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AWS Java SDK v2 CHANGELOG for versions 2.15.57...2.17.102

This is trimmed changelog for AWS Java SDK versions 2.15.57...2.17.102. Only relevant product changes (related to DynamoDB) are shown here

Full changelog is at

2.17.102 2021-12-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated SDK default configurations.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.101 2021-12-20

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Introduce a defaults mode configuration that determines how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. See DefaultsMode for more information.
    • Updated SDK default configurations.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Apache HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Add "ConcurrencyAcquireDuration" metric for apache-client

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Features
    • If tlsNegotiationTimeout is not configured, it will be set to the resolved connectionTimeout. By default, tlsNegotiationTimeout is now 2s instead of 10s
  • Bugfixes
    • Ensure in-use channels are not incorrectly closed

2.17.100 2021-12-13

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Make ProcessCredentialsProvider closeable, so that the internal credentials cache (which may be async and need to be closed) can be closed.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Add "ConcurrencyAcquireDuration" metric for netty-nio-client

2.17.98 2021-12-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Ensure initial channel used for protocol detection is released before re-acquiring

2.17.97 2021-12-06

URL Connection Http Client

  • Features
    • Lower memory consumption for HTTP requests by enabling fixed-length streaming mode.

2.17.96 2021-12-03

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix to set TokenBucket capacity correctly when requested amount greater than capacity

2.17.95 2021-12-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Complete the future returned by SdkPublisher.subscribe or filter exceptionally if the subscriber or predicate throws an exception.

2.17.94 2021-12-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • Add support for Table Classes and introduce the Standard Infrequent Access table class.

2.17.93 2021-11-30

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.88 2021-11-23

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • DynamoDB PartiQL now supports ReturnConsumedCapacity, which returns capacity units consumed by PartiQL APIs if the request specified returnConsumedCapacity parameter. PartiQL APIs include ExecuteStatement, BatchExecuteStatement, and ExecuteTransaction.

2.17.87 2021-11-22

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Adds all fields in RequestOverrideConfiguration when a builder is created from an instance

2.17.86 2021-11-19

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Adds operation type labels to each operation and propagates to the extension write context

2.17.85 2021-11-18

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.84 2021-11-17

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.83 2021-11-16

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Implement DescribeTable operation in DynamoDbTable and DynamoDbAsyncTable

2.17.82 2021-11-15

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
    • Use System Property Proxy Settings for Netty and AWS Common Runtime (CRT) HTTP Clients. See #2321, #1793
  • Bugfixes
    • Update the REST-JSON marshalling logic to conform to the standard expected behavior WRT to the Content-Type of the request.

2.17.81 2021-11-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.80 2021-11-11

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • Updated Help section for "dynamodb update-contributor-insights" API

2.17.79 2021-11-10

AWS SDK for Java

  • Features
    • Added a new dualstackEnabled property to every client builder, which can be used to make calls be invoked against AWS endpoints which return IPv6 records. This can also be enabled via the AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT environment variable, aws.useDualstackEndpoint system property, or the use_dualstack_endpoint profile file property.

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Added a new fipsEnabled property to every client builder, which can be used to make calls be invoked against AWS endpoints which are FIPS compliant. This can also be enabled via the AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT environment variable, aws.useFipsEndpoint system property, or the use_fips_endpoint profile file property.

Apache HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Add DNS resolver override support for Apache HTTP Client

2.17.78 2021-11-09

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.76 2021-11-05

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Added the profile key duration_seconds to class ProfileProperty

2.17.75 2021-11-04

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.74 2021-11-03

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.73 2021-11-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Allow users to configure tlsNegotiationTimeout on NettyNioAsyncHttpClient

2.17.72 2021-11-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.71 2021-10-29

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.69 2021-10-27

AWS DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Added support for @DynamoDBAutoGeneratedTimestamp that can be used for auto updated the last updated timestamp for a record.

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Provide an error message if a AsyncRequestBody.fromFile source file changes length or update time while the SDK is reading from the file.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.67 2021-10-25

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.65 2021-10-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Update the REST-JSON marshalling logic to conform to the standard expected behavior WRT to the Content-Type of the request.

