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Last active July 1, 2019 05:05
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ML4T - Project 6
Student Name: Shoabe Shariff
GT User ID: sshariff3
GT ID: 903272097
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import os
from util import get_data, plot_data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
def author():
return 'sshariff3'
def illustrate_indicators(symbols = ['JPM'], start_date = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), end_date = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31)):
prices = get_data(symbols, pd.date_range(start_date, end_date), addSPY=False).dropna(axis=0)
plot_data(calculate_momentum(prices), title='Technical Indicator 1: Momentum', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Momentum')
plot_data(calculate_bollinger_bands(prices), title='Technical Indicator 2: Bollinger Bands', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Price')
plot_data(calculate_sma(prices), title='Technical Indicator 3: Simple Moving Average (SMA)', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Normalized Price')
plot_data(calculate_macd(prices), title='Technical Indicator 4: Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Price')
Technical Indicator 1 - Momentum
momentum[t] = price[t] / price[t-n]
* n = 10
def calculate_momentum(prices):
df_temp = prices.copy()
df_temp[1:] = (df_temp[10:] / df_temp[:-10].values) - 1
df_temp.iloc[0:10] = np.nan
return df_temp
Technical Indicator 2 - Bollinger Bands
1. Compute rolling mean
2. Compute rolling std deviation
3. Compute upper and lower bands
* window size = 20
def calculate_bollinger_bands(prices):
rolling_mean = get_rolling_mean(prices['JPM'], window_size=20)
rolling_std = get_rolling_std(prices['JPM'], window_size=20)
upper_band, lower_band = get_bollinger_bands(rolling_mean, rolling_std)
rolling_mean = rolling_mean.to_frame('Rolling Mean')
rolling_std = rolling_std.to_frame('Rolling Std')
upper_band = upper_band.to_frame('Upper Band')
lower_band = lower_band.to_frame('Lower Band')
bollinger_band = (prices['JPM'] - rolling_mean['Rolling Mean']) / (2 * rolling_std['Rolling Std'])
bollinger_band = bollinger_band.to_frame('Bollinger Band')
df_temp = prices.join(rolling_mean).join(upper_band).join(lower_band).join(bollinger_band)
return df_temp
def get_rolling_mean(values, window_size):
return pd.rolling_mean(values, window=window_size)
def get_rolling_std(values, window_size):
return pd.rolling_std(values, window=window_size)
def get_bollinger_bands(rm, rstd):
upper_band = rm + rstd*2
lower_band = rm - rstd*2
return upper_band, lower_band
Technical Indicator 3 - SMA
1. Plot SMA
2. Plot Price
3. Plot Price/SMA
* moving window size = 10
def calculate_sma(prices):
normalized_prices = prices / prices.ix[0,:]
rolling_mean = get_rolling_mean(normalized_prices['JPM'], window_size=10)
rolling_mean = rolling_mean.to_frame('SMA')
df_temp = normalized_prices.join(rolling_mean)
df_temp['JPM/SMA'] = df_temp['JPM'] / df_temp['SMA'] - 1
return df_temp
Technical Indicator 4 - MACD
MACD = (12 period EMA) - (26 period EMA)
* MACD -
* DataFrame EWM -
def calculate_macd(prices):
ema_12 = prices.ewm(span=12).mean()
ema_12 = ema_12.rename(columns={'JPM': 'JPM 12-period Exp Moving Avg'})
ema_26 = prices.ewm(span=26).mean()
ema_26 = ema_26.rename(columns={'JPM': 'JPM 26-period Exp Moving Avg'})
df_temp = ema_12.join(ema_26)
df_temp['MACD'] = df_temp['JPM 12-period Exp Moving Avg'] - df_temp['JPM 26-period Exp Moving Avg']
df_temp['Signal Line'] = df_temp['MACD'].ewm(span=9).mean()
return df_temp
if __name__ == "__main__":
Student Name: Shoabe Shariff
GT User ID: sshariff3
GT ID: 903272097
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import os
from util import get_data, plot_data
from indicators import calculate_momentum, calculate_bollinger_bands, calculate_sma, calculate_macd
from marketsimcode import compute_portvals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
def testPolicy(symbol = "AAPL", sd=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31), sv = 100000):
