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Created July 5, 2017 23:58
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mpv log playing mp4 with cenc-aes-ctr
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] mpv 0.25.0-289-g69289aec6c (C) 2000-2017 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] built on Sat Jul 1 13:00:45 UTC 2017
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavutil 55.67.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavcodec 57.100.103
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavformat 57.75.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libswscale 4.7.101
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavfilter 6.94.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libswresample 2.8.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: N-45219-g0eb783eb06
[ 0.006][v][cplayer]
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] Configuration: /home/shinchiro/mpv/build/build32/packages/mpv-prefix/src/mpv/waf configure --enable-static-build --enable-pdf-build --enable-encoding --disable-manpage-build --disable-debug-build --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-lua --enable-javascript --enable-libarchive --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-dvdread --enable-dvdnav --enable-uchardet --enable-rubberband --enable-lcms2 --enable-openal --enable-egl-angle-lib --prefix=/home/shinchiro/mpv/build/build32/install/mingw
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: asm atomics avutil-content-light-level avutil-imgcpy-uc build-date cplayer cuda-hwaccel d3d-hwaccel d3d-hwaccel-new d3d9-hwaccel direct3d dos-paths dvdnav dvdread dvdread-common egl-angle egl-angle-lib egl-angle-win32 egl-helpers encoding gl gl-dxinterop gl-dxinterop-d3d9 gl-win32 glob-win32 gnuc iconv is_ffmpeg javascript jpeg lcms2 libarchive libass libass-osd libav libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libm libmpv-shared lua luajit mingw noexecstack openal optimize plain-gl posix-or-mingw rubberband static-build stdatomic uchardet wasapi win32-desktop win32-internal-pthreads win32-pipes zlib
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] Command line options: '--demuxer-lavf-cryptokey=76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb' '--log-file=mpv_log.txt' 'SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4'
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] mpv 0.25.0-289-g69289aec6c (C) 2000-2017 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] built on Sat Jul 1 13:00:45 UTC 2017
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavutil 55.67.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavcodec 57.100.103
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavformat 57.75.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libswscale 4.7.101
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libavfilter 6.94.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] libswresample 2.8.100
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: N-45219-g0eb783eb06
[ 0.006][v][cplayer]
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] Configuration: /home/shinchiro/mpv/build/build32/packages/mpv-prefix/src/mpv/waf configure --enable-static-build --enable-pdf-build --enable-encoding --disable-manpage-build --disable-debug-build --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-lua --enable-javascript --enable-libarchive --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-dvdread --enable-dvdnav --enable-uchardet --enable-rubberband --enable-lcms2 --enable-openal --enable-egl-angle-lib --prefix=/home/shinchiro/mpv/build/build32/install/mingw
[ 0.006][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: asm atomics avutil-content-light-level avutil-imgcpy-uc build-date cplayer cuda-hwaccel d3d-hwaccel d3d-hwaccel-new d3d9-hwaccel direct3d dos-paths dvdnav dvdread dvdread-common egl-angle egl-angle-lib egl-angle-win32 egl-helpers encoding gl gl-dxinterop gl-dxinterop-d3d9 gl-win32 glob-win32 gnuc iconv is_ffmpeg javascript jpeg lcms2 libarchive libass libass-osd libav libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libm libmpv-shared lua luajit mingw noexecstack openal optimize plain-gl posix-or-mingw rubberband static-build stdatomic uchardet wasapi win32-desktop win32-internal-pthreads win32-pipes zlib
[ 0.008][v][cplayer] Setting option 'demuxer-lavf-cryptokey' = '76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb' (flags = 8)
[ 0.008][v][cplayer] Setting option 'log-file' = 'mpv_log.txt' (flags = 8)
[ 0.009][v][global] user path: 'mpv_log.txt' -> 'mpv_log.txt'
[ 0.010][v][osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua...
[ 0.010][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.010][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:scripts'
[ 0.010][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.010][v][osc] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.011][v][osc] loading @osc.lua
[ 0.013][v][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.013][v][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 'X:lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.013][v][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 'X:/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.013][v][osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found.
