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Created January 4, 2024 13:35
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Classical Pong Game in Python with Tkinter UI for the SSaurel's Blog
import tkinter as tk
import random as rand
import threading
import os
#define some constants
WIDTH = 1000
HEIGHT = 700
# First, we design the Ball Object
class Ball:
def __init__(self, canvas, width, velocity, boardwidth, boardheight):
self.width = width
self.boardwidth = boardwidth
self.boardheight = boardheight
# we center the ball on the board
self.topx = boardwidth / 2 - width / 2
self.topy = boardheight / 2 - width / 2
self.velocity = velocity
self.vx = velocity
self.vy = velocity
self.canvas = canvas = self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.topx, self.topy, self.topx + self.width, self.topy + self.width, fill = 'white')
# we define a method to draw the ball on the canvas
def draw(self):
self.canvas.coords(, self.topx, self.topy, self.topx + self.width, self.topy + self.width)
# we define a restart method for restarting the ball move
def restart(self):
self.topx = self.boardwidth / 2 - self.width / 2
self.topy = self.boardheight / 2 - self.width / 2
# we define a random direction for the ball when restarting
self.vx = (-1, 1)[rand.random() > 0.5] * self.velocity
self.vy = (-1, 1)[rand.random() > 0.5] * self.velocity
# Move the ball
# we need to pass the pong game instance and the paddles in the move method of the Ball. You can improve this by yourself later ;)
def move(self, pong, paddleright, paddleleft):
# if the ball touches the top or the bottom of the board, we invert direction y
if self.topy <= 0 or (self.topy + self.width) >= self.boardheight:
self.vy = self.vy * -1
# if the ball touches one of both paddles, we invert direction x
if paddleright.collideright(self) or paddleleft.collideleft(self):
self.vx = self.vx * -1
# if the ball touches the right or the left of the board, we update paddle points and we return True
if (self.topx + self.width) >= self.boardwidth:
pong.leftpoints = pong.leftpoints + 1
return True
if self.topx <= 0:
pong.rightpoints = pong.rightpoints + 1
return True
# we update ball position
self.topx = self.topx + self.vx
self.topy = self.topy + self.vy
return False
# Now, it is time to design the Paddle for our Pong Game
class Paddle:
def __init__(self, canvas, topx, topy, width, height, boardheight):
self.topx = topx
self.topy = topy
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.boardheight = boardheight
self.score = 0
self.canvas = canvas
# draw this paddle according positions passed in parameter = self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.topx, self.topy, self.topx + self.width, self.topy + self.height, fill = 'white')
# we update coords of this paddle
def draw(self):
self.canvas.coords(, self.topx, self.topy, self.topx + self.width, self.topy + self.height)
# now, we need to manage down event then top event for the current paddle object
def top(self):
if self.topy - VELOCITY > 0:
self.topy = self.topy - VELOCITY
def down(self):
if (self.topy + self.height + VELOCITY) < self.boardheight:
self.topy = self.topy + VELOCITY
# use both methods to collide paddle right or left. As an exercise, you can improve this to make one generic method ;)
def collideright(self, ball):
if (ball.topx + ball.width) >= self.topx and (ball.topy >= self.topy or (ball.topy + ball.width) >= self.topy) and ((ball.topy + ball.width) <= (self.topy + self.height) or ball.topy <= (self.topy + self.height)):
return True
return False
def collideleft(self, ball):
if ball.topx <= (self.topx + self.width) and (ball.topy >= self.topy or (ball.topy + ball.width) >= self.topy) and ((ball.topy + ball.width) <= (self.topy + self.height) or ball.topy <= (self.topy + self.height)):
return True
return False
# Now, we can define the Pong Game Object
class Pong:
def __init__(self, root, width, height, margin):
paddlewidth = width / 50
paddleheight = height / 12
self.leftpoints = 0
self.lefttxt = None
self.rightpoints = 0
self.righttxt = None
self.render = True # True when we need to render the game on the canvas
# we manage left up / down for moving the left paddle
self.leftup = False
self.leftdown = False
# same for right paddle
self.rightup = False
self.rightdown = False
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.margin = margin
self.root = root
self.root.title("Pong Game - SSaurel's Blog")
self.root.geometry(str(width) + "x" + str(height))
# we create the canvas
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, width = width, height = height, bg = 'black')
self.paddleleft = Paddle(self.canvas, margin, height / 2 - paddleheight / 2, paddlewidth, paddleheight, height)
self.paddleright = Paddle(self.canvas, (width - margin) - paddlewidth, height / 2 - paddleheight / 2, paddlewidth, paddleheight, height)
self.ball = Ball(self.canvas, paddlewidth, VELOCITY, width, height)
# we move draw middle lines for the board
def drawmiddlelines(self):
leftx = self.width / 2 - self.paddleleft.width / 2
for y in range(0, self.height, int(self.paddleleft.height + self.margin * 2)):
self.canvas.create_rectangle(leftx, y, leftx + self.paddleleft.width, y + self.paddleleft.height, fill = 'grey')
def drawboard(self):
# draw the paddles
# draw points
# draw the ball
# some strange exception occur here when we quit the game. We need to call explicitly exit!
def drawpoints(self):
# we delete the previous score for the left paddle
if self.lefttxt != None:
# we write the new score
self.lefttxt = self.canvas.create_text(self.width / 2 - 50, 50, text = str(self.leftpoints), fill = 'grey', font = ("Helvetica 35 bold"))
# the same thing for the right paddle
if self.righttxt != None:
# we write the new score
self.righttxt = self.canvas.create_text(self.width / 2 + 50, 50, text = str(self.rightpoints), fill = 'grey', font = ("Helvetica 35 bold"))
# we define the move method to update the game elements
def move(self):
if self.render:
# use a timer to call this method each X milliseconds
self.timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.move)
# we manage touch events
if self.leftup:
if self.leftdown:
if self.rightup:
if self.rightdown:
# True if the Ball touched one of both sides of the board
state = self.ball.move(self, self.paddleright, self.paddleleft)
if state:
self.restart() # we need to restart the ball
def restart(self):
# Time to manage keyboards event from users
# We need to make this special code to detect several keys used at the same time on the keyboard
# z / s for the left paddle - o / l for the right paddle
def keypress(self, event):
match event.char:
case 'z':
self.leftup = True
case 's':
self.leftdown = True
case 'o':
self.rightup = True
case 'l':
self.rightdown = True
def keyrelease(self, event):
match event.char:
case 'z':
self.leftup = False
case 's':
self.leftdown = False
case 'o':
self.rightup = False
case 'l':
self.rightdown = False
# last method: we define a method to kill the timer and stop the rendering of the game
def killtimer(self):
self.render = False
# we can assemble the pong game elements!
root = tk.Tk()
pong = Pong(root, WIDTH, HEIGHT, MARGIN)
# we bind key press and key release events to our Pong Game Object
root.bind("<KeyPress>", pong.keypress)
root.bind("<KeyRelease>", pong.keyrelease)
# we listen to WM_DELETE_WINDOW event to kill the timer ...
root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", pong.killtimer)
# Time to try our Pong Game in Python with Tkinter
# Improvement you can make from here :
# - Make a limit points to end the game. For the moment, it is an infinite Pong Game :D
# - You can also imagine to increase the velocity of the ball each 10 points scored.
# - You can implement an AI for the second paddle
# - You can improve the design of the objects as stated in the code
# --> It is your turn to code :D
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