolp :first :and :or :nconc :append :consp )
(:import-from :cl :list :funcall)
(:export :list)
(:export :int)
(:export :bool :true :false)
(:export :load :assertion :declare :the :type :optimize :speed :debug :safety)
(:export :*assume-verified* :*verify-only*)
(:export :define :lettype :letvar :letconst :let :let* :letfun :case "@"))
(in-package :ir.core.impl)
;;;; Package ir.core.impl follows.
;; Declare that "assertion" is a valid "declare" form.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(declaim (declaration assertion)))
(defparameter *auto-macroexpand* t)
(defun get-package-symbol (input-package-symbol)
(return-from get-package-symbol input-package-symbol)
(flet ((get-package-name (input-package-symbol)
(symbol-name input-package-symbol)))
(intern (get-package-name input-package-symbol) "IR.RT")))
(defun assertion-decl-to-code (body-forms)
(if (assoc 'declare body-forms)
(let ((declarations (cdr (assoc 'declare body-forms))))
(declare (cl:ignore declarations))
(defun maybe-macroexpand (forms)
(if *auto-macroexpand*
(mapcar #'macroexpand-1 forms)
(cl:defun lambda-list-type-decls (typed-lambda-list)
(cl:lambda (e)
(list 'type (cadr e) (car e)))
;;;; Package ir.core must define vars before overriding package in cl-user.
(in-package :ir.core)
(cl:deftype int () `(cl:integer ,cl:most-negative-fixnum ,cl:most-positive-fixnum))
(cl:deftype bool () '(cl:member true false))
(cl:defparameter *assume-verified* nil)
(cl:defparameter *verify-only* nil)
;; Override CL-USER environment to define package (CLIR entry point)
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(defmacro verification-unit (package-id &key sources uses documentation verify-only assume-verified)
(declare (ignorable sources))
(let ((pkg (ir.core.impl:get-package-symbol package-id)))
`(progn (when (find-package ,pkg)
(unuse-package ,@uses ,pkg)
(delete-package ,pkg))
(defpackage ,pkg
(:use ,@uses)
(:documentation ,documentation))
(in-package ,pkg)
(mapcar (lambda (f) (push f ir.core:*assume-verified*)) ,assume-verified)
(mapcar (lambda (f) (push f ir.core:*verify-only*)) ,verify-only))))
;;;; Rest of ir.core follows.
(cl:in-package :ir.core)
(cl:defmacro lettype (type-symbol param-list type-boolean-expresssion optional-data)
(declare (cl:ignore optional-data))
"Defines a type globally in the environment."
`(cl:deftype ,type-symbol ,param-list ,type-boolean-expresssion)
;; TODO: Use `optional-data'
(cl:defmacro define (function-name typed-lambda-list &body full-body)
"Defines an exportable function in the verification unit. The
function may be mutually recursive with other DEFINE-d functions."
(cl:let ((body
(assertion-decl-to-code full-body)))
`(cl:defun ,function-name ,(cl:mapcar #'cl:car typed-lambda-list)
(declare ,@(lambda-list-type-decls typed-lambda-list))
,@ (maybe-macroexpand body))))
(cl:defmacro letfun (function-decls &body body)
"Defines a lexically bound set of possibly mutually-recursive
(cl:assert (= 1 (length body)))
,(cl:mapcar (cl:lambda (f)
(cons (car f) (cons (cl:mapcar #'car (cl:cadr f)) (maybe-macroexpand (cl:cddr f))))) function-decls)
,@(maybe-macroexpand body)))
(cl:defmacro let (typed-var-list val &body body)
"Lexically binds a var, syntax is: (let var val body-form). It can
destructure tuples as (let (a b) (list a b) a)"
(cl:assert (= 1 (length body)))
(cl:if (= 1 (length typed-var-list))
`(let ,(car typed-var-list) ,val ,@(maybe-macroexpand body))
(cl:if (and (= 2 (length typed-var-list))
(symbolp (first typed-var-list)))
(var-name var-type) typed-var-list
`(cl:let ((,var-name ,val))
(declare (type ,var-type ,var-name))
,@ (maybe-macroexpand body)))
;; TODO Correctly treat constructor application
((strip-var-types (typed-var-list)
"Strips variable types from a let-pattern (more
or less, a simple destructuring lambda list)"
(cl:if (consp (car typed-var-list))
(cons (strip-var-types (car typed-var-list))
(strip-var-types (cdr typed-var-list)))
(car typed-var-list)))
(get-type-for-decl (typed-var-list)
(cl:reduce #'get-type-for-decl-acc typed-var-list))
(get-type-for-decl-acc (typed-var-list acc)
(cl:if (consp (car typed-var-list))
(nconc (get-type-for-decl typed-var-list) acc)
(cons 'type typed-var-list))))
`(cl:destructuring-bind ,(strip-var-types typed-var-list) ,val
(declare ,@(get-type-for-decl typed-var-list))
,@ (maybe-macroexpand body))))))
(cl:defmacro case (condition &body cases)
"Defines a case conditional."