adjusted_close_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed), addSPY=False).dropna() = 'Date'
momentum = calculate_momentum(adjusted_close_prices).rename(columns={symbol: 'Momentum'})
bollinger_bands = calculate_bollinger_bands(adjusted_close_prices).drop('JPM', axis=1)
sma = calculate_sma(adjusted_close_prices)['JPM/SMA']
portfolio = {}
portfolio['Shares'] = 0
indicators = adjusted_close_prices.join(momentum).join(bollinger_bands).join(sma)
return indicators.apply(lambda x: generate_orders(x, portfolio), axis=1, raw=False)
def generate_orders(indicators, portfolio):
order = 0
if portfolio['firstRun'] == True:
portfolio['firstRun'] = False
indicators['Orders'] = 0
return indicators['Orders']
if indicators['JPM/SMA'] < 0 and indicators['Bollinger Band'] < 1 and indicators['Momentum'] < 0:
if portfolio['Shares'] < 1000: # BUY 1000 shares
order = 1000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] + 1000
elif indicators['JPM/SMA'] > 0 and indicators['Bollinger Band'] > -1 and indicators['Momentum'] > 0:
if portfolio['Shares'] > -1000: # SELL 1000 shares
order = -1000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] - 1000
elif indicators['JPM/SMA'] > 0.5 and indicators['Bollinger Band'] > 1 and indicators['Momentum'] < 0:
if portfolio['Shares'] > 0: # SELL 2000 shares
order = -2000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] - 2000
elif portfolio['Shares'] == 0: # SELL 1000 shares
order = -1000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] - 1000
elif indicators['Momentum'] < 0:
if portfolio['Shares'] >= 0: # SELL 1000 shares
order = -1000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] - 1000
elif indicators['Momentum'] > 0:
if portfolio['Shares'] >= 0: # SELL 1000 shares
order = -1000
portfolio['Shares'] = portfolio['Shares'] - 1000
indicators['Orders'] = order
return indicators['Orders']
def compute_daily_returns(df):
daily_returns = df.copy()
daily_returns[1:] = (df[1:] / df[:-1].values) - 1
return daily_returns.ix[1:]
def report_metrics(port_vals, strategy):
daily_rets = compute_daily_returns(port_vals)
cr = (port_vals[-1]/port_vals[0]) - 1
adr = daily_rets.mean()
sddr = daily_rets.std()
print "Cumulative Return of {}: {}".format(strategy, cr)
print "Standard Deviation of {}: {}".format(strategy, sddr)
print "Average Daily Return of {}: {}".format(strategy, adr)
def test_sample_data(sd = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31)):
symbol = "JPM"
start_val = 100000
# Manual Strategy
df_trades = testPolicy(symbol=symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed, sv=start_val)
df_trades = df_trades.to_frame('Order')
manual_portvals = compute_portvals(df_trades, symbol, start_val=start_val, commission=9.95, impact=0.005)
report_metrics(manual_portvals, 'Manual Strategy')
manual_portvals = manual_portvals.to_frame('Manual Strategy')
normalized_manual_strategy = manual_portvals / manual_portvals.ix[0,:]
# Benchmark
benchmark_trades = df_trades.copy()
adjusted_close_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed), addSPY=False).dropna() = 'Date'
first_transaction_date = adjusted_close_prices.index[adjusted_close_prices['JPM'] != 0][0]
benchmark_trades['Order'] = 0
benchmark_trades.loc[first_transaction_date]['Order'] = 1000
benchmark_portvals = compute_portvals(benchmark_trades, symbol, start_val=start_val, commission=9.95, impact=0.005)
report_metrics(benchmark_portvals, 'Benchmark')
benchmark_portvals = benchmark_portvals.to_frame('Benchmark')
normalized_benchmark = benchmark_portvals / benchmark_portvals.ix[0,:]
# Plot
df_temp = normalized_benchmark.join(normalized_manual_strategy)
ax = df_temp.plot(title='Manual Strategy vs Benchmark', fontsize=12, color=['green', 'red'])
ax.set_ylabel('Portfoio Value')
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_sample_data(sd = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31))
test_sample_data(sd = dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), ed = dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31))
"""MC2-P1: Market simulator.