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input, mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_btn2 script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_btn3 script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_btn4 script-binding osc/__keybinding7
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] axis_up script-binding osc/__keybinding8
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] axis_down script-binding osc/__keybinding9
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] mouse_btn2_dbl ignore
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, del script-binding osc/__keybinding10
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.014][v][cplayer] Done loading @osc.lua.
[ 0.014][v][ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:scripts'
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][v][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[ 0.015][v][ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> 'X:fonts'
[ 0.015][v][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> 'X:/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.016][v][ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[ 0.016][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.4.6 (COMPLEX)
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.016][v][cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_load, 1, 10]
[ 0.016][v][cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded, 2, 10]
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> 'X:subfont.ttf'
[ 0.016][v][cplayer] Done loading @ytdl_hook.lua.
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> 'X:/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> 'X:fonts.conf'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:scripts'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> 'X:/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.016][v][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> 'X:/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.016][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[ 0.017][v][global] config path: 'watch_later' -> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/watch_later'
[ 0.017][i][cplayer] Playing: SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.017][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ 0.020][v][osd/libass] Using font provider directwrite
[ 0.020][v][osd/libass] Done.
[ 0.021][v][cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_load]
[ 0.021][v][ifo] Opening SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.021][v][ifo_dvdnav] Opening SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.021][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.021][v][file] Opening SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.022][v][file] Stream opened successfully.
[ 0.022][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[ 0.025][v][lavf] Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
[ 0.026][v][demux] Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
[ 0.026][v][cplayer] Opening done: SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
[ 0.026][v][find_files] Loading external files in .
[ 0.032][v][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> 'C:\Users\Sascha\AppData\Roaming/mpv/sub'
[ 0.032][v][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> 'X:sub'
[ 0.032][v][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> 'X:/mpv/sub'
[ 0.032][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[ 0.032][v][cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded]
[ 0.033][i][cplayer] (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1280x720 25.000fps)
[ 0.033][i][cplayer] (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=und (*) (aac 6ch 48000Hz)
[ 0.033][v][vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'angle'
[ 0.042][v][vo/opengl] Using Direct3D 11 feature level 10_1
[ 0.047][v][vo/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.4 (ANGLE
[ 0.047][v][vo/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Google Inc. (adapter LUID: 000000000000997d)
[ 0.047][v][vo/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL_ES
[ 0.047][v][vo/opengl] Trying to create GLES 3.x context.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Using DXGI 1.2+
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Using flip-model presentation
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='OpenGL ES 3.0 (ANGLE'
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Detected GLES 3.0.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Google Inc.'
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Direct3D11 vs_4_1 ps_4_1)'
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00 (ANGLE'
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_EXT_texture_norm16.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] 16 bit texture depth: 16.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Testing FBO format 0x805b
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16)
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] Using FBO format 0x805b.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 0.075][v][vo/opengl/win32] DPI detected from the old API: 96
[ 0.076][v][vo/opengl/win32] display-fps: 60.000000
[ 0.078][v][vo/opengl/win32] color-profile: C:\Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\U2311H.icm
[ 0.078][v][vo/opengl] Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync.
[ 0.078][v][vd] Container reported FPS: 25.000000
[ 0.078][v][vd] Codec list:
[ 0.078][v][vd] h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[ 0.078][v][vd] h264_cuvid (h264) - Nvidia CUVID H264 decoder
[ 0.078][v][vd] Opening video decoder h264
[ 0.078][v][vd] Using software decoding.
[ 0.078][v][vd] Detected 8 logical cores.
[ 0.078][v][vd] Requesting 9 threads for decoding.
[ 0.080][v][vd] Selected video codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
[ 0.080][v][ad] Codec list:
[ 0.080][v][ad] aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.080][v][ad] aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.080][v][ad] Opening audio decoder aac
[ 0.080][v][ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ 0.082][v][ad] Selected audio codec: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding))
[ 0.082][v][cplayer] Starting playback...
[ 0.083][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.085][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.086][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.086][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.087][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.088][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Multiple frames in a packet.
[ 0.088][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 11 too large at 42
[ 0.088][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.088][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.088][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.0 is not allocated
[ 0.089][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.089][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.1 is not allocated
[ 0.089][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.089][w][ffmpeg/video] h264: Out of range weight
[ 0.089][w][ffmpeg/video] h264: is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.090][w][ffmpeg/video] h264: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.090][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.090][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.090][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SSR is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.091][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.091][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.091][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.091][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.091][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.092][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.092][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of scalefactor bands in group (51) exceeds limit (49).
