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Created May 8, 2012 13:22
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Save ssedano/2634929 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
some mysql watch commands
-- Mysql processlist
watch -n 0.1 'mysql -uroot -proot kinton -e "select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST"'
-- Mysql contention
watch -n 0.1 "mysql -uroot -proot kinton -e \"select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST where state = 'User lock'\""
-- gdb Mysql (full credits to
pid=$(pidof mysqld)
for x in $(seq 1 $nsamples)
gdb -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "thread apply all bt" -batch -p $pid
sleep $sleeptime
done | \
awk '
BEGIN { s = ""; }
/Thread/ { print s; s = ""; }
/^\#/ { if (s != "" ) { s = s "," $4} else { s = $4 } }
END { print s }' | \
sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n -k 1,1
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