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Last active August 19, 2021 07:23
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Facebook JS Auth for Chrome iOS workaround
var ABSOLUTE_URI = "";
var FB_ID = "123456778";
function openFBLoginDialogManually(){
// Open your auth window containing FB auth page
// with forward URL to your Opened Window handler page (below)
var redirect_uri = "&redirect_uri=" + ABSOLUTE_URI + "fbjscomplete";
var scope = "&scope=public_profile,email,user_friends";
var url = "" + FB_ID + redirect_uri + scope;
// notice the lack of other param in
// for some reason the opener is set to null
// and the opened window can NOT reference it
// if params are passed. #Chrome iOS Bug;
function fbCompleteLogin(){
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
// Calling this with the extra setting "true" forces
// a non-cached request and updates the FB cache.
// Since the auth login elsewhere validated the user
// this update will now asyncronously mark the user as authed
}, true);
function requireLogin(callback){
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status != "connected"){
checkAuth(response.authResponse.accessToken, response.authResponse.userID, function(success){
// Check FB tokens against your API to make sure user is valid
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleAuth(){
// once the window is open
<body onload="handleAuth();">
<p>. . . </p>
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