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Last active October 22, 2022 20:27
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My CV in LaTex-file online compiler
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Jake Gutierrez
% Based off of:
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Saimon Shaplygin} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\href{tel:+79175108379}{\small +7-917-510-83-79} $|$ \href{}{\underline{}} $|$
\href{}{\underline{}} $|$
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Golang, Python, JavaScript, C/C++, SQL} \\
\textbf{Technology}{: PostgreSQL, MSSQL, ClickHouse, REST, gRPC, QUIC, WebSockets, Apache Kafka, Amazon S3, K8S } \\
{Golang Mentor}{Oct. 2021 - Present}
{Online education company | OTUS Online education Ltd}{Moscow, Russia}
\resumeItem {Checking home and test student's tasks on course Golang Developer Professional}
{Senior Software Engineer}{Apr. 2021 - Present}
{Top one growth delivery food service at Russia | SberMarket Ltd}{Moscow, Russia}
\resumeItem {Redesigning instruments for marketing as banners and sampling services}
\resumeItem {Developing backend and frontend side for brands' ADs platform}
{Software Engineer}{Jan. 2020 - Apr. 2021}
{The second marketplace in the CIS | Ozon Ltd}{Moscow, Russia}
\resumeItem {Created single sign-on authorization for B2C and B2B clients}
\resumeItem {Developed authentification and authorization from SmartLock for Android-devices}
\resumeItem {Designed service for notification about user's data changes}
\resumeItem {Analyzed fraud operations and implemented anti-fraud rules against bruteforce TOTP}
\resumeItem {Patched inner system's libraries for gRPC and SQL mapping}
{Software Engineer} {Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2020}
{The biggest bank of East Europe | PJSC SberBank}{Moscow, Russia}
\resumeItem {Developed backend gateway that protected mission critical system of access personal user accounts}
\resumeItem {Designed and developed API for configuration settings}
\resumeItem {Implemented load-balancing for backend service-facade}
\resumeItem {Designed and implement architecture for system of intelligent routing and processing inner user’s requests(SIRP)}
\resumeItem {Developed authorization service for SIRP}
{Software Engineer}{Apr. 2018 - Dec. 2018}
{Russian's company for online ticket travel sales | Biletix Ltd} {Moscow, Russia}
\resumeItem{Developed backend for booking engine for railway by CIS (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan)}
\resumeItem{Integrated booking engine with service provided insurance service}
\resumeItem{Optimized backend speed booking ticket pipeline up to 35\%}
\resumeItem{Improved query route search by twice}
\section{Honors \& Awards}
{\textbf{Maintenance} $|$ \emph{Golang, WebSockets, Long polling}}{Dec. 2019 - Present}
\resumeItem{Fixed bugs, refactoring, added documentations for open source library}
{\textbf{Night Python by AlphaBank} $|$ \emph{Python3, NumPy, Sklearn}}{Nov. 2017}
\resumeItem{Finalist at competition to analyze and prediction price by time series }
{National Research University of Moscow Power Engineering Institute}{Moscow, Russia}
{M.S in Management Information Systems}{Sep. 2017 -- Jul. 2019}
{National Research University of Moscow Power Engineering Institute}{Moscow, Russia}
{B.S. in Management Information Systems}{Sep. 2013 -- Jul. 2017}
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