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Last active September 19, 2015 18:47
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  • Save ssh0/bfe0557fbf18e7ce973a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ssh0/bfe0557fbf18e7ce973a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Webkitベースの軽量ブラウザluakitを使ってみた(vimperatorユーザーにオススメ!) ref:
ex_follow_bindings = {
-- Yank element uri or description into primary selection
key({}, "y", [[Hint all links (as defined by the `follow.selectors.uri`
selector) and set the primary selection to the matched elements URI.]],
function (w)
w:set_mode("follow", {
prompt = "yank", selector = "uri", evaluator = "uri",
func = function (uri)
assert(type(uri) == "string")
uri = string.gsub(uri, " ", "%%20")
-- capi.luakit.selection.primary = uri
luakit.selection.primary = uri
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary -- inserted
w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri, false)
-- Yank element description
key({}, "Y", [[Hint all links (as defined by the `follow.selectors.uri`
selector) and set the primary selection to the matched elements URI.]],
function (w)
w:set_mode("follow", {
prompt = "yank desc", selector = "desc", evaluator = "desc",
func = function (desc)
assert(type(desc) == "string")
-- capi.luakit.selection.primary = desc
luakit.selection.primary = desc
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary -- inserted
w:notify("Yanked desc: " .. desc)
add_binds({"ex-follow"}, ex_follow_bindings)
sudo apt-get install luakit
require "follow"
-- Use a custom charater set for hint labels
local s = follow.label_styles
follow.label_maker = s.sort(s.reverse(s.charset("fjkasdhguonmerwc")))
follow.stylesheet = [===[
#luakit_follow_overlay {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
#luakit_follow_overlay .hint_overlay {
display: block;
position: absolute;
background-color: #ffff99;
opacity: 0.3;
z-index: 999999999;
#luakit_follow_overlay .hint_label {
display: block;
position: absolute;
background-color: #1c1c1c;
color: #fefefe;
padding: 1px 1px;
font-family: monospace, courier, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
z-index: 99999999;
#luakit_follow_overlay .hint_overlay_body {
background-color: #e4efff;
#luakit_follow_overlay .hint_selected {
background-color: #00ff00 !important;
-- Add command completion
require "completion"`
-- Order of completion items
completion.order = {
-- Yanking
key({}, "y", "Yank current URI to primary selection.",
function (w)
local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
luakit.selection.primary = uri
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary -- yank to clipboard too.
w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri)
key({}, "Y", "Yank current title to primary selection.",
function (w)
local title = w.view.title or ""
luakit.selection.primary = title
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary
w:notify("Yanked title: " .. title)
key({"Control"}, "c", "Copy (as-in) control-c control-v",
function (w)
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary
key({"Mod1"}, "h", "Go to previous tab.",
function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
key({"Mod1"}, "l", "Go to next tab.",
function (w) w:next_tab() end),
ex_follow_bindings = {
-- Yank element uri or description into primary selection
key({}, "y", [[Hint all links (as defined by the `follow.selectors.uri`
selector) and set the primary selection to the matched elements URI.]],
function (w)
w:set_mode("follow", {
prompt = "yank", selector = "uri", evaluator = "uri",
func = function (uri)
assert(type(uri) == "string")
uri = string.gsub(uri, " ", "%%20")
-- capi.luakit.selection.primary = uri
luakit.selection.primary = uri
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary -- inserted
w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri, false)
-- Yank element description
key({}, "Y", [[Hint all links (as defined by the `follow.selectors.uri`
selector) and set the primary selection to the matched elements URI.]],
function (w)
w:set_mode("follow", {
prompt = "yank desc", selector = "desc", evaluator = "desc",
func = function (desc)
assert(type(desc) == "string")
-- capi.luakit.selection.primary = desc
luakit.selection.primary = desc
luakit.selection.clipboard = luakit.selection.primary -- inserted
w:notify("Yanked desc: " .. desc)
add_binds({"ex-follow"}, ex_follow_bindings)
-- Add command to list closed tabs & bind to open closed tabs
require "undoclose"
local key = lousy.bind.key
add_binds("normal", {
key({}, "U", "View closed tabs in a list.",
function (w) w:set_mode("undolist") end),
sudo apt-get install webkit-image-gtk libwebkit-dev libgtk2.0-dev sqlite3 sqlite3-pcre libsqlite3-dev gperf lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libunique-dev lua-filesystem
-- Add download support
require "downloads"
require "downloads_chrome"
-- Set download location
downloads.default_dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Downloads"
downloads.add_signal("download-location", function (uri, file)