;; TODO The cases may be destructuring
,@ (cl:mapcar
(cl:lambda (c)
(pattern form) c
(list pattern (car (maybe-macroexpand (list form)))))) cases)))
(cl:defmacro @ (fname &rest args)
"Substitutes the @ function application form for the appropriate
executable funcall."
(if (eq fname :external)
`(funcall #'call-external ,@args)
`(funcall #',fname ,@args)))
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(require "asdf")
(push (directory-namestring *load-pathname*) asdf:*central-registry*)
(cl:in-package :asdf-user)
(oos 'load-op 'clir)
;; These instructions makes the code available at any time. They can
;; be removed, but then a Common-Lisp runtime will not know how to
;; parse the file.
(cl:eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(load "init.lisp"))
;; End of bogus instruction
(package :inssort
:uses (:ir)
:documentation "This is the implementation of a verified insertion sort in CLIR")
;; Test function (outside core for the moment)
(define create-list-and-heap ()
(let l '((0 . 1)
(1 . 2)
(2 . 234)
(3 . 23)
(4 . 56)
(5 . 41))
(cl:multiple-value-bind (v h) (newptr-in-heap (new-heap) l)
(inssort v h))))
(define f1 (V H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array int)) V))
(let I (the int 0)
(f2 V I H)))
(define f2 (V I H)
(precd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(and (sorted_sub E 0 I)
(<= 0 I)))))
(postcd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(sorted E)))))
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type heap H)
(type fixnum I))
(let X1 (len-array-heap H V)
(let B (< I X1)
(case B
((t) (f3 V I H))
((nil) H)))))
(define f3 (V I H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I))
(let J (- I (the fixnum 1))
(f4 V I J H)))
(define f4 (V I J H)
(precd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(and (sorted_sub E 0 (+ J 1))
(sorted_sub E (+ J 1) (+ I 1))
(<= -1 J)
(<= (sel-array E (- J 1))
(sel-array E (+ J 1))))))))
(type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I J))
(let B1 (>= J (the fixnum 0))
(case B1
((nil) (f6 V I H))
((t) (let VJ (sel-array-heap H V J)
(let J1 (+ J (the fixnum 1))
(let VJ1 (sel-array-heap H V J1)
(let B2 (> VJ VJ1)
(case B2
((nil) (f6 V I H))
((t) (f5 V I J H)))))))))))
(define f5 (V I J H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I J))
(let E (sel-array-heap H V J)
(let J1 (+ J (the fixnum 1))
(let E2 (sel-array-heap H V J1)
(let H1 (mod-array-heap H V J E2)
(let H2 (mod-array-heap H1 V J1 E)
(let J2 (- J (the fixnum 1))
(f4 V I J2 H2))))))))
;; This would just show the alternative, if it existed
;; let* can allow for multiple bindings at once,
;; flattening the otherwise nested structure.
;; The binding is sequential.