[ 0.092][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.092][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.093][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.093][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.093][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.093][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.094][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.094][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.096][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.096][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.096][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.096][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.5 is not allocated
[ 0.097][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.097][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 13 referenced
[ 0.097][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.097][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.097][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.15 is not allocated
[ 0.098][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.098][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 6 overflow
[ 0.098][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.098][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.099][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.099][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.099][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.099][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.099][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.099][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.100][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.100][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.100][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.100][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.101][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (4) exceeds limit (2).
[ 0.101][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.101][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.101][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 3 overflow
[ 0.101][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.102][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.102][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (59) exceeds limit (40).
[ 0.102][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.102][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.103][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 7 referenced
[ 0.103][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.103][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.103][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.104][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.104][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.104][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.104][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.105][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.105][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.105][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.105][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.106][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.106][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.107][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.107][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.107][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.107][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.107][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.107][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.10 is not allocated
[ 0.108][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.108][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.108][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 3 out of range
[ 0.108][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.108][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.109][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.4 is not allocated
[ 0.109][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.109][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.109][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 32 too large at 18
[ 0.109][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.110][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.110][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.110][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.110][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.110][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 7 referenced
[ 0.110][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.111][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.111][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.111][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.13 is not allocated
[ 0.111][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.112][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.112][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.112][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.113][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.113][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.8 is not allocated
[ 0.113][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.113][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.114][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 16 too large at 8
[ 0.114][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.114][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.114][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.0 is not allocated
[ 0.115][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.115][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.115][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 4
[ 0.116][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.116][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.116][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.13 is not allocated
[ 0.116][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.117][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.117][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 12 referenced
[ 0.117][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.117][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.117][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.118][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.118][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.118][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 11 too large at 0
[ 0.118][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.118][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.118][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.119][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.119][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.119][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.119][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.119][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.119][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.11 is not allocated
[ 0.119][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.119][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.119][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.119][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.120][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.120][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.11 is not allocated
[ 0.120][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.120][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.120][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 10 referenced
[ 0.121][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.121][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.121][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.2 is not allocated
[ 0.121][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.121][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.122][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.122][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.122][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.122][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.123][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.1 is not allocated
[ 0.123][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.123][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.123][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 5
[ 0.124][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.124][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.124][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.14 is not allocated
[ 0.124][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.125][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.125][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.125][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.126][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.126][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.127][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.128][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.128][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.128][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.128][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: Reinit context to 1280x720, pix_fmt: yuv420p
[ 0.128][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.15 is not allocated
[ 0.128][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.131][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (0+2) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ nan][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3575 DC, 3575 AC, 3575 MV errors in P frame
[ 0.131][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.131][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 11 referenced
[ 0.132][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.132][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.132][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.133][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.133][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.134][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.134][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.134][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal memory management control operation 19
[ 0.134][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.135][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ nan][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 0.137][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 8 0, bytestream 7107
[ 0.137][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (0+2) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.137][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in P frame
[ 0.138][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.138][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 28 too large at 2
[ 0.138][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.138][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.138][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.13 is not allocated
[ 0.139][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.139][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.139][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 32 too large at 0
[ 0.139][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.140][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.140][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (29) exceeds limit (14).
[ 0.140][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.140][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.140][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: chroma_log2_weight_denom 10 is out of range
[ 0.141][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: QP 516 out of range
[ 0.141][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.141][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.141][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.142][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.142][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.2 is not allocated
[ 0.142][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.143][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.143][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.143][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.144][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.144][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.144][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.5 is not allocated
[ 0.144][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.145][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.145][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.145][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.146][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.146][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.146][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.147][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.1 is not allocated
[ 0.147][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.149][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (0+2) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ nan][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode
[ 0.149][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 26 0, bytestream 6774
[ 0.150][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 22 too large at 2
[ 0.150][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.150][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.150][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.151][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.151][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.151][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in P frame
[ 0.151][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.9 is not allocated
[ 0.152][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.152][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal memory management control operation 32
[ 0.152][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 5 overflow
[ 0.152][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.153][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.153][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.153][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 4 overflow
[ 0.154][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.154][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.154][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.13 is not allocated
[ 0.154][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.154][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.155][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 32 overflow
[ 0.155][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.155][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.155][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.7 is not allocated
[ 0.156][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.156][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.156][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 10 out of range
[ 0.156][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.156][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.156][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.157][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.157][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.157][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.157][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.157][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.158][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.158][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.158][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.158][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.159][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.7 is not allocated
[ 0.159][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.159][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.159][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 11
[ 0.159][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.160][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.160][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.160][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.160][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.11 is not allocated
[ 0.160][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.161][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 0.161][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.161][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 1 0, bytestream 8250
[ 0.161][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 5 referenced
[ 0.162][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.162][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.162][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in I frame
[ 0.162][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.162][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (63) exceeds limit (38).
