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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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completion function for ranger CLI file manager (ver 1.7.1)
# ranger completion {{{
_ranger() {
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -s -S \
{-d,--debug}'[Activate the debug mode: Whenever an error occurs, ranger will exit and print a full traceback.]'\
{-c,--clean}'[Activate the clean mode: ranger will not access or create any configuration files nor will it leave any traces on your system.]'\
{-r,--confdir=}'[Change the configuration directory of ranger from ~/.config/ranger to "dir".]:dir:_path_files -/'\
'--copy-config=[Create copies of the default configuration files in your local configuration directory. Existing ones will not be overwritten.]:FILE:(all commands commands_full rc rifle scope)'\
'--choosefile=[Allows you to pick a file with ranger. This changes the behavior so that when you open a file, ranger will exit and write the absolute path of that file into targetfile.]:targetfile:_files'\
'--choosefiles=[Allows you to pick multiple files with ranger. This changes the behavior so that when you open a file, ranger will exit and write the absolute paths of all selected files into targetfile, adding one newline after each filename.]:targetfile:_files'\
'--choosedir=[Allows you to pick a directory with ranger. When you exit ranger, it will write the last visited directory into targetfile.]:targetfile:_files'\
'--selectfile=[targetfile Open ranger with targetfile selected.]:targetfile:_files'\
'--list-unused-keys[List common keys which are not bound to any action in the "browser" context. This list is not complete, you can bind any key that is supported by curses: use the key code returned by "getch()".]'\
'--list-tagged-files[List all files which are tagged with the given tag. Note: Tags are single characters. The default tag is "*"]:tag:(* a-z)'\
'--profile[Print statistics of CPU usage on exit.]'\
'--cmd=[Execute the command after the configuration has been read. Use this option multiple times to run multiple commands.]:command:'\
'--versioin[Print the version and exit.]'\
{-h,--help}'[Print a list of option and exit.]'\
&& return 0
return 1
compdef _ranger ranger
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