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Created June 2, 2020 23:47
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import Data.Word
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Test.DejaFu
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Common
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.STM
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Control.Concurrent.Classy hiding (wait)
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.MVar
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type HostAddress = Word32
type ReceiverMap m = TVar (STM m) (Map.Map HostAddress (Async m ()))
type ClassyAsync = Async IO
classyAsync :: MonadConc m => m a -> m (Async m a)
classyAsync = async
newReceiverMap :: MonadConc m => m (ReceiverMap m)
newReceiverMap = atomically (newTVar mempty)
:: MonadConc m
=> ReceiverMap m
-> HostAddress
-> Async m ()
-> m a
-> m a
inboundConnectionLimit mreceivers ip asnc act = do
mapM_ cancel =<< atomically do
lookupAsync ip mreceivers <* insertAsync ip asnc mreceivers
atomically do
lookupAsync ip mreceivers >>=
mapM_ \oasnc ->
when (asnc == oasnc) (void $ deleteAsync ip mreceivers)
insertAsync :: MonadConc m => HostAddress -> Async m () -> ReceiverMap m -> STM m ()
insertAsync ip asnc t = do
modifyTVar t $ Map.insert ip asnc
lookupAsync :: MonadConc m => HostAddress -> ReceiverMap m -> STM m (Maybe (Async m ()))
lookupAsync ip tmap = do
Map.lookup ip <$> readTVar tmap
deleteAsync :: MonadConc m => HostAddress -> ReceiverMap m -> STM m ()
deleteAsync ip t = modifyTVar t $ Map.delete ip
testInboundConnectionLimit :: Program (WithSetup (ModelTVar IO Integer)) IO ()
testInboundConnectionLimit = withSetup setup \sem -> do
mreceivers <- atomically (newTVar mempty)
asyncs <- forM [0..1] \i -> do
handoff <- newEmptyMVar
asnc <- async do
me <- takeMVar handoff
inboundConnectionLimit mreceivers 0 me do
atomically $ modifyTVar sem (+1)
threadDelay 1)
(do atomically (modifyTVar sem (subtract 1)))
putMVar handoff asnc
pure asnc
mapM_ waitCatch asyncs
setup :: Program Basic IO (ModelTVar IO Integer)
setup = do
single <- atomically $ newTVar 0
registerInvariant do
n <- inspectTVar single
when (n > 1) $ throwM TooManyThreads -- error "too many threads"
pure ()
pure single
data TooManyThreads = TooManyThreads deriving (Show)
instance Exception TooManyThreads
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