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"""MC4-P6: Manual Strategy - Theoretical Optimal Strategy
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
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Template code for CS 4646/7646
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Student Name: Fady Ibrahim
GT User ID: fibrahim30
GT ID: 903358183
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import marketsimcode as msc
from util import get_data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def author():
return 'fibrahim30'
def testPolicy(symbol="AAPL", sd=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31), sv=100000):
# Get start and end dates from sorted dates range
dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
# From 'CS 7646 Spring 2016: Q&A on Market Simulator Project' -
# Make prices dataframe using get_data
prices_df = get_data(symbol, dates, addSPY=False).dropna()
orders_df = prices_df
orders_df['Future'] = prices_df.shift(-1)
orders_df['Order'] = 0
orders_df['Shares'] = 0
orders_df['Holdings'] = 0
orders_df.loc[orders_df['JPM'] < orders_df['Future'], 'Order'] = 'BUY'
orders_df.loc[orders_df['JPM'] > orders_df['Future'], 'Order'] = 'SELL'
orders_df.loc[orders_df['JPM'] == orders_df['Future'], 'Order'] = 'NOTHING'
orders_df.loc[orders_df['Future'].isnull(), 'Order'] = 'NOTHING'
# Initial conditions
orders_df.loc[orders_df['Order'] == 'BUY', 'Shares'] = 1000
orders_df.loc[orders_df['Order'] == 'SELL', 'Shares'] = -1000
if orders_df.ix[0, 'Order'] == 'BUY' and orders_df.ix[0, 'Holdings'] == 0:
orders_df.ix[0, 'Shares'] = 1000
orders_df.ix[0, 'Holdings'] = 1000
elif orders_df.ix[0, 'Order'] == 'SELL' and orders_df.ix[0, 'Holdings'] == 0:
orders_df.ix[0, 'Shares'] = -1000
orders_df.ix[0, 'Holdings'] = -1000
# populate trades dataframe with the resulting trades from orders data
for row in range(1, orders_df.shape[0]):
order = orders_df.ix[row, 'Order']
date = orders_df.index[row]
if order == 'SELL' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == 0:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = -1000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = -1000
elif order == 'SELL' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == -1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 0
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = -1000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Order'] = 'NOTHING'
elif order == 'SELL' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == 1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = -2000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = -1000
elif order == 'BUY' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == 0:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 1000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = 1000
elif order == 'BUY' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == -1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 2000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = 1000
elif order == 'BUY' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == 1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 0
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = 1000
orders_df.ix[date, 'Order'] = 'NOTHING'
elif order == 'NOTHING' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == -1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 0
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = -1000
elif order == 'NOTHING' and orders_df.ix[row-1, 'Holdings'] == 1000:
orders_df.ix[date, 'Shares'] = 0
orders_df.ix[date, 'Holdings'] = 1000
orders_df = orders_df[orders_df.Order != 'NOTHING']
orders_df = orders_df.drop(['JPM'], axis=1)
orders_df = orders_df.drop(['Future'], axis=1)
orders_df = orders_df.drop(['Order'], axis=1)
orders_df = orders_df.drop(['Holdings'], axis=1)
orders_df.rename(columns={'Shares': 'JPM'}, inplace=True)
return orders_df
def benchMark():
dev_start_date = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1)
dev_end_date = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31)
test_start_date = dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
test_end_date = dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31)
dev_dates = pd.date_range(dev_start_date, dev_end_date)
test_dates = pd.date_range(test_start_date, test_end_date)
symbol = ['JPM']
benchmark_orders = testPolicy(symbol=symbol, sd=test_start_date, ed=test_end_date)
benchmark_orders = benchmark_orders * 0
benchmark_orders.ix[0, 'JPM'] = 1000
prices_df = get_data(symbol, test_dates, addSPY=False).dropna()
benchmark_portvals = msc.compute_portvals(benchmark_orders, commission=0., impact=0.)
print "Benchmark Portfolio Stats: "
return benchmark_portvals
# Edited from plot_data in order to save plots.
def save_plot(df, title="Stock prices", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price"):
"""Plot stock prices with a custom title and meaningful axis labels."""
ax = df.plot(title=title, fontsize=12, color=['green', 'red'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
""""" BENCHMARK """
benchmark_portvals = benchMark()
# From Project Wiki - Part 2: Theoretically Optimal Strategy
# Benchmark normalized to 1.0 at the start
normalized_benchmark = benchmark_portvals / benchmark_portvals.ix[0, :]
normalized_benchmark = normalized_benchmark.to_frame("Bench")
trades_df = testPolicy(symbol=['JPM'])
optimal_portvals = msc.compute_portvals(trades_df, commission=0., impact=0.)
# From Project Wiki - Part 2: Theoretically Optimal Strategy
# Value of the theoretically optimal portfolio (normalized to 1.0 at the start)
normalized_optimal = optimal_portvals / optimal_portvals.ix[0, :]
normalized_optimal = normalized_optimal.to_frame("Optimal")
print " "
print "Theoretically Optimal Strategy Portfolio Stats: "
""" Plot - Benchmark (Green Line), Optimal (Red Line) """
temp_df = normalized_benchmark.join(normalized_optimal)
save_plot(temp_df, title='TOS vs Benchmark', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Normalized Price')
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