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sshadmand / Polymer Cache bust for dev
Created September 4, 2015 14:14
Gulp Compiler Helpers
Based on Cachebust
Fixes issue where the original cachebust doesn't see custom polymer elements. Ignores bower_components where polymer elements reside which will cause polymer issues.
var $ = require('cheerio'),
MD5 = require('MD5');
exports.busted = function(fileContents, options) {
/* For elements in Polymer. Since Polymer
sshadmand / flash-animation.html
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
Polymer 1.0 Neon Animations
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/web-animations.html">
`<fade-in-animation>` animates the opacity of an element from 0 to 1.
sshadmand / Borderizer
Created August 16, 2015 02:11
Add borders to all your elements when testing out layout element sizing.
function borderizer(){
var all = document.querySelectorAll("*");
var rgb = [0, 0, 0];
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) {
all[i].style.border = "solid";
all[i].style.borderWidth = "1px";
sshadmand / Jquery Handlebars Extension
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Jquery Handlebars Rendering Extension
* Requires Jquery and Handlebars
* Render a template by passing in data and prepend or replace a container in your DOM.
* return DOM object so you can chain subsequent actions.
* Example:
* $("#main-stage").renderTemplate("template-id", dataDict);
* OR
* $("#main-stage").renderTemplate("template-id", dataDict).fadeIn("fast");
sshadmand / FB JS Auth
Last active August 19, 2021 07:23
Facebook JS Auth for Chrome iOS workaround
var ABSOLUTE_URI = "";
var FB_ID = "123456778";
function openFBLoginDialogManually(){
// Open your auth window containing FB auth page
// with forward URL to your Opened Window handler page (below)
var redirect_uri = "&redirect_uri=" + ABSOLUTE_URI + "fbjscomplete";
var scope = "&scope=public_profile,email,user_friends";
var url = "" + FB_ID + redirect_uri + scope;
sshadmand /
Created December 25, 2014 20:44
Check git diff before deploying
echo "Please enter a commit message..."
read msg
git add . --all
git commit -am $msg
echo ========== CHECKING FOR CHANGES ========
changes=$(git diff)
sshadmand / Bubble icons
Created December 23, 2014 07:56
CSS Animation
.bubbles-cont {
z-index: 0;
right: 300px;
position: absolute;
.bubbles-cont-2 {
z-index: 0;
left: 0px;
margin-bottom: -30px;
sshadmand / Truncate Words
Created December 16, 2014 20:34
Handlebar Helpers: Truncate Words
Handlebars.registerHelper('truncwords', function(text, length) {
words = text.split(" ");
new_text = text;
if (words.length > length){
new_text = "";
for (var i = 0; i <= length; i++) {
new_text += words[i] + " ";
new_text = new_text.trim() + "..."
sshadmand / If Greater Than ... Else ...
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Handlebars Helpers: If Greater Than ... Else ...
Handlebars.registerHelper('ifgt', function(val1, val2, options) {
console.log(val1, val2)
if (val1 > val2){
return options.fn(this);
return options.inverse(this);
sshadmand / Travel Embeds
Created November 18, 2014 19:17
Travel Maps
<div id='travellerspoint-map722594_701273' style="width:225px;display:inline-block;"><script src=';badgeid=travellerspoint-map722594_701273&amp;height=150&amp;width=225'></script><p class='travellerspoint-map-link'><a href=''>South East Asia Part 1</a></p></div>
<div id='travellerspoint-map722594_701275' style="width:225px;display:inline-block;"><script src=';badgeid=travellerspoint-map722594_701275&amp;height=150&amp;width=225'></script><p class='travellerspoint-map-link'><a href=''>Central/South America</a></p></div>
<div id='travellerspoint-map722594_701277' style="width:225px;display:inline-block;"><script src='