[ 0.162][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.163][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.163][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.163][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.163][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.164][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.1 is not allocated
[ 0.164][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.164][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.164][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.165][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.165][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.165][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.165][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.166][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.166][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.166][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.166][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[ 0.166][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.167][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.167][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.14 is not allocated
[ 0.167][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.167][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.168][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.168][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.168][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.168][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.168][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.169][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.169][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.169][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 9 referenced
[ 0.170][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.170][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.170][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.0 is not allocated
[ 0.170][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.170][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.171][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.171][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.171][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.171][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.15 is not allocated
[ 0.171][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.172][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.7 is not allocated
[ 0.172][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.172][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal long ref in memory management control operation 4
[ 0.172][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 4 out of range
[ 0.173][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.173][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.173][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.173][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.173][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.174][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.174][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.174][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.175][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.175][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.175][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.175][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.176][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.176][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.176][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 0.176][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 9 0, bytestream 5945
[ 0.176][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.177][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.177][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in I frame
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.6 is not allocated
[ 0.178][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.178][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.178][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[ 0.178][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.178][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.179][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.180][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.180][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.180][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.180][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.181][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 23 referenced
[ 0.181][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.181][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.182][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.1 is not allocated
[ 0.182][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.182][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.182][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[ 0.182][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.182][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.183][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (18) exceeds limit (16).
[ 0.183][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.183][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.183][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.183][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.184][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.184][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.184][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.5 is not allocated
[ 0.184][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.185][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.185][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.185][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.185][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.185][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.5 is not allocated
[ 0.186][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.186][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.186][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.186][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.186][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.187][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.6 is not allocated
[ 0.187][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.187][v][vd] Decoder format: 1280x720 yuv420p auto/auto/auto/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.187][v][vd] Using container aspect ratio.
[ 0.187][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.187][v][vf] Video filter chain:
[ 0.187][v][vf] [in] 1280x720 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.187][v][vf] [out] 1280x720 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.187][i][cplayer] VO: [opengl] 1280x720 yuv420p
[ 0.187][v][cplayer] VO: Description: Extended OpenGL Renderer
[ nan][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode
[ 0.188][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 15 0, bytestream 5224
[ 0.188][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in P frame
[ 0.189][v][vo/opengl/win32] reset window bounds: 312:150:1296:758
[ 0.192][v][vo/opengl/win32] resize window: 1280:720
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Resize: 1280x720
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Window size: 1280x720
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Video source: 1280x720 (1:1)
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Video display: (0, 0) 1280x720 -> (0, 0) 1280x720
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Testing FBO format 0x805b
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16)
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Using FBO format 0x805b.
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Texture for plane 0: 1280x720
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Texture for plane 1: 640x360
[ 0.194][v][vo/opengl] Texture for plane 2: 640x360
[ 0.194][v][cplayer] set video colors output-levels=0
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Resize: 1280x720
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Window size: 1280x720
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Video source: 1280x720 (1:1)
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Video display: (0, 0) 1280x720 -> (0, 0) 1280x720
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.195][v][vo/opengl] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.197][v][vo/opengl] Reported display depth: 10
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] new shader program:
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 1] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 2] color.g = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).r;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 3] color.b = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture2, texcoord2)).r;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 4] color = color.rgbr;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 5] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 6] color.a = 1.0;
[ 0.198][v][vo/opengl] [ 7] // color mapping
[ 0.211][v][vo/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 0.211][v][vo/opengl]
[ 0.211][v][vo/opengl]
[ 0.211][v][vo/opengl]
[ 0.227][v][osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> ArialMT, 0, ArialMT
[ 0.255][v][cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[ 0.257][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.258][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.258][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.258][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.259][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.259][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.259][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.259][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.259][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.259][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.260][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.260][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.260][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.260][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.261][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.6 is not allocated
[ 0.261][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.261][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.10 is not allocated
[ 0.262][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.262][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.262][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.9 is not allocated
[ 0.263][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.263][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.263][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.263][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.263][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.264][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.265][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.265][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.265][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.265][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.265][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (12) exceeds limit (10).
