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Created July 26, 2015 18:57
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(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x
($>) :: Functor r => r a -> (a -> b) -> r b
($>) xs f = fmap f xs
(?>) :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
(?>) xs f = filter f xs
>>> [1..10] |> filter even |> reverse |> take 3
>>> [1..10] ?> even |> reverse |> take 3
>>> [1..10] $> (^2) $> (/10) $> (+100)
>>> [1..10] ?> even
>>> [1..10] ?> even $> (+1)
parseCSVcont content = (header,matrix)
header = content |> splitLines
$> splitComma
|> head
matrix = content |> splitLines
$> splitComma
|> tail
$> map readDouble
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