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Last active September 26, 2022 16:50
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case class Config(name: String, age: Int)
case class Name(firstName: String, lastName: String)
case class Age(age: Int) extends AnyVal
case class Person(name: Name, age: Age)
object Configs:
type Configured[T] = Config ?=> T
def config: Configured[Config] = summon[Config]
object Exceptions:
private class E extends Exception
class CanThrow private[Exceptions]():
private[Exceptions] def throwE() = throw new E
type Possibly[T] = CanThrow ?=> T
def require(p: Boolean)(using ct: CanThrow):Unit = if (!p) ct.throwE()
def attempt[T](op: Possibly[T]) = new OnError(op)
class OnError[T](op: Possibly[T]):
def onError(fallback: => T): T =
try op(using new CanThrow)
case ex: E => fallback
import Configs.*
import Exceptions.*
def readName: Possibly[Configured[Name]] =
val parts =" ")
require(parts.length >= 2)
Name(parts(0), parts.tail.mkString)
def readAge: Configured[Possibly[Age]] =
val age = config.age
require(1 <= age && age <= 150)
// Note: readName & readAge can only be invoked in attempt
// because of Context Functions i.e. Algebraic Effect
def readPerson: Configured[Option[Person]] =
attempt(Some(Person(readName, readAge))).onError(None)
println(readPerson(using Config("John Doe", 20)))
println(readPerson(using Config("Incognito", 99)))
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