[ 0.266][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.266][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.15 is not allocated
[ 0.266][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.266][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.267][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.5 is not allocated
[ 0.267][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.267][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.267][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.268][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.268][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.268][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.268][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.269][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.0 is not allocated
[ 0.269][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.269][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: invalid band type
[ 0.269][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.269][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.270][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.270][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.270][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.271][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.271][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.272][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.272][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.273][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.7 is not allocated
[ 0.273][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.273][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.280][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.280][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.281][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.281][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.281][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.282][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (29) exceeds limit (8).
[ 0.282][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.282][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.283][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.4 is not allocated
[ 0.283][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.283][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.9 is not allocated
[ 0.283][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.283][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.7 is not allocated
[ 0.284][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.284][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.284][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.284][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.284][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.285][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.285][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.285][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.285][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.285][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.286][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.286][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.8 is not allocated
[ 0.286][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.286][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (13) exceeds limit (11).
[ 0.286][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.287][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (6) exceeds limit (1).
[ 0.287][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.287][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.287][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.11 is not allocated
[ 0.288][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.288][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.288][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.288][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.289][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.289][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.289][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.290][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.290][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.291][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.1 is not allocated
[ 0.291][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.291][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.292][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.292][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.292][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (30) exceeds limit (23).
[ 0.292][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.293][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.293][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.10 is not allocated
[ 0.293][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.293][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.3 is not allocated
[ 0.293][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.293][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.0 is not allocated
[ 0.294][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.294][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.15 is not allocated
[ 0.294][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.294][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (8) exceeds limit (6).
[ 0.294][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.295][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (13) exceeds limit (9).
[ 0.295][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.295][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (42) exceeds limit (40).
[ 0.295][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.295][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.7 is not allocated
[ 0.295][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.296][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.15 is not allocated
[ 0.296][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.296][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.5 is not allocated
[ 0.296][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.297][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.297][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.297][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.8 is not allocated
[ 0.297][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.297][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.298][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.6 is not allocated
[ 0.298][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.298][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.13 is not allocated
[ 0.298][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.298][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.299][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.299][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.299][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.299][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.300][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of scalefactor bands in group (57) exceeds limit (49).
[ 0.300][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.300][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.301][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (31) exceeds limit (10).
[ 0.301][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.301][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.302][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.11 is not allocated
[ 0.302][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.302][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.303][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.303][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.303][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.303][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.10 is not allocated
[ 0.303][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.303][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.5 is not allocated
[ 0.304][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.304][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.304][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.304][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.304][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.305][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.305][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.305][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.305][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.305][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (12) exceeds limit (10).
[ 0.305][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.306][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.13 is not allocated
[ 0.306][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.306][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.306][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.307][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.307][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: invalid band type
[ 0.307][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.307][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.308][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.308][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.308][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.308][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.309][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.309][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.309][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.309][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.309][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.9 is not allocated
[ 0.310][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.310][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.12 is not allocated
[ 0.310][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.311][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.311][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.311][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.311][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.311][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.312][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (41) exceeds limit (28).
[ 0.312][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.312][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.313][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.313][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.313][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.313][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.313][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.314][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.9 is not allocated
[ 0.314][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.314][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.314][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.314][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (12) exceeds limit (10).
[ 0.315][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.315][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.315][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.315][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.315][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.316][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.316][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.316][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.6 is not allocated
[ 0.316][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.317][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.9 is not allocated
[ 0.317][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.317][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.6 is not allocated
[ 0.318][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.318][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.318][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.319][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.319][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of scalefactor bands in group (51) exceeds limit (49).