2.17.64 2021-10-20

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add missing @Override annotations

2.17.62 2021-10-18

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Allow AwsErrorDetails to be serialized using Java serialization

2.17.60 2021-10-14

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixes a bug in XML error unmarshalling where error responses with empty body won't populate the requestId field. Affects Amazon S3 API calls such as Head object

2.17.59 2021-10-13

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.58 2021-10-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Reduce base delay of STANDARD retry mode to 100ms for non-throttling responses. This reduces tail latency in the event of transient failures.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.56 2021-10-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Bugfixes
    • When executing a request, it's possible for multiple threads to interact and modify the channel pipeline without synchronizing which can cause issues. This commit fixes this issue by ensuring that code that modifies the pipeline all run within the context of the channel's event loop.

2.17.55 2021-10-07

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.54 2021-10-06

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • This commit introduces DynamoDbTable#updateItemWithResponse() that allows customers to specify additional parameters on the request such as ReturnConsumedCapacity to get additional information the service response.

2.17.53 2021-10-05

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • Allow parallel scan via DynamoDBEnhanced client and modify ScanEnhancedRequest to support totalSegments and segment parameters. The corresponding github issue is aws/aws-sdk-java-v2#1851

2.17.51 2021-10-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.50 2021-09-30

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.49 2021-09-29

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Update netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to 2.0.43.Final to fix issues loading the native libraries on some platforms.

2.17.48 2021-09-28

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Bug fix to handle DocumentType for Explicit payload members.

2.17.47 2021-09-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.46 2021-09-24

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Remove SDK usage of global execution.interceptors files. This reduces the need for customers to use a special transformer for execution.interceptors files when they are creating an uber-jar of all SDK modules. Customers should still consider using such an appender, in case other libraries rely on execution.interceptors files.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Annotated immutable class introspector now ignores 'toBuilder' method allowing easier integration with libraries that auto-generate this method on immutable data classes.

2.17.45 2021-09-23

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.44 2021-09-22

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.43 2021-09-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Update Sigv4a signer to include the port in the Host header, when the port does not match the standard port for the protocol. This allows requests to endpoints with non-standard ports to succeed.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • This commit introduces DynamoDbTable#deleteItemWithResponse() that allows customers to specify additional parameters on the request such as ReturnConsumedCapacity to get additional information the service response.

2.17.42 2021-09-17

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.41 2021-09-16

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • This commit introduces DynamoDbTable#putItemWithResponse() that allows customers to specify additional parameters on the request such as ReturnValues to get additional information the service response.

2.17.40 2021-09-14

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.68

2.17.39 2021-09-13

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.38 2021-09-10

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add support for authenticated corporate proxies
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix PutItemEnhancedRequest and DeleteItemEnhancedRequest to include ConditionExpression in their equals() and hashCode() calculations.
    • Fixes for UpdateItemEnhancedRequest:
      • Include ConditionExpression in toBuilder()
      • Include ConditionExpression in equals() and hashCode() calculations

2.17.37 2021-09-09

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.36 2021-09-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Improve performance of generated enum methods

2.17.35 2021-09-07

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Allow customers to specify ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure for TransactWriteItems. Addresses #2283.

2.17.34 2021-09-03

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.33 2021-09-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.32 2021-09-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Added new convenience methods to SdkPublisher: doAfterOnError, doAfterOnComplete, and doAfterCancel.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed an issue where event streams might fail with ClassCastException or NoSuchElementExceptions

2.17.31 2021-08-31

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.29 2021-08-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.27 2021-08-25

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.26 2021-08-24

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix NullPointerException in RetryPolicy.hashCode().

2.17.25 2021-08-23

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.23 2021-08-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Implement ADAPTIVE retry mode. ADAPTIVE mode builds on STANDARD retry mode and adds rate limiting of requests when the client is throttled.
    • Adaptive retry mode dynamically limits the rate of AWS requests to maximize success rate. This may be at the expense of request latency. Adaptive retry mode is not recommended when predictable latency is important.
    • Warning: Adaptive retry mode assumes that the client is working against a single resource (e.g. one DynamoDB Table or one S3 Bucket). If you use a single client for multiple resources, throttling or outages associated with one resource will result in increased latency and failures when accessing all other resources via the same client. When using adaptive retry mode, we recommend using a single client per resource.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.20 2021-08-16

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Upgrade Netty version to 4.1.66.Final

2.17.19 2021-08-13

URL Connection Http Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed connection pooling for HTTPS endpoints. Previously, each request would create a new connection.

