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Created March 11, 2017 16:49
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MPS-import for scipy.linprog benchmarking
""" Hacky import & solving of MPS-files (only tested for netlib)
- source of mps-files:
- instances need to be uncompressed -> see readme in link-folder
- uses cvxopt's mps-parsing
- internal problem-modification / canonicalization by cvxopt "_inmatrixform"
- only implemented / tested for problems without explicit bound-/range-constraints
- see problem table within readme in link-folder for instance-type table
- probably ugly/unnecessary dense/sparse-stuff (code is old and hacky)
- just to be careful: cvxopt's license is not compatible with scipy!
This code was used privately for benchmarking an own IPM-solver. It's
probably a very bad idea to call linprog for some of these not-that-small
problems because linprog seems to be using dense-matrices.
Alternative mps-reading approach (idea only; no implementation): (python-bindings for GLPK)
see also (usage-issue / question):
This might be an interesting route, because there seems to be less
internal problem-modification's and GLPKs MPS-reader is probably
more mature too.
Sascha-Dominic Schnug 2017
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.optimize as spopt
from cvxopt.base import matrix, spmatrix
from cvxopt.modeling import op
from cvxopt.solvers import lp
def read_mps_preprocess(filepath):
problem = op()
mat_form = problem._inmatrixform(format='dense')
format = 'dense'
assert mat_form
lp, vmap, mmap = mat_form
variables = lp.variables()
x = variables[0]
c = lp.objective._linear._coeff[x]
inequalities = lp._inequalities
G = inequalities[0]._f._linear._coeff[x]
h = -inequalities[0]._f._constant
equalities = lp._equalities
A, b = None, None
if equalities:
A = equalities[0]._f._linear._coeff[x]
b = -equalities[0]._f._constant
elif format == 'dense':
A = matrix(0.0, (0,len(x)))
b = matrix(0.0, (0,1))
A = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (0,len(x))) # CRITICAL
b = matrix(0.0, (0,1))
c = np.array(c).flatten()
G = np.array(G)
h = np.array(h).flatten()
A = np.array(A)
b = np.array(b).flatten()
return c, G, h, A, b
""" LINPROG """
def solve_with_linprog(problem):
c, G, h, A, b = problem
G = sp.csc_matrix(G)
A = sp.csc_matrix(A)
result = spopt.linprog(c, G.todense(), h, A.todense(), b)
return result
""" CVXOPT """
def scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A):
A = sp.csc_matrix(A) # hack
coo = A.tocoo()
SP = spmatrix(, coo.row.tolist(), coo.col.tolist(), size=A.shape)
return SP
def solve_cvxopt(problem, solver='conelp'):
# solver='mosek' works too if mosek is available
c, G, h, A, b = problem
c = matrix(c)
G = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(G)
h = matrix(h)
A = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A)
b = matrix(b)
result = lp(c, G, h, A, b, solver=solver)
return result['primal objective']
""" RUN """
afiro = read_mps_preprocess('afiro_.mps')
print('linprog: ', solve_with_linprog(afiro))
print('cvxopt conelp: ', solve_cvxopt(afiro))
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