[ 0.319][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.319][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (7) exceeds limit (5).
[ 0.320][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.320][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.10 is not allocated
[ 0.320][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.320][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.321][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.321][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.4 is not allocated
[ 0.321][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.321][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.322][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.322][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.4 is not allocated
[ 0.322][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.323][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.323][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.323][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.323][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.324][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.324][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.14 is not allocated
[ 0.324][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.324][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.324][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.7 is not allocated
[ 0.325][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.325][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.11 is not allocated
[ 0.325][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.325][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.325][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.326][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.326][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (6) exceeds limit (2).
[ 0.326][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.326][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.326][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.327][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.327][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.327][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.327][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.327][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.328][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.328][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.328][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.13 is not allocated
[ 0.328][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.328][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.329][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.329][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.13 is not allocated
[ 0.329][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.329][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.330][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (14) exceeds limit (10).
[ 0.330][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.330][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.331][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.331][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.331][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.331][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.332][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.332][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.332][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.332][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.332][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (8) exceeds limit (5).
[ 0.332][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.332][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.333][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.333][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.333][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.334][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.334][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.334][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.10 is not allocated
[ 0.334][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.334][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.4 is not allocated
[ 0.334][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.335][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: TNS filter order 18 is greater than maximum 12.
[ 0.335][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.335][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.335][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.2 is not allocated
[ 0.335][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.336][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.336][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.336][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.336][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.8 is not allocated
[ 0.337][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.337][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.337][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.337][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.338][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.338][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.338][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.5 is not allocated
[ 0.338][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.339][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.339][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.339][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.339][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.339][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.340][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.340][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.340][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.341][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.341][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.341][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.342][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.342][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.342][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.342][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.343][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.343][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.343][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.343][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.344][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.344][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.344][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.344][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.344][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.345][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.345][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.345][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.345][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.345][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.1 is not allocated
[ 0.346][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.346][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.346][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.346][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.346][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.347][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.8 is not allocated
[ 0.347][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.347][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.348][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.348][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.348][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.349][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.11 is not allocated
[ 0.349][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.350][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.350][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.350][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.351][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.351][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.351][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.352][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.352][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.352][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.352][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.353][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (9) exceeds limit (6).
[ 0.353][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.353][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.7 is not allocated
[ 0.353][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.353][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.354][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.354][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.354][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.354][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.354][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.355][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SSR is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.355][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.355][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.355][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.4 is not allocated
[ 0.355][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.356][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.2 is not allocated
[ 0.356][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.356][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.10 is not allocated
[ 0.356][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.356][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.357][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.357][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.357][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.357][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.358][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.358][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.2 is not allocated
[ 0.358][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.358][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.10 is not allocated
[ 0.358][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.359][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.359][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (28) exceeds limit (27).
[ 0.359][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.359][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.359][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.360][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.360][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.360][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.0 is not allocated
[ 0.361][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.361][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.11 is not allocated
[ 0.361][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.361][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.362][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.1 is not allocated
[ 0.362][v][lavf] EOF reached.
[ 0.362][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.362][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.0 is not allocated
[ 0.362][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.362][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.363][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.363][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.363][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.12 is not allocated
[ 0.363][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.363][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.364][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.15 is not allocated
[ 0.364][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.364][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (9) exceeds limit (7).
[ 0.364][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.364][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.11 is not allocated
[ 0.365][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.365][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.6 is not allocated
[ 0.365][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.365][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.365][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.366][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.366][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.366][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.366][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.9 is not allocated
[ 0.367][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.367][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.367][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.368][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.368][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.7 is not allocated
[ 0.368][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.368][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.368][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.369][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.369][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.369][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.369][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.370][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.370][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.370][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.370][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.371][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.371][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.371][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.371][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.372][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.372][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.7 is not allocated
[ 0.372][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.372][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.3 is not allocated
[ 0.372][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.372][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.15 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.373][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.373][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.373][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of scalefactor bands in group (55) exceeds limit (49).
[ 0.373][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.373][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.13 is not allocated
[ 0.374][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.374][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.374][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.374][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.374][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.374][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: invalid band type
[ 0.375][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.15 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.375][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.375][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.375][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: invalid band type
[ 0.376][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.376][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.2 is not allocated
[ 0.376][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.376][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.377][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.377][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.377][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.377][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of bands (52) exceeds limit (34).