2.17.18 2021-08-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed an issue where request-level overrides (e.g. credentials) were not applied to endpoint discovery calls.

2.17.17 2021-08-11

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Use "full jitter" & updated base delay for STANDARD retry mode defaults
  • Documentations
    • Create a shared, project-level IntelliJ inspection profile
    • Move IntelliJ code style & copyright configuration to project-level settings

2.17.16 2021-08-10

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix issue in FileAsyncRequestBody where the underlying file channel would only be closed when enough requests are sent to read past the end of the file; if just enough requests are sent to read to the end of the file, the file is not closed, leaving an open file descriptor around longer than it needs to be.

2.17.14 2021-08-06

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.12 2021-08-04

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add customization.config support for setting default RetryMode
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed an issue where a bean-based marshallers for request and response models would fail for fluent setters that happened to start with "set", like "settings".

2.17.11 2021-08-03

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Add IntelliJ .ipr files to gitignore

2.17.10 2021-08-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Don't attempt to use empty session tokens

2.17.9 2021-07-30

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.8 2021-07-29

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Correctly handle multi-value headers in Aws4Signer

2.17.6 2021-07-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.17.5 2021-07-26

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Annotate and document members that are modeled as deprecated

2.17.0 2021-07-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

2.16.104 2021-07-16

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • This changes implements support for the AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE environment variable and ec2_metadata_service_endpoint profile file property.
    • When no endpoint override is set using AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT, this configuration controls which of the default IMDS endpoints the client will use. Valid values are IPv4 or IPv6
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.103 2021-07-15

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add support for marshalling lists of strings in HTTP headers

2.16.102 2021-07-14

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Documentations
    • Update pull request template to place motivation before description

2.16.101 2021-07-13

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.100 2021-07-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.99 2021-07-09

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
    • Use EnumMap where possible.

2.16.98 2021-07-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.96 2021-07-06

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.95 2021-07-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • [UrlConnectionHttpClient] Wrap erroneous NPE from HttpURLConnection as IOException

2.16.94 2021-07-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.91 2021-06-25

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.90 2021-06-24

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

  • Features
    • Add support for encryption in transit to DAX clusters.

2.16.88 2021-06-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.87 2021-06-17

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.85 2021-06-15

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.83 2021-06-11

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.82 2021-06-10

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix for PR #2510 by adding Support for customization of contentType for Header ContentType for services like aws WellArchitected service.

2.16.80 2021-06-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix for NullPointerException while Marshalling List/Map of TimeStamps

2.16.74 2021-05-28

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed the issue where the SDK failed to parse timestamps with offsets. See #2477

2.16.73 2021-05-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.71 2021-05-26

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.69 2021-05-24

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.68 2021-05-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.67 2021-05-20

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.66 2021-05-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.63 2021-05-14

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.62 2021-05-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO Async HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Add tcpKeepAlive configuration.

2.16.60 2021-05-10

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • Support delete-table operation in DDBEnhanced.

2.16.59 2021-05-07

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed an issue where an async waiter failed to match exception when the exception was wrapped with CompletionException. See #2460

2.16.58 2021-05-06

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.49 2021-04-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.47 2021-04-23

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.46 2021-04-22

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • This feature adds client and request overrides of execution attributes prior to request invocation.

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed bean-based marshalling for model builder types containing complex collections.

2.16.45 2021-04-21

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Added method to BatchGetItem results to retrieve unprocessed keys for a given table.

2.16.44 2021-04-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Added support for short type in Code generator.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.43 2021-04-15

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed an issue where structure builders containing List<Map<String, Shape>> could not be marshalled using bean-based serializers.

2.16.42 2021-04-14

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add a new Optional getter for the content length of RequestBody, also add a new fromContentProvider method allowing contentLength to be null.

2.16.41 2021-04-13

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Added DynamoDbIgnoreNulls attribute level annotation that specifies attributes with null values should be ignored. See #2303

2.16.40 2021-04-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.39 2021-04-09

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Features
    • Added a new method annotation DynamoDbPreserveEmptyObject that specifies a class as empty class if all fields are null when mapping a DynamoDb record to a Java bean. See #2280.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixes a bug in issue #2310 where nested attributes aren't sanitized properly for projection expressions.

