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Last active February 8, 2018 18:23
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using PlotlyJS
# SVG Path construction
addmove!(io, x, y) = write(io, "M $x $y")
addlineto!(io, x, y) = write(io, " L $x $y")
addclose!(io) = write(io, " Z")
Makes a set of connected lines that go through the points defined by xs and ys
by adding the appropriate SVG commands to the given IO.
function lines!(io, xs, ys)
if length(xs) < 2 || length(ys) < 2
error("x and y vectors must be at least length 2")
addmove!(io, xs[1], ys[1])
for i in 2:min(length(xs), length(ys))
addlineto!(io, xs[i], ys[i])
Make a polygon with a boundary defined by the given points.
returns a path shape
function polygon(xs, ys; kwargs...)
io = IOBuffer()
lines!(io, xs, ys)
svg = String(take!(io))
path(svg; kwargs...)
corners(X, row, col)
Returns the x and y coordinates of the 4 corners of the given cell of the matrix
function corners(X, row, col)
indices = [(row, col), (row+1, col), (row+1, col+1), (row, col+1), (row, col)]
elems = [X[I...] for I in indices]
xs = real.(elems)
ys = imag.(elems)
xs, ys
colorsquares(X; kwargs...)
Create colored polygons for each cell of the matrix X, returned as a list.
function colorsquares(X; kwargs...)
# we have one fewer rows/cols of squares than we do of points
nrows = size(X, 1)-1
ncols = size(X, 2)-1
squares = []
for row in 1:nrows, col in 1:ncols
color = if row <= nrows ÷ 2
if col <= ncols ÷ 2
if col <= ncols ÷ 2
push!(squares, polygon(corners(X, row, col)...; fillcolor=color, kwargs...))
# generate a grid in the complex plane
X = [a+b*im for b in linspace(-1.1, 1.1, 21), a in linspace(-1.1, 1.1, 21)]
# transform the grid
X2 = 0.1X.^3 + 0.4X.^2+0.4X
# create the axes
p = hcat(
plot(scatter(), Layout(xaxis_range=(-2.1, 2.1), yaxis_range=(-2.1, 2.1))),
plot(scatter(), Layout(xaxis_range=(-2.1, 2.1), yaxis_range=(-2.1, 2.1))))
# add the shapes
shapes=vcat(colorsquares(X, xref="x1", yref="y1", opacity=0.7),
colorsquares(X2, xref="x2", yref="y2", opacity=0.7)))
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