[ 0.377][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.378][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.14 is not allocated
[ 0.378][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.378][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.378][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.379][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.379][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.14 is not allocated
[ 0.379][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.15 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.379][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.380][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.1 is not allocated
[ 0.380][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.380][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.14 is not allocated
[ 0.381][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.381][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.14 is not allocated
[ 0.381][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.381][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.0 is not allocated
[ 0.381][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.381][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.382][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.15 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.0 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.382][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.382][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.6 is not allocated
[ 0.382][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.382][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.383][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.383][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.383][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.383][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Too large remapped id is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[ 0.384][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (
[ 0.384][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.384][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.384][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Number of scalefactor bands in group (53) exceeds limit (49).
[ 0.384][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.385][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.2 is not allocated
[ 0.385][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.385][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Reserved bit set.
[ 0.385][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
[ 0.385][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.385][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.0 missing
[ 0.385][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.1 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 3.2 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.0 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.1 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.2 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.3 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.4 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.5 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.6 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.7 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.8 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.9 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.10 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.11 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.12 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.13 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 2.14 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.0 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.1 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.2 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.3 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.4 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.5 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.6 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.7 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.8 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.9 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.10 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.11 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.12 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.13 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.14 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 1.15 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.1 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.2 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.3 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.4 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.5 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.6 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.7 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.8 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.9 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.10 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.11 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.12 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.13 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.14 missing
[ 0.386][v][ffmpeg/audio] aac: ChannelElement 0.15 missing
[ 0.386][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.11 is not allocated
[ 0.386][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.386][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: SBR was found before the first channel element.
[ 0.387][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 2.11 is not allocated
[ 0.387][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.387][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.387][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.387][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 3.3 is not allocated
[ 0.388][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.388][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: channel element 1.12 is not allocated
[ 0.388][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.388][w][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[ 0.388][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: Inconsistent channel configuration.
[ 0.389][e][ffmpeg/audio] aac: get_buffer() failed
[ 0.389][e][ad] Error decoding audio.
[ 0.389][v][cplayer] playback restart complete
[ 0.389][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (2+0) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.389][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.389][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.390][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.390][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.390][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.390][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.390][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.391][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.391][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.391][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 32 too large at 0
[ 0.391][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.391][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.392][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.392][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.392][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.392][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.392][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.393][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 20 overflow
[ 0.393][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.393][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.393][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.393][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.394][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.394][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.394][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.394][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 12 referenced
[ 0.394][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.395][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.395][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 3 out of range
[ 0.395][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.395][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.395][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.396][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 13 referenced
[ 0.396][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.396][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.397][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.397][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.397][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.397][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.397][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.398][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.398][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.398][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.398][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.398][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[ 0.399][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.399][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.399][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.399][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.400][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.400][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.400][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.400][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal memory management control operation 28
[ 0.401][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 7 overflow
[ 0.401][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.401][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.401][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.402][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 5 referenced
[ 0.402][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.402][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.402][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.402][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: chroma_log2_weight_denom 10 is out of range
[ 0.403][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 10 overflow
[ 0.403][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.403][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.403][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.403][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 18 referenced
[ 0.404][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.404][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.404][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.404][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference overflow 258 > 15 or 0 > 15
[ 0.404][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.405][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.405][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.405][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 8
[ 0.405][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.405][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.406][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.406][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[ 0.406][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.406][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.406][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.407][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.407][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.407][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.408][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.408][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.408][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.408][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.409][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.409][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 5 out of range
[ 0.409][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.409][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.410][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.410][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 53 referenced
[ 0.410][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.411][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.411][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.411][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.412][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.412][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.412][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.412][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 0.412][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 0 0, bytestream 5849
[ 0.413][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.413][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in I frame
