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Created February 6, 2022 03:18
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package wordle
/** Wordle solver, game runner & simulator
* Optimizes based on a combination of an allowed word list (from the Wordle source code or any
* other source), word frequency data and the move in the game.
* @note
* [[Wordle.Game]] is mutable to allow for play in an environment without easy STDIN input. Use
* [[Wordle.Game.nextMove()]]. All words are in lowercase. Patterns are entered as as strings of
* 5 numbers: (2 -> green, 1 -> yellow, 0 -> gray).
* @example
* {{{Wordle.Game(arrAllowedWords, arrWordCounts)().run("aloft")}}}
* @see
object Wordle {
final val wordLen = 5
final val numChoices = 'z' - 'a' + 1
final val patternCount = Math.pow(3, 5).toInt
final val aval = 'a'.toInt
@inline def encode(ch: Char) = ch.toLower - 'a'
case class Game(var choices: Choices) {
def nextMove(choice: String, patternString: String): Unit =
choices = choices.nextChoices(choice, patternString)
def run(target: String): Int = {
require(choices.matchInfo.exists(_.word == target))
var move = 1
var solved = choices.sorted.headOption.exists(_.word == target)
while (!solved) {
val choice = choices.sorted.head
val word = choice.word
val pattern = { case (ch, i) =>
if (target(i) == ch) '2' else if (target contains ch) '1' else '0'
nextMove(word, pattern)
move += 1
solved = choices.sorted.headOption.exists(_.word == target)
println(s"$target solved ${solved && move <= 6} in $move moves")
override def toString = productPrefix + s"(${choices.matchInfo.length} words)"
object Game {
def apply(allowed: Seq[String], wordCounts: Seq[(String, Long)], silent: Boolean = false)(
sorter: (WordInfo, Double, Int) => Double = (wi: WordInfo, p: Double, move: Int) => -wi.score
): Game = {
def log(s: String): Unit = if (silent) () else println(s)
val wordCount = allowed.length
val matchInfo = Array.ofDim[MatchInfo](wordCount)
allowed.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (w, i) => matchInfo(i) = MatchInfo(w) }
Game(Choices(matchInfo, WordCounts(wordCounts), 1, log)(sorter))
case class Simulation(game: Game, words: Seq[String]) {
val moves = => (word, game.copy().run(word))).toMap
val avgMoves = moves.values.sum.toDouble / words.length
override def toString = productPrefix + s"(${words.length} words)"
case class MatchInfo(word: String) {
require(word.length == wordLen)
val encoded = {
val enc = Array.ofDim[Int](wordLen)
word.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (ch, j) =>
enc(j) = encode(ch)
val exact = Array.ofDim[Boolean](wordLen, numChoices)
val any = Array.ofDim[Boolean](numChoices)
encoded.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (n, i) =>
exact(i)(n) = true
any(n) = true
@inline final def patternValue(o: Array[Int]): Int = {
var pv = 0
var mult = 1
var i = 0
while (i < wordLen) {
val och = o(i)
pv += mult * (if (exact(i)(och)) 2 else if (any(och)) 1 else 0)
mult *= 3
i += 1
@inline final def wordScore(o: Array[Array[Int]]): Double = {
@inline def log2(x: Double) = Math.log(x) / Math.log(2.0)
val patterns = Array.ofDim[Int](patternCount)
o.foreach(w => patterns(patternValue(w)) += 1)
var score = 0.0
probabilitiesFromCounts(patterns).foreach { p: Double =>
if (p != 0) score += p * log2(1.0 / p)
@inline private def probabilitiesFromCounts(a: Array[Int]): Array[Double] = {
val p = Array.ofDim[Double](a.length)
val total = a.sum.toDouble
a.indices.foreach(idx => p(idx) = a(idx) / total)
case class WordInfo(word: String, encoding: Array[Int], score: Double)
case class Choices(matchInfo: Array[Wordle.MatchInfo], wordCounts: WordCounts, move: Int, log: String => Unit)(
sorter: (WordInfo, Double, Int) => Double
) {
val wordInfo = {
val other: Array[Array[Int]] = => WordInfo(mi.word, mi.encoded, mi.wordScore(other)))
val sorted: Array[WordInfo] = wordInfo.sortBy(wi => sorter(wi, wordCounts.wordProbability(wi.word), move))
log("Next top choices:")
sorted.take(20).foreach(wi => log(s"${wi.word}: ${wi.score}"))
def nextChoices(choice: String, patternString: String): Choices = {
log(s"With $choice resulting in $patternString and starting with ${matchInfo.length} words")
val minusChoice = matchInfo.filter(_.word != choice)
val nextInfos = patternString.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(minusChoice) { case (current, (v, i)) =>
val startCount = current.length
val ch = choice(i)
val enc = encode(ch)
val next = v match {
case '0' => current.filterNot(_.any(enc))
case '1' => current.filter(mi => mi.any(enc) && !mi.exact(i)(enc))
case '2' => current.filter(_.exact(i)(enc))
log(s" - dropping ${startCount - next.length} words because of pattern $v for $ch in position ${i + 1}")
log(s" - ending with ${nextInfos.length} words")
val allowed =
copy(nextInfos, wordCounts.filter(allowed.contains), move + 1)(sorter)
override def toString = productPrefix + s"(${matchInfo.length} words)"
case class WordCounts(words: Map[String, Long]) {
val total = words.values.sum.toDouble
@transient val wordProbability = words.mapValues { v => v / total }
def filter(f: String => Boolean) = WordCounts(words.filterKeys(f).toSeq.toMap)
object WordCounts {
def apply(wordCounts: Seq[(String, Long)]): WordCounts = WordCounts( => (wc._1, wc._2)).toMap)
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