if not file or file == "" then
file = (string.match(uri, "/([^/]+)$")
or string.match(uri, "^%w+://(.+)")
or string.gsub(uri, "/", "_")
or "untitled")
return downloads.default_dir .. "/" .. file
update_win_title = function (w)
local uri, title = w.view.uri, w.view.title
title = "luakit" .. ((title and " - " .. title) or "") -- <<<
local max = globals.max_title_len or 80
if #title > max then title = string.sub(title, 1, max) .. "..." end = title
update_progress = function (w)
local p = w.view.progress
local loaded = w.sbar.l.loaded
if not w.view:loading() or p == 1 then
w.sbar.ebox:hide() -- <<<
w.sbar.hidden = true -- <<<
w.sbar.ebox:show() -- <<<
w.sbar.hidden = false -- <<<
loaded.text = string.format("(%d%%)", p * 100)
wget -O ~/.config/luakit/plugins/adblock.lua
wget -O ~/.config/luakit/plugins/adblock.lua
wget -O ~/.local/share/luakit/adblock/Adblock_Plus_list.txt
-- adblock
require "plugins.adblock"
require "plugins.adblock_chrome"
git clone ~/.config/luakit/plugins/private_browsing_tabs
cp ~/.config/luakit/plugins/private_browsing_tabs/private_browsing_tabs.lua ~/.config/luakit/plugins/private_browsing_tabs.lua
-- private browsing tabs
require "plugins.private_browsing_tabs"
git clone ~/.git/luakit
cd ~/.git/luakit
sudo make install
cp -r /etc/xdg/luakit ~/.config
domain_props = {
["all"] = {
default_font_family = "TakaoPGothic",
sans_serif_font_family = "TakaoPGothic",
serif_font_family = "TakaoPMincho",
fantasy_font_family = "TakaoPMincho",
cursive_font_family = "TakaoPMincho",
monospace_font_family = "Inconsolata for Powerline",
default_font_size = 12,
default_monospace_font_size = 13,
minimum_font_size = 8,
theme.font = "TakaoPGothic normal 9"
-- Global variables for luakit
globals = {
homepage = "luakit://bookmarks/",
-- List of search engines. Each item must contain a single %s which is
-- replaced by URI encoded search terms. All other occurances of the percent
-- character (%) may need to be escaped by placing another % before or after
-- it to avoid collisions with lua's string.format characters.
-- See:
search_engines = {
-- default: Google検索
default_search = "",
-- I'm feeling lucky!
l = "",
-- "w": Wikipedia
w = "",
-- "n": niconico動画
n = "",
-- "nd": ニコニコ大百科
nd = "",
-- "p": Google画像検索
p = "",
-- "m": Google Map
m = "",
-- "mfh": Google Map Navigation "from Home to ***"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "自宅" to "Home"
mfh = "自宅/%s",
-- "mfw": Google Map Navigation "from Work to ***"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "職場" to "Work"
mfw = "職場/%s",
-- "mfh": Google Map Navigation "from *** to Home"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "自宅" to "Home"
mth = "自宅",
-- "mfw": Google Map Navigation "from *** to Work"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "職場" to "Work"
mtw = "職場",
-- "ip": IP address search
ip = "",
-- 'f': flickr
f = "",
-- "y": Youtubeで検索
y = "",
-- "rt" Yahooリアルタイム検索
rt = "",
-- "sc" Google Scholar検索
sc = ",5",
-- "q" Qiita 検索
q = "",
-- "g" Githubを検索
g = "",
-- "gu" Githubを検索(ユーザーを検索)
gu = "",
-- "gs" Gistを検索
gs = "✓&q=%s",
-- "t": 翻訳
t = "",
-- Set google as fallback search engine
search_engines.default = search_engines.default_search
-- List of search engines. Each item must contain a single %s which is
-- replaced by URI encoded search terms. All other occurances of the percent
-- character (%) may need to be escaped by placing another % before or after
-- it to avoid collisions with lua's string.format characters.
-- See:
search_engines = {
-- default: Google検索
default_search = "",
-- I'm feeling lucky!
l = "",
-- "w": Wikipedia
w = "",
-- "n": niconico動画
n = "",
-- "nd": ニコニコ大百科
nd = "",
-- "p": Google画像検索
p = "",
-- "m": Google Map
m = "",
-- "mfh": Google Map Navigation "from Home to ***"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "自宅" to "Home"
mfh = "自宅/%s",
-- "mfw": Google Map Navigation "from Work to ***"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "職場" to "Work"
mfw = "職場/%s",
-- "mfh": Google Map Navigation "from *** to Home"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "自宅" to "Home"
mth = "自宅",
-- "mfw": Google Map Navigation "from *** to Work"
-- if you set the searching language 'English',
-- then replace "職場" to "Work"
mtw = "職場",
-- "ip": IP address search
ip = "",
-- 'f': flickr
f = "",
-- "y": Youtubeで検索
y = "",
-- "rt" Yahooリアルタイム検索
rt = "",
-- "sc" Google Scholar検索
sc = ",5",
-- "q" Qiita 検索
q = "",
-- "g" Githubを検索
g = "",
-- "gu" Githubを検索(ユーザーを検索)
gu = "",
-- "gs" Gistを検索
gs = "✓&q=%s",
-- "t": 翻訳
t = "",
-- Set google as fallback search engine
search_engines.default = search_engines.default_search
-- private browsing tabs
require "plugins.private_browsing_tabs"
theme.font = "TakaoPGothic normal 9"
update_progress = function (w)
local p = w.view.progress
local loaded = w.sbar.l.loaded
if not w.view:loading() or p == 1 then
w.sbar.ebox:hide() -- <<<
w.sbar.hidden = true -- <<<
w.sbar.ebox:show() -- <<<
w.sbar.hidden = false -- <<<
loaded.text = string.format("(%d%%)", p * 100)
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