[ 0.413][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.413][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 19 too large at 0
[ 0.413][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.413][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.414][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.414][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 28
[ 0.414][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.414][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.414][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.415][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: chroma_log2_weight_denom 12 is out of range
[ 0.415][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 4 overflow
[ 0.415][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.415][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.415][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.416][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.416][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.416][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.416][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.417][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.417][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.417][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.417][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.417][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 32 too large at 1
[ 0.418][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.418][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.418][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.418][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 66 referenced
[ 0.419][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.419][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.420][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ nan][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3391 DC, 3391 AC, 3391 MV errors in B frame
[ 0.662][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 0.663][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.664][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 14 too large at 0
[ 0.664][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.664][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.665][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.665][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 5 referenced
[ 0.666][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.667][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.667][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.668][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: luma_log2_weight_denom 25 is out of range
[ 0.669][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 5 out of range
[ 0.669][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.670][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.671][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.672][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 0.674][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.675][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.677][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.678][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 12 too large at 1
[ 0.679][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.680][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.681][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.681][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 0.682][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.683][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.684][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 0.684][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 0.685][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.685][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 0.686][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 4 out of range
[ 0.687][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 0.687][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.700][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.700][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 1.701][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.702][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.703][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.703][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: chroma_log2_weight_denom 9 is out of range
[ 1.704][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 21 overflow
[ 1.705][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.706][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.707][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.708][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 13 referenced
[ 1.709][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.710][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.710][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.711][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 1.712][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 1.713][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 0 0, bytestream 6741
[ 1.714][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 1.714][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in I frame
[ 1.715][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.716][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[ 1.716][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.717][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.717][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.718][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 6 referenced
[ 1.718][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.719][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.719][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.720][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 18 too large at 2
[ 1.720][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.721][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.721][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.722][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 1.723][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.724][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.725][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.725][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[ 1.726][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.727][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.727][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.727][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[ 1.728][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.728][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.729][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 1.729][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 1.730][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.730][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 1.731][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 23 referenced
[ 1.731][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 1.732][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.020][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.021][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 4
[ 2.022][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.023][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.024][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.025][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 28 referenced
[ 2.025][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.026][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.027][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.028][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 3 overflow
[ 2.028][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.029][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.030][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.030][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: deblocking_filter_idc 3 out of range
[ 2.031][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.032][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.032][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.033][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[ 2.034][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.035][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.035][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.036][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 2.038][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.038][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.039][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.039][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.040][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.040][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ nan][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode
[ 2.041][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.042][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 70 0, bytestream 3113
[ 2.042][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 2.043][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.043][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.043][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3581 DC, 3581 AC, 3581 MV errors in P frame
[ 2.044][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.045][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 2.045][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.046][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.047][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.047][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: slice type 15 too large at 0
[ 2.048][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.048][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.049][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.049][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: cabac_init_idc 4 overflow
[ 2.050][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.050][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.050][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.051][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference count overflow
[ 2.051][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.052][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.052][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.053][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[ 2.053][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.053][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.054][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.054][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: reference overflow 132 > 15 or 0 > 15
[ 2.055][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.055][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.056][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 13 referenced
[ 2.056][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.057][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.500][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.500][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: illegal memory management control operation 25
[ 2.501][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 2.501][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[ 2.502][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: error while decoding MB 5 0, bytestream 4393
[ 2.502][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 2.502][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3600 DC, 3600 AC, 3600 MV errors in I frame
[ 2.503][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.503][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ 2.504][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.504][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: Missing reference picture, default is 32
[ 2.505][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: number of reference frames (1+1) exceeds max (1; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[ nan][v][ffmpeg/video] h264: concealing 3598 DC, 3598 AC, 3598 MV errors in p frame
[ 2.505][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.505][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[ 2.506][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: decode_slice_header error
[ 2.506][e][ffmpeg/video] h264: no frame!
[ 2.507][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.507][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.508][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.508][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.509][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 2.513][w][vd] Error while decoding frame!
[ 3.060][v][cplayer] using demuxer frame duration for last frame
[ 3.149][v][cplayer] video EOF reached
[ 3.149][v][cplayer] EOF code: 1
[ 3.149][v][ad] Uninit audio decoder.
[ 3.153][v][vd] Uninit video.
[ 3.155][v][cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 0)
[ 3.155][i][cplayer]
[ 3.156][i][cplayer]
[ 3.156][i][cplayer] Exiting... (End of file)
[ 3.156][v][ytdl_hook] Exiting...
[ 3.157][v][osc] Exiting...
[ 3.160][v][vo/opengl] flushing shader cache
[ 3.168][v][vo/opengl/win32] uninit
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