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Created March 30, 2016 13:46
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Improve TCO handling on Common Lisp easy cases
(defpackage :ssaavedra.tco
"Implements some silly optimizations for improved Tail Call
Optimization (TCO) so that when defining a function or a lambda ending
in a `case' or an `if' the enclosing frame can be removed.")
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :tco-body :case-tco :defun-tco))
(in-package :ssaavedra.tco)
(defun tco-test ()
(print (tco-body '(1 2
(let ((X1 (len-array-heap H V)))
(let ((B (< I X1)))
(progn 2
(case B ((t) 1) ((nil) 2)))
;(format t "test")
(case B ((t) 1) ((nil) 2))
(if t 2 3)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
(defun tco-handle-form (form fname)
(let ((operation (car form)))
(case operation
((let) (tco-handle-let form fname))
((let*) (tco-handle-let form fname))
((progn) (tco-handle-progn form fname))
((case) (tco-handle-case form fname))
((if) (tco-handle-if form fname))
(t (format t "Cannot optimize tail-call to ~a in defun for ~a~%" form fname)
(list form)))))
(defun tco-handle-let (form fname)
(let ((operation (car form))
(assignments (cadr form))
(let-body (cddr form)))
(list (append (list operation assignments) (tco-body let-body fname)))))
(defun tco-handle-progn (form fname)
(list (cons 'progn (tco-body (cdr form) fname))))
(defun tco-handle-case (form fname)
(let ((condition (cadr form))
(cases (cddr form)))
(list (macroexpand-1 (list 'case-tco fname condition cases)))))
(defun tco-handle-if (form fname)
(let ((condition (cadr form))
(then (caddr form))
(else (cadddr form)))
(list (macroexpand-1 (list 'if-tco fname condition then else)))))
(defun tco-body (body fname)
"Returns a body which is better tail-call optimized if the last
instruction is a case form (optionally inside a let or let*, or a progn)."
(if (cdr body)
(cons (car body) (tco-body (cdr body) fname))
(let* ((form (car body)))
(if (not (consp form)) ;; Maybe this is a last literal/symbol form
;; Else, this is a cons TCO-able form
(tco-handle-form form fname))))))
(defmacro if-tco (fname cond then else)
"Optimizes an `if' call as a last call of a function by replacing
the branches with a return-from call so that the compiler can
absolutely replace the CALL by a JMP to the called function."
(list 'if cond
(list 'return-from fname then)
(list 'return-from fname else)))
(defmacro case-tco (fname cond cases)
"Optimizes a case call as last call of a function by replacing the
body forms with a `return-from' call so that the compiler can
absolutely replace the CALL by a JMP to the called function."
(flet ((case-clause-tco (cases &key name)
(mapcar (lambda (l)
(let ((guard (car l))
(tail (cdr l)))
(list guard (cons 'return-from (cons name tail)))))
(cons 'cl:case (cons cond (case-clause-tco cases :name fname)))))
(defmacro defun-tco (name args &body body)
"This macro is like a defun but it modifies the defun body so that
it can optimize tail calls inside a case operation. See `case-tco' for
details on how that is implemented."
`(defun ,name ,args
,(tco-body body name)))
(defmacro lambda-tco (args &body body)
(let ((blockname (gensym)))
`(lambda ,args
(block ,blockname
,(tco-body body blockname)))))
(provide 'ssaavedra.tco)
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