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Last active November 16, 2021 10:37
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module MyParser where
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Either String (a, String) }
parseChar :: Char -> Parser Char
parseChar char =
Parser $ \input ->
case input of
[] -> Left $ "End of input found, expected to find: " <> (show char)
c : rest ->
if c == char then Right (c, rest)
else Left $ "Expected: " <> (show char) <> ", found: " <> (show c) <> ", input: " <> input
-- fmap
mapP:: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
mapP f p1 =
Parser $ \input ->
let result1 = runParser p1 input
in case result1 of
Left error -> Left error
Right (result1, input2) -> Right (f(result1), input2)
andThen :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
andThen p1 p2 =
Parser $ \input1 ->
case runParser p1 input1 of
Left error -> Left error
Right (result1, input2) ->
case runParser p2 input2 of
Left error -> Left error
Right (result2, input3) -> Right ((result1, result2), input3)
orElse :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
orElse p1 p2 =
Parser $ \input ->
case runParser p1 input of
Left error -> runParser p2 input
Right result1 -> Right result1
data NonEmpty a = NonEmpty a [a]
choose :: NonEmpty (Parser a) -> Parser a
choose (NonEmpty h xs) = foldl (\p1 p2 -> p1 `orElse` p2) h xs
anyOf :: NonEmpty Char -> Parser Char
anyOf (NonEmpty h xs) =
let parsersX = NonEmpty (parseChar h) (parseChar <$> xs)
in choose parsersX
parseLowercase :: Parser Char
parseLowercase = anyOf (NonEmpty 'a' ['b' .. 'z'])
parseDigit :: Parser Char
parseDigit = anyOf (NonEmpty '0' ['1' .. '9'])
-- pure
returnP :: a -> Parser a
returnP value = Parser (\input -> Right (value, input))
-- <*>
-- explain this long form
applyP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
applyP pf pa =
let p1 = pf `andThen` pa
in mapP (\(f, a) -> f a) p1
-- explain this long form
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
liftA2 f pA pB = returnP f `applyP` pA `applyP` pB
-- explain this long form
sequenceP :: [Parser a] -> Parser [a]
sequenceP [] = returnP []
sequenceP (h : t) = liftA2 (:) h (sequenceP t)
stringP :: String -> Parser String
stringP str =
let charParsers = parseChar <$> str -- [Char]
in sequenceP charParsers
boolP :: Parser Bool
boolP =
let boolStrP = stringP "true" `orElse` stringP "false"
toBool :: String -> Bool
toBool "true" = True
toBool _ = False
in mapP toBool boolStrP
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many pa =
let defaultP = returnP []
in liftA2 (:) pa (many pa) `orElse` defaultP
many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1 pa = liftA2 (:) pa (many pa)
bindP :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
bindP pa f =
Parser $ \input ->
case runParser pa input of
Left error -> Left error
Right (result1, remainder1) -> runParser (f result1) remainder1
failP :: String -> Parser a
failP errorMessage = Parser (\_ -> Left errorMessage)
digitToIntP :: Parser Int
digitToIntP =
let digitStrP = many1 parseDigit
maybeStringToIntP :: Maybe Int -> Parser Int
maybeStringToIntP (Just number) = returnP number
maybeStringToIntP Nothing = failP "Invalid number"
in digitStrP `bindP` (maybeStringToIntP . readMaybe)
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