2.16.38 2021-04-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add a configuration option to enable TCP_KEEPALIVE on the ApacheHttpClient.
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.37 2021-04-07

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix leak of bytebuf on HTTP GoAway

2.16.36 2021-04-06

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Update Netty dependency to 4.1.61.Final.

2.16.35 2021-04-05

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • This feature adds client and request overrides of execution attributes prior to request invocation.
  • Bugfixes
    • Expose the metadata key on SDK client interfaces for use with ServiceMetadataProvider

2.16.34 2021-04-02

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Removal of --report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime option from SDK core's as the option is not meant to be used in production.

2.16.33 2021-04-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.32 2021-03-31

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.31 2021-03-30

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.30 2021-03-29

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.29 2021-03-26

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.27 2021-03-25

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.
  • Bugfixes
    • Removing Freemarker version 2.3.24 since this package is not used in the code.

2.16.24 2021-03-22

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Use HTTPs for AWS API Documentation links in javadocs
  • Documentations
    • Implements web metrics tracking and standard AWS footer for javadocs, and adds a link to submit feedback about the javadocs

2.16.22 2021-03-18

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Upgrade Netty version to 4.1.60

2.16.21 2021-03-17

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.20 2021-03-16

Amazon DynamoDB

  • Features
    • Change STANDARD mode retry count which was 2 for DynamoDB to match LEGACY retry count which is 8.

2.16.16 2021-03-10

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Include the retry mode STANDARD or LEGACY in the user agents list.

2.16.15 2021-03-09

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.12 2021-03-04

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.9 2021-03-01

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.7 2021-02-25

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix for module-path tests failure reported in #2240

2.16.5 2021-02-23

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.3 2021-02-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.16.1 2021-02-17

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Add GraalVM Native Image configurations for SDK classes
    • Created a new archetype, archetype-app-quickstart, which allows you to create a simple application with SDK dependencies

2.16.0 2021-02-16

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Upgrade Jackson dependencies to 2.12.1.

2.15.81 2021-02-12

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.79 2021-02-09

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.78 2021-02-08

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.77 2021-02-05

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.76 2021-02-04

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.73 2021-01-29

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.72 2021-01-28

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.71 2021-01-27

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.70 2021-01-26

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

DynamoDB Enhanced Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Converts string to NULL attribute if it's null. See #2243

2.15.68 2021-01-21

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Add support for content-type in AsyncRequestBody.

2.15.67 2021-01-19

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.64 2021-01-13

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Reverting synchronization of eventsToDeliver Object in onComplete() PR#1971 since it was causing latency.

2.15.63 2021-01-12

AWS Commont Runtime HTTP Client

  • Features
    • Upgrade aws-crt to version 0.9.3

2.15.62 2021-01-11

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

Netty NIO HTTP Client

  • Bugfixes
    • Correctly select the cipher suites based on the HTTP protocol. See #2159
    • Use SystemPropretyTlsKeyManagersProvider if no KeyManger is provided.

2.15.61 2021-01-07

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Features
    • Updated service endpoint metadata.

2.15.58 2021-01-04

AWS SDK for Java v2

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix for #1684 Some of the Retry attempts which failed due to the API TimeOuts did not successfully retried but ended up with AbortedException.
# First trim by hand to have versions of interest, then:
# pip install markdown-to-json && md_to_json -o CHANGELOG_delta.json
# Finally run this script: python3 >
import json
with open("CHANGELOG_delta.json") as f:
changelog = json.load(f)
out_json = dict(
version: {
product: product_entries
for product, product_entries in version_info.items()
if (
# we are only interested in some products
bool(any(keyword in product for keyword in PRODUCT_KEYWORDS))
for version, version_info in changelog.items()
def print_obj(o, indent):
for k, v in o.items():
if isinstance(v, dict) and not v:
# no significant entries for this version, skip the entry alltogether
print(f"{'#'*indent} {k}")
if isinstance(v, list):
print_list(v, 1)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
print_obj(v, indent + 1)
assert False, v
def print_list(l, indent):
for item in l:
if isinstance(item, list):
print_list(item, indent + 2)
assert isinstance(item, str)
print(f"{' '*indent}- {item}")
print_obj(out_json, 1)
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