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  • Save ssahlender/e5a106644efd3a0eac3cefea762ad548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ssahlender/e5a106644efd3a0eac3cefea762ad548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hashicorp packer log of problems reaching preseed http server
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [INFO] Packer version: 1.7.2 [go1.16.3 windows amd64]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] discovering plugins in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] discovering plugins in C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.d\plugins
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] discovering plugins in .
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [INFO] Setting cache directory: C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache
e: cannot determine if process is in background: Process background check error: not implemented yet
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] Starting internal plugin packer-builder-vmware-iso
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Starting plugin: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe []string{"C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\packer\\tools\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Packer version: 1.7.2 [go1.16.3 windows amd64]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Setting cache directory: C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: args: []string{"packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin port range: [10000,25000]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin address: tcp
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Waiting for connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Received tcp RPC address for C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe: addr is
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Serving a plugin connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] Starting internal plugin packer-provisioner-shell
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Starting plugin: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe []string{"C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\packer\\tools\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-shell"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Packer version: 1.7.2 [go1.16.3 windows amd64]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Setting cache directory: C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: args: []string{"packer-provisioner-shell"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin port range: [10000,25000]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin address: tcp
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Received tcp RPC address for C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe: addr is
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Waiting for connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Serving a plugin connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [TRACE] Starting internal plugin packer-post-processor-vagrant
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Starting plugin: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe []string{"C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\packer\\tools\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Packer version: 1.7.2 [go1.16.3 windows amd64]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var not set; checking the default config file path
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] PACKER_CONFIG env var set; attempting to open config file: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\ssahl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Setting cache directory: C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: args: []string{"packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin port range: [10000,25000]
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Plugin address: tcp
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Waiting for connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Received tcp RPC address for C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\packer\tools\packer.exe: addr is
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Serving a plugin connection...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Preparing build: vmware-iso
2021/05/06 21:13:16 ui: vmware-iso: output will be in this color.
2021/05/06 21:13:16 ui:
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Build debug mode: false
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Force build: false
2021/05/06 21:13:16 On error:
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Waiting on builds to complete...
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Starting build run: vmware-iso
2021/05/06 21:13:16 Running builder: vmware-iso
2021/05/06 21:13:16 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting builder vmware-iso
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmrun.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmrun.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware-vdiskmanager.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware-vdiskmanager.exe'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: VMware app path: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: vmrun path: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmrun.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: vdisk-manager path: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware-vdiskmanager.exe
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Detected VMware WS version: 16
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Testing against vmware driver *common.Workstation10Driver, Success: true
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/linux.iso'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/linux.iso'
2021/05/06 21:13:16 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Retrieving ISO
2021/05/06 21:13:16 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Trying
2021/05/06 21:13:16 packer.exe plugin: Acquiring lock for: (C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache\81c15001cc62acc02ff4d0a96afb11ade9a6fcea.iso.lock)
2021/05/06 21:13:16 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Trying
2021/05/06 21:13:17 ui: ==> vmware-iso: => C:\data\bento\packer_templates\debian\packer_cache\81c15001cc62acc02ff4d0a96afb11ade9a6fcea.iso
2021/05/06 21:13:17 packer.exe plugin: Leaving retrieve loop for ISO
2021/05/06 21:13:17 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Configuring output and export directories...
2021/05/06 21:13:17 packer.exe plugin: No floppy files specified. Floppy disk will not be made.
2021/05/06 21:13:17 packer.exe plugin: No CD files specified. CD disk will not be made.
2021/05/06 21:13:17 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Creating required virtual machine disks
2021/05/06 21:13:17 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Creating disk with Path: ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\disk.vmdk and Size: 65536M
2021/05/06 21:13:17 packer.exe plugin: Executing: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -s 65536M -a lsilogic -t 1 ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\disk.vmdk
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: stdout: Creating disk '..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\disk.vmdk'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Virtual disk creation successful.
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: stderr:
2021/05/06 21:13:18 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Building and writing VMX file
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Located networkmapper configuration file using Workstation: C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Writing VMX to: ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\debian-9.13-amd64.vmx
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Configuring VMX...
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Setting VMX: 'cpuid.coresPerSocket' = '1'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.pciSlotNumber' = '32'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Writing VMX to: ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\debian-9.13-amd64.vmx
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Suppressing messages in VMX
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Located networkmapper configuration file using Workstation: C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: HostIP discovered device matching nat: vmnet8
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/vmnetdhcp.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/vmnetdhcp.conf'
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Host IP for the VMware machine:
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found available port: 8694 on IP:
2021/05/06 21:13:18 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting HTTP server on port 8694
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Looking for available port between 5900 and 6000
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found available port: 5968 on IP:
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Found available VNC port:
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Writing VMX to: ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\debian-9.13-amd64.vmx
2021/05/06 21:13:18 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting virtual machine...
2021/05/06 21:13:18 packer.exe plugin: Executing: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/vmrun.exe -T ws start ..\..\builds\packer-debian-9.13-amd64-vmware\debian-9.13-amd64.vmx gui
2021/05/06 21:13:30 packer.exe plugin: stdout:
2021/05/06 21:13:30 packer.exe plugin: stderr:
2021/05/06 21:13:30 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Connecting to VNC...
2021/05/06 21:13:30 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting 15s for boot...
2021/05/06 21:13:45 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Typing the boot command over VNC...
