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Last active May 20, 2019 05:51
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ML4T - Project 1
"""Assess a betting strategy.
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
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Template code for CS 4646/7646
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Student Name: Shoabe Shariff
GT User ID: sshariff3
GT ID: 903272097
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
def author():
return 'sshariff3'
def gtid():
return 903272097
def get_spin_result(win_prob):
result = False
if np.random.random() <= win_prob:
result = True
return result
def test_code():
win_prob = 0.4737 # set appropriately to the probability of a win
np.random.seed(gtid()) # do this only once
print get_spin_result(win_prob) # test the roulette spin
# add your code here to implement the experiments
# Experiment 1
# Experiment 2
def run_test_simulation(win_prob):
number_of_total_spins_plus_one = 1001
winnings = [0]
total_winnings = 0
while total_winnings < 80 and len(winnings) < number_of_total_spins_plus_one:
won = False
bet_amount = 1
while not won:
won = get_spin_result(win_prob)
if won == True:
total_winnings = total_winnings + bet_amount
total_winnings = total_winnings - bet_amount
bet_amount = bet_amount * 2
while len(winnings) < number_of_total_spins_plus_one:
return np.array(winnings)
def run_realistic_simulation(win_prob):
number_of_total_spins_plus_one = 1001
winnings = [0]
total_winnings = 0
max_loss = -256
while total_winnings < 80 and \
total_winnings > max_loss and \
len(winnings) < number_of_total_spins_plus_one:
won = False
bet_amount = 1
while not won and len(winnings) < number_of_total_spins_plus_one:
won = get_spin_result(win_prob)
if won == True:
total_winnings = total_winnings + bet_amount
total_winnings = total_winnings - bet_amount
bet_amount = bet_amount * 2
if total_winnings - bet_amount < max_loss:
bet_amount = total_winnings - max_loss
while len(winnings) < number_of_total_spins_plus_one:
if total_winnings == 80:
elif total_winnings == max_loss:
return np.array(winnings)
def figure1(win_prob):
simulations = []
while len(simulations) < 10:
x_coords = np.arange(0, 1001)
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[0], label="Simulation 1")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[1], label="Simulation 2")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[2], label="Simulation 3")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[3], label="Simulation 4")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[4], label="Simulation 5")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[5], label="Simulation 6")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[6], label="Simulation 7")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[7], label="Simulation 8")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[8], label="Simulation 9")
plt.plot(x_coords, simulations[9], label="Simulation 10")
plt.title("Number of Spins vs Episode Winnings for 10 Simulations")
plt.xlabel("Number of Spins")
plt.ylabel("Episode Winnings")
plt.xlim([0, 300])
plt.ylim([-256, 100])
plt.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': 10})
def figure2and3(win_prob):
# Gather Data
simulations = []
while len(simulations) < 1000:
# Figure 2
mean = np.mean(simulations, axis=0)
standard_deviation = np.std(simulations, axis=0)
mean_plus = np.add(mean, standard_deviation)
mean_minus = np.subtract(mean, standard_deviation)
x_coords = np.arange(0, 1001)
plt.plot(x_coords, mean, label="Mean")
plt.plot(x_coords, mean_plus, label="Mean + Std Dev")
plt.plot(x_coords, mean_minus, label="Mean - Std Dev")
plt.title("Mean Winnings vs Spin Number for 1000 Spins")
plt.xlabel("Spin Number")
plt.ylabel("Mean Winnings")
plt.xlim([0, 300])
plt.ylim([-256, 100])
plt.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': 10})
# Figure 3
median = np.median(simulations, axis=0)
standard_deviation = np.std(simulations, axis=0)
median_plus = np.add(median, standard_deviation)
median_minus = np.subtract(median, standard_deviation)
x_coords = np.arange(0, 1001)
plt.plot(x_coords, median, label="Median")
plt.plot(x_coords, median_plus, label="Median + Std Dev")
plt.plot(x_coords, median_minus, label="Median - Std Dev")
plt.title("Median Winnings vs Spin Number for 1000 Spins")
plt.xlabel("Spin Number")
plt.ylabel("Median Winnings")
plt.xlim([0, 300])
plt.ylim([-256, 100])
plt.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': 10})
def figure4and5(win_prob):
# Gather Data
simulations = []
while len(simulations) < 1000:
# Figure 4
mean = np.mean(simulations, axis=0)
standard_deviation = np.std(simulations, axis=0)
mean_plus = np.add(mean, standard_deviation)
mean_minus = np.subtract(mean, standard_deviation)
x_coords = np.arange(0, 1001)
plt.plot(x_coords, mean, label="Mean")
plt.plot(x_coords, mean_plus, label="Mean + Std Dev")
plt.plot(x_coords, mean_minus, label="Mean - Std Dev")
plt.title("Mean Winnings vs Spin Number for 1000 Spins (Realistic)")
plt.xlabel("Spin Number")
plt.ylabel("Mean Winnings")
plt.xlim([0, 300])
plt.ylim([-256, 100])
plt.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': 10})
# Figure 5
median = np.median(simulations, axis=0)
standard_deviation = np.std(simulations, axis=0)
median_plus = np.add(median, standard_deviation)
median_minus = np.subtract(median, standard_deviation)
x_coords = np.arange(0, 1001)
plt.plot(x_coords, median, label="Median")
plt.plot(x_coords, median_plus, label="Median + Std Dev")
plt.plot(x_coords, median_minus, label="Median - Std Dev")
plt.title("Median Winnings vs Spin Number for 1000 Spins (Realistic)")
plt.xlabel("Spin Number")
plt.ylabel("Median Winnings")
plt.xlim([0, 300])
plt.ylim([-256, 100])
plt.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': 10})
def question1():
win_prob = 0.4737 # set appropriately to the probability of a win
np.random.seed(gtid()) # do this only once
success = np.empty(10000)
for i in range(0, 10000):
test = run_test_simulation(0.4737)
if test[-1] == 80:
success[i] = 1
success[i] = 0
success_prob = np.mean(success)
print "Probability of Winning = %f" % success_prob
def question5():
win_prob = 0.4737 # set appropriately to the probability of a win
np.random.seed(gtid()) # do this only once
success = np.empty(10000)
for i in range(0, 10000):
test = run_realistic_simulation(0.4737)
if test[-1] == 80:
success[i] = 1
success[i] = 0
success_prob = np.mean(success)
print "Probability of Winning = %f" % success_prob
if __name__ == "__main__":
# question1()
# question5()
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