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Last active January 26, 2021 13:49
"""Utility functions for the analysis of oemof results."""
import pandas as pd
import graphviz
from import Sink, Source, Bus, Transformer
from oemof.solph.components import GenericStorage
# Define shapes for the component types
SHAPES = {Source: 'trapezium',
Sink: 'invtrapezium',
Bus: 'ellipse',
Transformer: 'octagon',
GenericStorage: 'cylinder'}
def generate_graph(energysystem):
"""Generate graphviz graph from energysystem."""
dot = graphviz.Digraph(format='png')
for node in energysystem.nodes:
dot.node(node.label, shape=SHAPES.get(type(node), 'rectangle'))
for node in energysystem.nodes:
for output in node.outputs:
dot.edge(node.label, output.label)
return dot
def get_flows(results):
Extract flows from results dictionary.
To access the data you might want to use the xs function, i.e.
>>> flows = get_flows(results)
>>> flows.xs('component0', axis=1, level='source')
>>> flows.xs('component0', axis=1, level='destination')
:param results: Results from oemof optimization
flows = {(source_node.label, destination_node.label): result['sequences']['flow']
for (source_node, destination_node), result in results.items()
if destination_node is not None}
return pd.concat(flows.values(), axis=1, names=['source', 'destination'], keys=flows.keys())
def get_variables(results):
Extract variables from results dictionary.
To access the data you might want to use the xs function, i.e.
>>> vars = get_variables(results)
>>> vars.xs('component0', axis=1, level='component')
>>> vars.xs('variable0', axis=1, level='variable_name')
:param results: Results from oemof optimization
variables = {source_node.label: result['sequences']
for (source_node, destination_node), result in results.items()
if destination_node is None}
return pd.concat(variables.values(), axis=1, names=['component',], keys=variables.keys())
def get_flows_for_component(flows, component):
"""Get flows in and out of component."""
inflows = flows.xs(component, axis=1, level='destination') \
if component in flows.columns.get_level_values('destination') \
else pd.DataFrame(index=flows)
outflows = flows.xs(component, axis=1, level='source') \
if component in flows.columns.get_level_values('source') \
else pd.DataFrame(index=flows)
return pd.concat([inflows.rename('from_{0}'.format, axis=1),
outflows.rename('to_{0}'.format, axis=1)],
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