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Created May 6, 2014 18:12
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Early Life

Slava was born in 1986 in Moscow, Russia—a red commie bastard if there ever was one. Like all Russians, he was born to an alcoholic soldier father, and a mother who would have been a famous prima ballerina, had the Cossacks not sacked the family's potato farm, requiring her to abandon her dreams and return home to help support them. Violin music in a minor key played at all times during this period, which may or may not have actually been only visible to the human eye in shades of grey.

As the family grew destitute, it became necessary for Slava to be taken in by the state. Unfortunately, Slava came into being at the same time as a program intended to breed the perfect Communist: no passion, no desires, only cold, cruel logic. The infant was placed in an experiment that substituted a nurturing parent for a mechanized need-meeting device. The young Slava's physical needs never went unmet, but unfortunately the experiment was deemed a failure when it was determined that while the ensuing child did lack many of the undesirable qualities they sought to weed out, it also completely lacked any semblance of a human soul.

Fearing the consequences of what would ensue should their abomination ever attempt to integrate with society at large (the least of which being a pandemic surrender of the will to live), state officials decided that while they had failed in breeding a perfect Communist, they may have succeeded in creating the ultimate weapon for societal collapse. And so it was decided that Slava should be deployed to America.

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