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Last active January 19, 2021 21:01
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Maple data structure concept
-- Maple data structure concept
-- Scott Sadler, 18/01/21
-- Int is an Ethereum 32 bit word
-- Sometimes entities appear denormalized but should all be referenced by ID, either numeric or hash, depending on context
-- Fields like created, modified date not present
-- Nearly all of this was garnered from the "how-can-i-borrow-on-maple" page
data Borrower = Borrower
{ id :: Int
-- Is all this info published on chain? I suppose it's in the website DB and only visible to the delegates and admins
, name :: String
, address :: String
, website :: String
, contactName :: String
, contactNumber :: String
, socialMedia :: String
-- This is published on the app, and viewable by delegates
-- DB only
data RequestForQuote = RequestForQuote
{ id :: Int
, borrower :: Borrower
, amount :: Currency
, loanTerms :: LoanTerms
-- DB only
data Negotiation = Negotiation
{ delegate :: Delegate
, request :: RequestForQuote
, acceptedTerms :: Maybe LoanTerms
, onChainState :: NotCreated | CreatedPending | Funded
-- Backend only
-- Concept here is that it's like an Airbnb thread, which can include messages and other things like offers or refunds. Or Github PR with patches etc.
data Message = Message
{ negotiation :: Negotiation
, messageBody :: MessageBody
-- Backend only
data MessageBody = TextMessage | OfferMessage LoanOffer
-- Initially DB, then propagated to chain
data LoanTerms =
{ amount :: Int
, amountUnit :: Currency
, collat :: BasisPoints
, collatUnit :: Currency
, loanMonths :: Int
, paymentFreq :: PaymentFrequency
, interestAPY :: Int
} |
-- The repayment structure could actually be a loan contract template, there is no technical reason it needs to be hardcoded in the db
-- However it would probably not be pragmatic to support totally dynamic loan algorithms to start with, MVP etc
data Currency = Currency
{ symbol :: String
, decimals :: Int
-- Backend, periodically scraped from chain
data Reputation = Reputation
{ borrower :: Borrower
-- Converting to USD seems like the simplest way to give a historically stable view of transacted amounts
, usdCompleted :: Int
, usdPaid :: Int
, usdOutstanding :: Int
, usdFuture :: Int
, usdTotalCollateral :: Int
, goodRatings :: Int
, okRatings :: Int
, badRatings :: Int
-- Created on chain by borrower
data Loan = Loan
{ borrower :: BorrowerId
, requestId :: RequestId
, creditors :: [(PoolAddress, Amount)]
, terms :: LoanTerms -- Complete loan terms copied from db, hash is verified on db to match that in Negotiation
, collateralErc20 :: Address
, gracePeriodDays :: Int
, loanCreateDate :: Date
, loanStatus :: NotFunded | Funded | InArrears | Liquidated -- Or is liquidation partial per pool?
-- On chain, reflected to db
data Pool = Pool {
-- list of ERC20s with balance
-- list of liquidity providers with amount
-- Pool balance == sum(invested) - sum(loaned) must always be true
data LiquidityProvider = LiquidityProvider
-- etc
-- High level process:
-- Borrower creates request on db
-- Delegates negotiate
-- Borrower creates loan on chain (Metamask)
-- Scraper facilitates updating db with loan state changes, borrower reputation stats etc.
-- Ethereum contracts
-- At a minimum, i would guess:
-- * Gateway, which has a list of loans, and a list of liquidity pools
-- * Loans, keep repayment logic and balances separate
-- * Liquidity pools, one instance for each delegate, to keep balances separate
-- * Governance tracker, which tracks votes by LPs on polymorphic Amendments
-- Questions:
-- If delegates can make a counter offer, then how does that feed back into the loan request which may be funded by multiple delegates?
-- Does the borrower update their LoanRequest visible to all Delegates? Or can Loans have multiple repayment terms, but single liquidation?
-- Grace period in days or blocks?
-- I suppose the Master Loan Agreement is a contract template provided by Maple and designed to complement legally the on-chain smart contract?
-- And it becomes neccesary in the case that an under-collateralized loan goes into default?
-- I have missed out on governance here completely, are there any other large parts of the schema that arets of the schema that are not not present?
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