(define f5-prime (V I J H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I J))
(let* ((E (sel-array-heap H V J))
(J1 (+ J (the fixnum 1)))
(E2 (sel-array-heap H V J1))
(H1 (mod-array-heap H V J E2))
(H2 (mod-array-heap H1 V J1 E))
(J2 (- J (the fixnum 1))))
(f4 V I J2 H2)))
(define f6 (V I H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I))
(let I1 (+ I (the fixnum 1))
(f2 V I1 H)))
(define inssort (V H)
(f1 V H))
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: common-lisp
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(require "asdf")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(load "builtins.lisp")
(proclaim '(optimize ;; debug
;; speed (safety 0)
;; Creator functions
(defun create-list-and-heap ()
(let ((l '((0 . 1)
(1 . 2)
(2 . 234)
(3 . 23)
(4 . 56)
(5 . 41))))
(multiple-value-bind (v h) (newptr-in-heap (new-heap) l)
(inssort v h))))
(defun f1 (V H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V))
(let ((I (the fixnum 0)))
(f2 V I H)))
(defun-with-assertion f2 (V I H)
((precd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(and (sorted_sub E 0 I)
(<= 0 I)))))
(postcd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(sorted E)))))
(declare (type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type heap H)
(type fixnum I))
(let ((X1 (len-array-heap H V)))
(let ((B (< I X1)))
(case B
((t) (f3 V I H))
((nil) H)))))
(defun f3 (V I H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I))
(let ((J (- I (the fixnum 1))))
(f4 V I J H)))
(defun-with-assertion f4 (V I J H)
((precd (:forall ((E (array fixnum)))
(-> (= (deref H V) E)
(and (sorted_sub E 0 (+ J 1))
(sorted_sub E (+ J 1) (+ I 1))
(<= -1 J)
(<= (sel-array E (- J 1))
(sel-array E (+ J 1))))))))
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I J))
(let ((B1 (>= J (the fixnum 0))))
(case B1
((nil) (f6 V I H))
((t) (let* ((VJ (sel-array-heap H V J))
(J1 (+ J (the fixnum 1)))
(VJ1 (sel-array-heap H V J1))
(B2 (> VJ VJ1)))
(case B2
((nil) (f6 V I H))
((t) (f5 V I J H))))))))
(defun f5 (V I J H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I J))
(let* ((E (sel-array-heap H V J))
(J1 (+ J (the fixnum 1)))
(E2 (sel-array-heap H V J1))
(H1 (mod-array-heap H V J E2))
(H2 (mod-array-heap H1 V J1 E))
(J2 (- J (the fixnum 1))))
(f4 V I J2 H2)))
(defun f6 (V I H)
(declare (type heap H)
(type (loc (array fixnum)) V)
(type fixnum I))
(let ((I1 (+ I (the fixnum 1))))
(f2 V I1 H)))
(defun inssort (V H)
(f1 V H))
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: common-lisp
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
(in-package :cl-user)
(:shadow + - * / < <= > >= 1+ 1-)
(:export + - * / < <= > >= 1+ 1-)
;; Export generalized boolean constants
(:export :t :nil)
;; Export our minimal core-lisp for execution
(:export :case :declare :defun :export :format :function :lambda
:let :let* :multiple-value-bind :require :the :type)
;; Export types
(:export :fixnum :number :real :float)
;; Export simulated heap and array
(:export :assertion :defun-with-assertion)
(:export :heap :heap-p :loc :new-heap :sel-heap :mod-heap :newptr-in-heap)
(:export :sel-array :mod-array :sel-array-heap
:mod-array-heap :len-array-heap))
(provide "packages.lisp")
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(proclaim '(optimize debug
;; speed (safety 0)
(print *load-pathname*)
(print (directory-namestring *load-pathname*))
(print (pathname (directory-namestring *load-pathname*)))
(load (merge-pathnames (directory-namestring *load-pathname*) "cl-reexport.lisp"))
(load (merge-pathnames (directory-namestring *load-pathname*) "core.lisp"))
(load (merge-pathnames (directory-namestring *load-pathname*) "builtins.lisp"))
(unless (find-package :ir)
(defpackage :ir
(:use :ir.core :ir.builtins)))
(in-package :ir)
(cl-reexport:reexport-from :ir.core)
(cl-reexport:reexport-from :ir.builtins)
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