2021/05/06 21:13:45 packer.exe plugin: Special code '<esc>' found, replacing with: 0xFF1B
2021/05/06 21:13:45 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:13:46 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:48 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:13:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'h', code 0x68, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:53 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:53 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:53 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ':', code 0x3A, shift true
2021/05/06 21:13:53 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '9', code 0x39, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '2', code 0x32, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '6', code 0x36, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '8', code 0x38, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:56 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:56 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '4', code 0x34, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:56 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:56 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ':', code 0x3A, shift true
2021/05/06 21:13:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '8', code 0x38, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '6', code 0x36, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '9', code 0x39, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '4', code 0x34, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:13:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '9', code 0x39, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:03 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:04 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:04 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:04 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '_', code 0x5F, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'U', code 0x55, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'S', code 0x53, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'U', code 0x55, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'T', code 0x54, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'F', code 0x46, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '8', code 0x38, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:12 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:14 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '_', code 0x5F, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'U', code 0x55, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'S', code 0x53, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'U', code 0x55, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:19 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'T', code 0x54, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:19 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'F', code 0x46, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:19 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '8', code 0x38, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:20 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'h', code 0x68, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'h', code 0x68, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:26 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:26 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:27 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:27 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:27 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'y', code 0x79, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:28 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:28 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:28 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:28 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:28 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:29 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:29 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:29 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:29 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:30 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:30 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:30 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:30 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:30 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:31 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:31 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:31 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:31 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:31 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:32 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:32 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'x', code 0x78, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:32 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:32 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:33 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:33 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:33 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:33 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'y', code 0x79, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:33 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:34 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:34 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:34 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:34 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:34 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:35 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:35 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:36 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:36 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:36 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:37 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:37 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:37 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:37 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:37 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:38 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:38 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:38 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '_', code 0x5F, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:39 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'h', code 0x68, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:39 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:39 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:39 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:39 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:40 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:40 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:40 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:40 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:40 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:41 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:41 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:41 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:41 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:42 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:42 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:42 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '9', code 0x39, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:42 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:42 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '1', code 0x31, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:43 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '3', code 0x33, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:43 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:43 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:43 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:44 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:44 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '6', code 0x36, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:44 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '4', code 0x34, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:44 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:44 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:45 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:46 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:46 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:46 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:46 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:47 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '_', code 0x5F, shift true
2021/05/06 21:14:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:48 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:49 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'v', code 0x76, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:50 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:51 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '.', code 0x2E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:52 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:53 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:54 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:55 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:56 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:14:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:57 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:58 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:14:59 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:00 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:01 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:02 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'v', code 0x76, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:03 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:03 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:15:04 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:05 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:06 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:07 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:08 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '_', code 0x5F, shift true
2021/05/06 21:15:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:09 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'f', code 0x66, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:10 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:11 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:11 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:15:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'c', code 0x63, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:13 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:14 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:14 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:14 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:14 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:14 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'y', code 0x79, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:15 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:16 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'k', code 0x6B, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'y', code 0x79, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'm', code 0x6D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:17 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'p', code 0x70, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:18 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:19 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:19 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:15:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'g', code 0x67, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'u', code 0x75, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:20 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '-', code 0x2D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'i', code 0x69, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'n', code 0x6E, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:21 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'l', code 0x6C, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:22 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'r', code 0x72, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'b', code 0x62, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:23 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'o', code 0x6F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 't', code 0x74, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:24 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'v', code 0x76, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '=', code 0x3D, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'e', code 0x65, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:25 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'v', code 0x76, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:26 packer.exe plugin: Sending char '/', code 0x2F, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:26 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 's', code 0x73, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:26 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'd', code 0x64, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:26 packer.exe plugin: Sending char 'a', code 0x61, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:27 packer.exe plugin: Sending char ' ', code 0x20, shift false
2021/05/06 21:15:27 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:15:28 packer.exe plugin: Special code '<enter>' found, replacing with: 0xFF0D
2021/05/06 21:15:28 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting 1s
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: Located networkmapper configuration file using Workstation: C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: GuestIP discovered device matching nat: vmnet8
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: Lookup up IP information...
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: GuestAddress found MAC address in VMX: 00:0c:29:d7:d1:73
2021/05/06 21:15:29 packer.exe plugin: Trying DHCP leases path: C:/ProgramData/VMware/vmnetdhcp.leases
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Skipping lease entry #1 due to being unable to connect to the host ( with tcp port (22).
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: [DEBUG] Unable to get address during connection step: Host is not up
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 2h46m40s
2021/05/06 21:15:50 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting for SSH to become available...
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Located networkmapper configuration file using Workstation: C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: GuestIP discovered device matching nat: vmnet8
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Lookup up IP information...
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: GuestAddress found MAC address in VMX: 00:0c:29:d7:d1:73
2021/05/06 21:15:50 packer.exe plugin: Trying DHCP leases path: C:/ProgramData/VMware/vmnetdhcp.leases
2021/05/06 21:16:11 packer.exe plugin: Skipping lease entry #1 due to being unable to connect to the host ( with tcp port (22).
2021/05/06 21:16:11 packer.exe plugin: [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: Host is not up
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: Searching for file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: Found file 'C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf'
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: Located networkmapper configuration file using Workstation: C:/ProgramData/VMware/netmap.conf
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: GuestIP discovered device matching nat: vmnet8
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: Lookup up IP information...
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: GuestAddress found MAC address in VMX: 00:0c:29:d7:d1:73
2021/05/06 21:16:16 packer.exe plugin: Trying DHCP leases path: C:/ProgramData/VMware/vmnetdhcp.leases
2021/05/06 21:16:37 packer.exe plugin: Skipping lease entry #1 due to being unable to connect to the host ( with tcp port (22).
2021/05/06 21:16:37 packer.exe plugin: [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: Host is not up
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