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Last active December 24, 2015 19:29
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Save ssadler/6850399 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given two strings, `a` and `b`. Sort the letters in `a` by the order of letters in `b`.
For example:
a = "ssttexeste"
b = "test"
result = "ttteeesssx"
def a_by_b(a, b):
idx = {c:i for i, c in enumerate(b)}
m = len(b)
out = [''] * (m + 1)
for c in a:
out[idx.get(c, m)] += c
return ''.join(out)
a = "adlkfhxaxjxkxhxfwkhkjfhjkahjksedeheflhadslfkhdfjkadhjhdhskghdjdjkhskkhjokhkshakhlhfkjdshjfkshhkskskss"
b = "alskdjfhg"
def bench():
for i in xrange(100000):
assert a_by_b(a, b) == "aaaaaallllssssssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdddddddddjjjjjjjjjjjffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgxxxxxweeeo"
# Probably more scalable:
def a_by_b_(a, b):
idx = {c:i for i, c in enumerate(b)}
m = len(b)
buckets = [[] for _ in range(m+1)]
for c in a:
buckets[idx.get(c, m)].append(c)
for l in buckets[1:]:
return ''.join(buckets[0])
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