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
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-----do not edit anything above this line---
Student Name: Shoabe Shariff
GT User ID: sshariff3
GT ID: 903272097
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import os
from util import get_data, plot_data
import pdb
def author():
return 'sshariff3'
def compute_portvals(df_trades, symbol, start_val = 1000000, commission=9.95, impact=0.005):
# this is the function the autograder will call to test your code
# NOTE: orders_file may be a string, or it may be a file object. Your
# code should work correctly with either input
# TODO: Your code here
orders = df_trades.sort_index()
start_date = orders.index[0]
end_date = orders.index[-1]
adjusted_close_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(start_date, end_date), addSPY=False) = 'Date'
adjusted_close_prices['PORTFOLIO'] = 0
portfolio = dict.fromkeys([symbol], 0)
portfolio['CASH'] = start_val
return adjusted_close_prices.apply(lambda x: calculate_portfolio_value(x, orders, symbol, portfolio, commission, impact), axis=1, raw=False).dropna()
def calculate_portfolio_value(prices, orders_all, symbol, portfolio, commission, impact):
if in orders_all.index:
orders_for_the_day = orders_all.loc[orders_all.index ==, ['Order']]
orders_for_the_day.apply(lambda x: update_portfolio(x, prices, symbol, portfolio, commission, impact), axis=1, raw=False)
prices['PORTFOLIO'] = portfolio['CASH'] # Initialize to cash holdings amount
for sym in portfolio.keys():
if sym == 'CASH':
num_shares_in_portfolio = portfolio[sym]
prices['PORTFOLIO'] = prices['PORTFOLIO'] + num_shares_in_portfolio * prices[sym]
return prices['PORTFOLIO']
def update_portfolio(order, prices, purchase_symbol, portfolio, commission, impact):
trade_num_shares = order['Order']
stock_price = prices[purchase_symbol]
# Update Portfolio Shares and Cash Holdings
if trade_num_shares > 0:
portfolio[purchase_symbol] = portfolio[purchase_symbol] + trade_num_shares
# Apply market impact - Price goes up by impact prior to purchase
stock_price = stock_price * (1 + impact)
portfolio['CASH'] = portfolio['CASH'] - trade_num_shares * stock_price
# Apply commission - To be applied on every transaction, regardless of BUY or SELL
portfolio['CASH'] = portfolio['CASH'] - commission
elif trade_num_shares < 0:
trade_num_shares = -1 * trade_num_shares
portfolio[purchase_symbol] = portfolio[purchase_symbol] - trade_num_shares
# Apply market impact - Price goes down by impact prior to sell
stock_price = stock_price * (1 - impact)
portfolio['CASH'] = portfolio['CASH'] + trade_num_shares * stock_price
# Apply commission - To be applied on every transaction, regardless of BUY or SELL
portfolio['CASH'] = portfolio['CASH'] - commission
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_code()
Student Name: Shoabe Shariff
GT User ID: sshariff3
GT ID: 903272097
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import os
from util import get_data, plot_data
from marketsimcode import compute_portvals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
def testPolicy(symbol = "AAPL", sd=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31), sv = 100000):
adjusted_close_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed), addSPY=False).dropna() = 'Date'
adjusted_close_prices = adjusted_close_prices.rename(columns={symbol: 'Today'})
adjusted_close_prices['Next'] = adjusted_close_prices['Today'].shift(-1)
portfolio = {}
portfolio['Shares'] = 0
portfolio['firstRun'] = True
current_holdings = 0
return adjusted_close_prices.apply(lambda x: generate_orders(x, portfolio), axis=1, raw=False)
def generate_orders(data, portfolio):
if portfolio['firstRun']:
portfolio['firstRun'] = False
data['Orders'] = 0
return data['Orders']
future_price_increase = data['Next'] - data['Today']
order = 0
if future_price_increase > 0 and portfolio['Shares'] < 1000:
order = 1000 - portfolio['Shares']
portfolio['Shares'] = 1000
elif future_price_increase < 0 and portfolio['Shares'] > -1000:
order = -1000 - portfolio['Shares']
portfolio['Shares'] = -1000
data['Orders'] = order
return data['Orders']
def compute_daily_returns(df):
daily_returns = df.copy()
daily_returns[1:] = (df[1:] / df[:-1].values) - 1
return daily_returns.ix[1:]
def report_metrics(port_vals, strategy):
daily_rets = compute_daily_returns(port_vals)
cr = (port_vals[-1]/port_vals[0]) - 1
adr = daily_rets.mean()
sddr = daily_rets.std()
print "Cumulative Return of {}: {}".format(strategy, cr)
print "Standard Deviation of {}: {}".format(strategy, sddr)
print "Average Daily Return of {}: {}".format(strategy, adr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
symbol = "JPM"
sd = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1)
ed = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31)
# sd = dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
# ed = dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31)
start_val = 100000
# Theoretically Optimal Strategy
df_trades = testPolicy(symbol=symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed, sv=start_val)
df_trades = df_trades.to_frame('Order')
theoretically_optimal_portvals = compute_portvals(df_trades, symbol, start_val=start_val, commission=0., impact=0.)
report_metrics(theoretically_optimal_portvals, 'Theoretically Optimal Strategy')
theoretically_optimal_portvals = theoretically_optimal_portvals.to_frame('Theoretically Optimal Strategy')
normalized_optimal_strategy = theoretically_optimal_portvals / theoretically_optimal_portvals.ix[0,:]
# Benchmark
benchmark_trades = df_trades.copy()
adjusted_close_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed), addSPY=False).dropna() = 'Date'
first_transaction_date = adjusted_close_prices.index[adjusted_close_prices['JPM'] != 0][0]
benchmark_trades['Order'] = 0
benchmark_trades.loc[first_transaction_date]['Order'] = 1000
benchmark_portvals = compute_portvals(benchmark_trades, symbol, start_val=start_val, commission=0., impact=0.)
report_metrics(benchmark_portvals, 'Benchmark')
benchmark_portvals = benchmark_portvals.to_frame('Benchmark')
normalized_benchmark = benchmark_portvals / benchmark_portvals.ix[0,:]
# Plot
df_temp = normalized_benchmark.join(normalized_optimal_strategy)
ax = df_temp.plot(title='Theoretically Optimal Strategy vs Benchmark', fontsize=12, color=['green', 'red'])
ax.set_ylabel('Portfoio Value')
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